BGR-34 is only Ayurvedic medicine in Top 20

An Ayurvedic formulation BGR-34 in Top 20

AIOCD award to BGR-34

BGR-34 in Top 20

Curb the after effects of Chikungunya

Chikungunya is a vector borne infection. It causes fever & severe joint pain. Other symptoms includes muscle pain, headache, nausea, fatigue & rash. Chikungunya virus represents a substantial health burden to affected population with symptoms that include severe joint & muscle pain, rashes & fever as well as prolonged periods of disability in some patients. Such conditions extract a huge toll in terms of individual quality of life. There are numerous treatment options available in market but the studies rues inequity in access to pain relief and palliative care is one of the world’s most striking injustice, says, The Lancet, in its latest report, “Alleviating the access abyss in palliative care and pain relief – an imperative of universal health coverage”.

With the concern aforementioned AIMIL Pharmaceuticals took the initiative and introduced the sibling in Muscalt forte family with Muscalt forte syrup & spray with earlier available Doctor’s trusted and patient friendly Muscalt forte Tablet dosage form. Here we are offering few of interesting valuable points for the concern.

Essential oils and their components are rapidly absorbed through the skin and are detectable in plasma after topical application. Therefore, topical dermal delivery of essential oils represents an effective method to directly deliver a natural, anti-inflammatory agent to the site of inflammation.

Increased production of TNF-α and IL-1β (Pro-inflammatory cytokines) is a characteristic feature of inflammatory diseases.

Essential oils provides inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines and relieve pain and inflammation which scramble the life of patient.

Oxygenated monoterpenes, such as 1,8-cineole, lavandulol, and necrodane derivatives, are the main components of essential oil and are chiefly present in Lavendula stoechas (Lavender) possess anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activity having high ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation.

 Gaultheria fragrantissima (wintergreen) provides anti-oxidant effect by DPPH radical scavenging activity, lipid peroxidation (measured in terms of MDA), antioxidant effect by enzymatic (SOD, CAT, GPx, GR and GST) & non-enzymatic (GSH) means.

Eucalyptus globulus (Neelgiri) oil has been reported effective in reducing pain, swelling, and inflammation. Because of the major component of eucalyptus oil is 1,8-cineole, which had a morphine-like effect relieving pain in experimental subjects.

Serotonin has been considered to have an important role in the control of pain. Activation of serotonin receptor presents on C-fibres has been shown mediating serotonin-induced pro-nociceptive effects.

Recent studies have shown that essential oils act via modulating of the central neurotransmitter system. Therefore pain-relieving effects of eucalyptus oil in the present results should be considered an involvement of serotonergic system.

Thus, Eucalyptus oil showed statistically significant reduction in blood pressure, suggesting that eucalyptus oil can promote relaxation by reducing sympathetic activity.

The key take home message is that Muscalt forte available in Tablet/ Syrup/ Spray dosage form:

Muscalt forte spray- An Aromatic Medicated oil for Joints & muscles

  • Deep penetration by virtue of aromatic essential oils
  • Fights pain & inflammation fast by Eucalyptus oil & Wintergreen oil
  • Excellent muscle relaxant by Camphor
  • Improves mobility… quickly by Menthol
  • Reduces inflammation around painful joints by Lavender oil.

Loosening the Grip of Joint Pain

Winters save patients from majority of infections but they do bring havoc for patients suffering from joint disorders. Morning stiffness, frozen joints and other symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis become a common sight at ortho clinics.

While Exercise, NSAIDs and DMARDs are mainstay of treatment but challenges arise in case of geriatric and patients with hepatic and renal insufficiencies. With new researches surfacing up – Herbal drugs may seem to have a vote to compliment the main line of treatment.

A study published in International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology puts weight behind the claim for a large-scale evaluation of the utility of Tinospora cordifolia and its component as therapeutic adjunct to conventional drugs against Rheumatoid Arthritis. In this experimental study it was found that –

  • Tinospora cordifolia extract (TCE) treatment suppressed arthritic inflammation and bone and cartilage damage.
  • The anti-inflammatory effect of TCE was mediated by reduction of pro – inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β, TNF – α, IL – 6 & IL – 17
  • TCE treatment limited bone damage by shifting the balance of mediators of bone remodelling (RANKL & MMP – 9) in favour of anti – osteoclastic activity.

Based on such indicative evidences, new doors are opening in favour of patients. By combining herbal drug with existing therapy patients' remission period could be elongated.

Tinospora cordifolia along with Zingiber officinalis, Curcuma longa, Vitex negundo, Colchicum leuteum are main constituents of Muscalt Forte Syrup which adopts a holistic approach in the management of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.

Let’s turn winters less cruel

With the changing season, clinics pervade with cough and cold patients. Changing weather conditions brings a dip in immunity levels. Moreover, these seasonal changes cause sudden onset of fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat and headache, muscle & joint pain. Apart from these it adversely affect our metabolism, slows down the digestion & may cause problems like constipation or diarrhoea.

Who is at risk?

