October 1, 2022
Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a common gynecological condition, affecting approximately 10%-35% of women during reproductive age. With a reported prevalence of 17.9% in India, AUB accounts for about ⅓ of gynecological OPD visits. The condition is characterized by an...

September 20, 2022
Do you all want to know why facial oils are a must in your skincare regime? Here is a detailed article published on one of the most prominent platforms, BW Wellbeing, the health & wellness wing of Business World by...

April 27, 2022
Diarrheal diseases kill one out of every nine children worldwide, making diarrhea the second leading cause of death in children under the age of five. Dehydration is the most serious threat posed by diarrhea. Water and electrolytes such as sodium,...

April 27, 2022
Fasting during Ramadan, Islam's holy month, is a requirement for all healthy adult Muslims. During Ramadan, approximately 40–50 million diabetics worldwide fast. Ramadan is a lunar-based month that lasts between 29 and 30 days. Its timing varies according to the...

April 27, 2022
WILL LIVER DISORDERS BE THE NEXT BIG THING AFTER DIABETES? SAVE IT WITH KUTAKI #1 BITTER HERB FOR LIVER HEALTH According to the latest WHO data published in 2017, liver disease deaths in India reached 259,749 of total deaths. Liver...

April 27, 2022
Ayurveda is the most ancient medical science that is treating both acute and chronic diseases without a hitch. Looking at the miraculous work of this 5000-year-old science, many modern scientists are reading Ayurvedic scriptures and trying to understand the Ayurvedic...

February 11, 2022
Upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) are one of the most common reasons for doctor visits resulting in missed work or school with symptoms ranging from a runny nose, sore throat, cough, to difficulty in breathing. URTIs can occur at any...

February 11, 2022
Nearly one in every seven couples are infertile, which indicates they haven't been able to conceive naturally despite having frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse for a year or more. Even though the research focus of infertility and its treatment has historically...

February 11, 2022
The current scenario suggested a sudden spike in the number of CKD suffers. With no suitable treatment, the condition intimidates high-end physical, mental & financial burdens on family & co-supporters. The rising cases no longer look to slow down, associated...

February 11, 2022
“The AMP-Activated Protein Kinase”: In the body, cells constantly manage their energy consumption in response to nutrient availability and ATP production capacity. The metabolic processes ensure the adequate production and utilization of energy. Catabolic processes such as the breakdown of...

February 1, 2021
To be diagnosed with kidney disease at any stage of life can be a big challenge for both patients as well as for people around. On that concern, World Kidney Day (WKD) is celebrated all over the world. This year...

February 1, 2021
Autoimmunity is the system of immune responses of an organism against its own healthy cells, tissues and other body normal constituents. Autoimmunity is present to some extent in everyone and is usually harmless. However, autoimmunity can cause a broad range...

February 1, 2021
Women being the most integral part of our society, deserve a sustainable & an equal future with no stereotype approach. To reach us there, the world must prioritise women’s health in all aspects of life. Therefore celebrating & contributing to...