
Ayurveda has been accounted for transmittance of ancient medical knowledge from Gods to successors, even before mankind existed. Aspects of Ayurveda have their roots in the un-scientific era which speaks skills of medical science that are being followed & gained emergence in today’s scientific and medically progressed age. The privilege of first ever medical science to be introduced to humans has been held by Ayurveda. Yet, its acceptance has been hugely denied and put under scrutiny for not being validated on scientific parameters alike demanded in modern medical science. However, none realizes the fact that Ayurveda has its own tradition, vogue, prescript & prowess of remedial so it is unlikely to bring down any distinct system to comparison with it. Although, every medical system is comprehensively trying to serve the same purpose of alleviating the illness from human life still they all are different in their mannerism of treatment.



Ayurveda is a science that conceptualizes the healthy living first which includes the wellness of body, mind & soul. Prevention of the disease & cure comes later and is distinguishable from every other system that principally concerns about subsiding the symptoms.

If we track down there will be many diseases which are either not being diagnosed or even if diagnosed they have no cure in any other followed medical system but Ayurveda have had achieved unparalleled success following its approach. One such example can be taken of the disease ‘LUCODERMA’ which is enlisted as incurable as per DMR act however, Ayurvedic formulation LUKOSKIN has proved its worth and efficacy by providing benefit to over one lakh patients. Such immense potential of Ayurvedic science is now gaining the acceptance and slowly winning the world.


The success of Ayurveda in rooting out the cause of disease justifies the time duration taken by the treatment still instead of this realization, Ayurveda has always been misinterpreted to be a slow acting therapy. The need of hour is dedicated and more extensive research in the concerned area to decipher more readily acting formulations from ancient text of Ayurveda which are yet, beyond our scope of understanding science. As any other parallel followed medical system, Ayurveda too hold the objective ‘TO HEAL’ and it is not Ayurvedic science which fails to validate its efficacy but it is us who stand short in apprehending the core of ‘AYURVEDA’. The research platform, Ayurvedic practitioners & Ayurvedic medicine manufacturers as a team we all need to work & try to mark our vision established that ‘AYURVEDA is not only a holistic healing approach but a workable science. And that will be a great source to instil the confidence about AYURVEDA among our people.

Information on this website is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionals. This website is meant for use by Indian residents only.