Our Philosophy runs parallel to that of Ayurveda, our every action reflects our thinking of better health and care of our patients. Our philosophy also blends well with our dream of a disease free and healthy society. We also strive to bring paradigm shift in the lives of sufferers through our products and services.
In the market scenario where there are two separate products available for restoration and supplementation of the human body's, Aimil has thought of something different. In all our products we have combined the good supplementation power of nutraceuticals and effective treating power of pharmaceuticals as we believe in treating, repairing, restoring and bringing back the patient from the diseased state.
In the market scenario where there are two separate products available for restoration and supplementation of the human body's, Aimil has thought of something different. In all our products we have combined the good supplementation power of nutraceuticals and effective treating power of pharmaceuticals as we believe in treating, repairing, restoring and bringing back the patient from the diseased state.
“Aimil approaches for quality & value additions through scientific validation”

Exclusivity in the Herbal market

The Diagnosis: Clinical diagnosis and Laboratory tests
The restoration process begins with diagnosis. That is, identifying the shortcomings in the functioning of body systems, observing clinical signs and symptoms and if needed conducting laboratory bio-chemical tests. For example if the liver is diseased, it may be due to cellular damage, inflammation or infection. To accurately diagnose the root cause, the above mentioned procedure needs to be followed.The Treatment: Allopathic Medicine vs. Herbal Medicine
In modern allopathic systems, once the physicians diagnose the condition, a cocktail of molecular drugs has to be prescribed for each of the conditions and symptoms. Medicines in the molecular form have been around for a few hundred years and have no doubt revolutionized the medical treatment of the human body in a positive way. These medicines are used to treat infections, control chronic diseases, and relieve the symptoms efficiently; however, they also sometimes simultaneously bring in problems and adverse effects bigger than the solutions they provide. Healing with multi-herbal formulations works in a holistic fashion unlike molecular (allopathic) medicines and do not have the same potential problems or adverse effects. The chart below draws this comparison:COMPARISON FACTOR | MOLECULAR FORM MEDICINES (Allopathic Medicines) | MULTI-HERBAL FORMULATIONS |
Bacterial resistance | Microbes may develop resistance to anti-biotics. | Due to multi-herbal formulations no such resistance observed. |
Effect on other organs during treatment | Treatment of one disease may hurt other organs, systems and the body as a whole. | Synergistically provide the optimum healing, restoration and supplementation for the diseased organ/system and the body as a whole. |
Metabolism | Disturb specific or general metabolism of the body. | Restores, supplements and support the specific and general metabolism of the body. |
Adverse effects | May produce undesirable adverse effects | No adverse effects |
Overall restoration of the body | Do nothing to restore the organs, systems, and the whole body to the optimum levels of health. | Individually and collectively, by multiprolonged and multiple modal action restore the organs, systems and the whole body to the optimum levels of health. |
Dizziness | Stuffy nose |
Loss of appetite | Headache |
Diarrhea | Dry mouth |
Upset stomach | Decreased sexual ability |
Vomiting |
- Produce therapeutic corrective action.
- Tone and rejuvenate various organs and the body as a whole.
- Produce no adverse effects.

- Carbohydrates
- Proteins
- Fats (Lipids)
- Water
- Trace elements (minerals & electrolytes).
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Electrolytes
- Micronutrients, etc.
- Provides effective, dependable time tested (with synergistically active ingredients) and safe remedies which are targeted at the root cause of the disease and restore the health of the patient to an optimum level with no adverse effects.
- Provides fast symptomatic relief.
- Ensures that the active ingredients in the formulation are absorbed at an optimum level.

AIMIL’s Research & Development
- Primary Formulation is targeted at the root cause of the actual disease and the associated symptoms.
- Secondary Formulation balances the body's physiology, and improves absorption of active ingredients and nutrients (present in the formulations and food) from the Gastro Intestinal Tract of the patient. Thus, the optimal amounts of these become available to the body and they help enhance the overall metabolism. As a result, the patient receives both restoration and supplementation with no adverse effects.

Quality & Validation
- Maintenance of Balance by Physical-Mental & subtle Wellbeing. Effectively targets the root cause of the chronic disease.
- Provides fast symptomatic relief to the patient.
- Developing formulation containing herbs that work synergistically for the management of the specific disease.
- Restores the normal functioning of specific organs and the human body as a whole.
- Completely safe for short and long-term use in patients, without adverse effects in usage.

Limitations of Allopathic System