It affects nearly all populations, but the highest risk of complication occur among

  • Children aged 5-59 months
  • Pregnant women
  • Elderly individual’s
  • Elderly individual’s with chronic illnesses

Celebrate winter with goodness of Ayurveda

Ayurveda the science of life, filled with golden mine of miracles. Here, presenting a glimpse of carefully chosen herbs pertaining to their medicinal values justifying their use to tackle seasonal changes and boosting immunity to fight off recurrent conditions. Jufex forte formulated by Aimil pharmaceuticals for better tough cough management providing beneficial effects.

Providing a right fight against seasonal changes.

  • Hyssopus officinalis (Jufa) useful in viral infections, bronchitis, respiratory tract infections and congestion.
  • Syzygium aromaticum (Lavang), Terminalia chebula (Haritaki) inhibits Cytomegalo virus yield in lungs. Thus, benefits in cough of viral origins.
  • Pistacia integerrima (kakarasinghi) exerts anti-viral action.
  • Viola odorata (Gul banafsha) & Adhatoda vasica (Vasaka) widely used mucolytic which liquefies thick & tenacious mucous and helps in easy expulsion of tenacious mucous. Thus, relieves in cough.
  • Emblica officinalis (Amla) has irritant effect on the neural vagal endings of gastrointestinal mucosa, which stimulates the section of mucus from respiratory tract. Soothes the sore throat.
  • Glycyrrhizin from Glycyrrhiza glabra (Mulethi) inhibits constriction & infiltration of esinophils in the perivascular areas.
  • Adhatoda vasica (vasaka) relief cough & bronchitis by increasing ciliary movements due to presence of vasicine alkaloid.
  • Solanun Xanthocarpum (Chotti kateli) has mild to moderate brochodialtory effect.

Thus, Jufex forte saves the health from the unwanted burden of antibiotics being prescribed as main course of treatment in delicate, acute or chronic cases suffering with cough and cold.

Diabetes: Hidden impact on male fertility

Fault of infertility not only lies in abnormal semen parameters, metabolic disorder like diabetes is another demerit to be blamed.

Whilst an individual has normal semen parameters there are some conditions particularly diabetes that either has not been controlled or present from many years that leads to disturbances in male reproductive system. If we take in account- ‘Sharlip et al,2002’, it was mentioned that the presence of ‘Diabetes Mellitus’ in reproductive males is major contributor to 50% cases of sperm disruption. Glucose metabolism is an important event in spermatogenesis. Moreover, it is also important for maintaining basic cell activity such as sperm motility, fertilization ability, neuronal health etc. which may lead to conclusion that sexual dysfunction or male infertility in all its forms is an accompanying phenomenon of uncontrolled diabetes.

Reduced blood circulation & nerve damage is the major causative of infertility due to diabetes induced neuropathy which is to be addressed along with the diabetes management.

Free from the adversities of synthetic hormonal therapies and aphrodisiac, natural treatment options hold more promising and patient friendly results. Among various used herbal remedies one commonly used efficacious herb is Mucuna pruriens, known for strengthening nervous system. It is helpful in maintaining proper testosterone level in the body, enhances libido & erection. Also, helpful in reducing the sensitivity on the penis enabling improved muscle endurance.

A pioneer product from the product range of AIMIL PHARMACEUTICALS is SEMENTO that contains Mucuna pruriens along with 34 scientifically validated herbs contributing to tone the male reproductive system thus it not only strengthens the system also alleviates the problems like oligospermia, disturbed DFI, erectile dysfunction etc. safely.

Deploy Insulin Most Effectively

Ayurveda with its huge active compounds repository can lend a hand to find new potential leads. Currently, global population is accepting Ayurvedic medicines, as the plant based treatments can rescue the patients from adverse effects of synthetic medicines. The Ayurvedic science is believed to add a step on the curative aspect of critical illnesses.

Diabetes mellitus is a common medical problem associated with hyperlipidaemia and comorbidities such as obesity & hypertension. There is in fact a growing literature body on plants used for treatment of diabetes. Plant materials have attracted considerable interest of scientists.

Berberis aristata the official species of Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India has a niche over reported pharmacological and clinical uses. According to Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India Berberis aristata used in many illnesses among which diabetes is one. Berberine the major active principle that causes selective ionotropic effect, involving- in the form of the modulatory effect on actin myosin, cooperatively – a novel mechanism of action.

Thus, Berberine has strong potential to regulate glucose homeostasis through decreased gluconeogenesis and oxidative stress, and it also increased the glucokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activities and decreased glucose-6-phosphate activity, which play a critical role in glucose homeostasis.

Berberis aristata key ingredient of BGR-34 is there to take care of blood sugar levels. BGR-34 an optimized concentration of synergistically acting herbal extracts making it highly efficacious in Type-2 Diabetes mellitus. It is a promising, safe, non-toxic drug regimen to help effectively maintain normal blood glucose levels and reduce the chances of long term complications. BGR-34, scientifically proven the most desirable formulation that has been validated experimentally to manage life style disorder, Diabetes Mellitus.

Allopathic experts are more interested in Ayurved

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