
Rains are here and so are the skin problems like infections and allergies. While monsoon brings a great relief from torrid summer, it also brings several of skin problems like bacterial, fungal, parasitic and more.

Type of Skin and monsoon effect:

Oily skin Dry Skin
Exposure to heat followed by extreme humidity impacts oily skin in most unfavourable manner. Lack of moisture and skin oils leads to dryness, which allows soaps/ face washes to rob natural oil more easily.

Resulting in Dull, uneven skin sensitive to microbes, pollutants etc. and worsens the existing ACNE & PIMPLES and Proliferate more of white heads and black heads which eventually turns to tough to treat ACNE & PIMPLES.

Acne vulgaris – most commonly known as Acne.

Most Common Causative Pathogen- Propionibacterium acne & Staphylococcus epidermidis

Resulting in- Suppressed self-confidence by causing distress with regard to physical appearance

Who gets affected?

Affects majorly during puberty and is delineated by adolescence.

Treatments Available

  • Several treatments have been introduced to decrease the aesthetic and psychological problems caused by acne.
  • The topical application of therapeutic agents has been found to be more feasible than hormonal treatment.
  • The ingredients in topical acne treatments, particularly herbs and naturally derived compounds, have received considerable interest than synthetic agents.

AIMIL Pharmaceuticals committed to deliver safe and effective formulations to justify the time to time arising needs of Medical fraternity and the masses. Though the number of household things are used for the acne care. At times they may be useful or may not be. Purodil (Syrup/ Tablet) were already serving the needs of patients from decades, to ease the recovery Purodil gel was introduced in to the market Years back which is replicating the results of existing brands. Here we are sharing with you few highlights of the Purodil gel.

Garcinia indica (Kokam) a potent ingredient of PURODIL gel has been traditionally used for wide range of medicinal and biological activities due to plethora of compounds present in it. Mangostin is majorly responsible for anti-acne, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Purodil gel

A comprehensive combination of fast acting phytoconstituents, mangostin which locally inhibits 5-α reductase, reduces dihydrotestosterone level, reduces excessive sebum or oil secretion, and eventually reduces the formation and recurrence of acne and pimples. Purodil gel works at root cause level & gives a fast relief. Not only makes the skin healthy and clear, it encourages elasticity, youthful and brings suppleness of skin.

Monsoon Tips for clear skin

  • Wash face daily with soap free cleanser
  • Exfoliation of the skin is helpful
  • Pay attention to your diet
  • Avoid/ restrict heavy makeup / oily cosmetics.

For spot free clear skin please recommend PURODIL gel.

Information on this website is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionals. This website is meant for use by Indian residents only.