Zymnet vet syrup stimulates the secretions of Enzymes
Healthy gut…. greater profits …. naturally
Zymnet vet is a multi-ingredient formula containing vaious herbs like, Embelia ribes (Vavding), Zingiber officinale (Sunthi), Piper longum (Marich), Cuminum cyminum (Jeera) act as appetizer restorative, carminative and stomachic in Goats, sheep, cows and buffaloes. They help release gas from stomach, cure constipation. Peppermint improves digestion, acts as a natural manipulator of rumen fermentation. Zymnet vet syrup helps to maintain the ruminal PH of the cattle, Promotes Absorption of Nutrients, Maintains Healthy Ruminal Microflora, Increases Milk yield, reduces methane emission from ruminants Treats non-obstructive dyspepsia.
Jeera (Cuminum cyminum, Fr.), dhania (Coriandrum sativum, Fr.) Tones digestive system by promoting the secretion of various digestive enzymes and exhibiting choleretic activity simultaneously.
Improves digestion & digestibility
Jeera (Cuminum cyminum, Fr.) Increases digestibility of nutrients & enhance nutrient utilization. Potential to optimize VFA production
Expels entrapped gas & helps in coalescence of the froth.
Ammomum subulatum (Greater Cardamom), Cumin cyminum (Jeerak) act as carminative thus promote rapidly release of entrapped gas and sooth stomach bloat.

Tones digestive system and corrects digestive disturbances associated with bloat
Mentha pipereta and Plumbago zylenica (Mint) improve digestion, stimulate appetite (Chitrak) and prevent flatulence, indigestion etc.
Improves appetite
Dhania (Coriandrum sativum, Fr.), Jeera (Cuminum cyminum, Fr.), Facilitates saliva formation & rumentation. Improves secretions and tones ruminoreticular movement.
Maintains Ruminal pH
Piper longum (Marich) Stimulates saliva production & Facilitates growth of rumen microbial population and maintains PH.
The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat your problem without consulting your doctor.

- Stimulates Secretion of Digestive Enzymes
- Promotes Absorption of Nutrients
- Maintains Healthy Ruminal Microflora
- Increases Milk yield
- Reduces methane emission from ruminants
- Treats non-obstructive dyspepsia

- Indigestion
- Bloat
- Anorexia
- Excess Methane Emission
- Insufficient Feed Utilization

- Calves, Foals, Sheep,
- Goat & Pigs : 20 ml twice a day
- Cattle & Horses : 50 ml twice a daily
100 ml stat (anti-bloat dosage) - Camel : 100 ml twice a daily
200 ml stat (anti-bloat dosage) - Elephants : 0.20 ml/kg body weight twice a day
The products have been found clinically safe in short or long term usage in therapeutic dosage under medical supervision
(√) Safe to be taken, (X) Contra indicated, (-) Not applicable,
(!) Recommended to be used with caution in low dosage, Under strict supervision of the healthcare professional,
(*) Safety has been assessed in recommended dosage based on the texts in ancient literature and modern research findings as well as on clinical experiences.