Recurrent fungal infections, a tough to treat condition

The maximum occurrence of fungal infection cases was recorded during the summer months, especially in rainy seasons are 12.3% of total skin infections.  Dermatophytosis (fungal infections) are found to be more prevalent in males compared to females, may be due to tight fitted clothes and long working hours, skin is unable to breath and chances of getting fungal infections become high.

Since fungi thrive in warm, moist environments, fungal skin infections can often develop in sweaty or damp areas. Being contagious often spreads through direct contact with fungi on clothes, items, and live stocks. Fungal infections can be prevented with good hygiene practices although some tough resistant fungal infections can be treated and managed by “Kushtahara dravyas”(Antifungal herbs/minerals)  which is mentioned in the ancient ayurvedic texts, to relieve symptoms associated with fungal infections.

In ancient study, cummin, has shown fungicidal action as it contains bioactive compound thymol, which causes swelling of the fungal cell membrane and disruption of protein-lipid interaction on the cell membrane. This leads to leakage through fungal cell membrane resulting in fungal cell death.

Purified Gandhak has been used since ages for effective management of fungal infections. In ancient times, Gandhak hot springs were used by ancient Vaidyas to treat skin diseases like fungal infections, itching, redness, inflammation etc. High sulphur content is found in springs and increases the activities of defense-related enzymes and fights various infections.

Boraginaceous roots (Ratanjoot) are used for hundreds of years as folk remedies for dermatophytosis, corns callus, acne, burns. The bioactive compound Iso-Hexenyl-Naphthazarin present in Ratanjot is an extremely potent antifungal compound, fights off resistant fungal strains. It also possesses wound healing actions which will treat the damaged fungal skin spontaneously.

Fungal infection induces irritation, scaly- abraded skin, scars on the skin making it more prone to secondary infections. Furthermore, Antifungal resistance has made it more tough to treat. Therefore, we need a natural antifungal which eliminates fungal cells by damaging the fungal cell wall. Nature has given us a wonderful mineral Tankan, which on purification possesses antifungal properties. Moreover, Purified Gandhak or Shudh Suhaga is substantially used to repair abraded skin and wounds caused by fungal infections.

Sphaeranthus indicus or Gorakhmundi have been used by mankind since time immemorial, revealing that dried leaves have antifungal effects on chronic skin fungal infections. It prevents fungi from growing on skin, possessing keratolytic activity by eradicating fungal strains.

Generally, these herbs are of great use and show more effectiveness against fungal infections during rainy seasons.

Dermacharge has around 11 vital herbs that are Camphor, Motha, Gorakhmundi, Sudh Suhaga, Netrabala, Sangejrahata, Bakuchi, Sphatika Shudh, Ajwain (Thymol), Tulsi, Sudh Gandhak.

The new promising approach against viral infection is finally here

The 3rd September issue of ‘The Print’ carries a news which shows how difficult it is to fight a virus, as one another potential anti-viral drug Pimodivir was withdrawn from the last phase of clinical trial as it failed to show any improvement against the existing standard of care in Influenza A infection.

The viral challenge

Over ages, medical science has been struggling to find definitive cure for viral infections but has had little success. The resilience of viruses is what has made them a menace and has led to numerous pandemics and outbreaks. The search for cure becomes more difficult because viruses “hijack” the human cells and anti-viral drugs can’t readily target the virus without causing damage to host’s cells. Moreover, viruses possess different “keys” to break into cells which leaves fewer targets for the anti -viral drug to act.

Countering the challenge

With new anti-viral becoming a distant dream, scientists are exploring other ways to combat viral diseases, strengthening of multiple system immune defence is one of them as body’s immunity which is often the first defence & attack against a viral pathogen. A study published in Biomedical Journal highlights the role of immunity in viral infections , the study illustrates an example of viral infections of respiratory system and points out that first few days are critical in the development of disease & without a vigilant system capable of immediately detecting the presence of pathogen, the virus would spread from the initial focus in upper respiratory tract to lower airways and deeper tissues. Likewise, one of the components of multiple immune system – Innate immunity not only mounts immediate defensive responses but also triggers the subsequent production of anti-bodies & T-cells. It is therefore, the only weapon that host can use to prevent or slow down viral replication early during infection.

Multiple strategy of immune system

Immune responses limit viral growth, promote viral clearance, induce tissue repair & trigger long lasting adaptive immunity against the infecting strains. These immune responses are orchestrated by involvement of multiple systems of immunity viz. the respiratory immune system, gut associated lymphatic tissues (GALT), bone marrow system, complimentary system involving liver and lymphatic system. Various researches have indicated that overall well-being of these systems prepares the body against the viral & bacterial infections.

Ayurveda resonates

Our own indigenous system of medicine, Ayurveda also resonates with the concept of multiple system immune defence as it calls for strengthening of “Sahaj Bal” the innate immunity and “Yuktikrit Bal” the acquired immunity. The “Vyadhishamatva” principle of Ayurveda clarifies that in a reaction between “Pratijan” – antigen & “Pratikaya” – antibodies

Whosoever is more powerful will win the battle.

Many herbs mentioned in the text runs parallel to the modern researches and have been proved to ensure the overall well-being of the multi-system immune defence. For e.g. Nigella sativa (Kalonji) increases alveolar macrophage activity and reduces inflammation, Zingiber officinalis (Ginger) increases the length of cilia to strengthen the barrier immunity in the respiratory system. Herbs like Solanum xanthocarpum (Kantkari) and Viola odorata (Banafsha) exerts positive effect on the respiratory system as it improves the ventilation in airways and prevents lung damage which is the much needed effect in any respiratory infection.

Herbs such as Moringa oleifera (Sigru) and Linum usitatissimum (Flax seeds) supplements amino acids like glutamine, arginine, methionine & cysteine which are essential for optimum functioning of Gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) which neutralizes the pathogens inside the intestinal lumen by activating T-cells in peyer’s patches and generating IgA antibodies without causing the inflammatory reactions.

The foundation of immune system i.e. Bone marrow can also be potentiated by the alkaloids in N.arbortrsitis (Harsingar) which increases positive bone marrow cells and restores WBC count. Adhatoda vasica (Vasa) also modulates the delayed type hypersensitivity reactions and activates macrophages to start phagocytosis.

The compliment immune system – liver which is a single largest site of resident macrophages, the Kupffer cells is activated by Tinospora cordyfolia (Giloe) & Mentha piperata (Pippermint), these herbs encourage the normal functioning of Kupffer cells by working on C3 receptors and removes the circulating pathogens from the blood stream.

For a robust immunity the flow of infection fighting immune cells should be smooth and unrestricted, the lymphatic system the unsung component which ensures the elimination of waste & toxins and is site of major lymphocyte action in lymph nodes should remain active round the clock, herbs like Ficus religiosa (Pipal) & Azadirachta indica (Neem) lessens the congestion in lymphatic system, reduces toxic load in body and improves the function of lymphocytes.

Essential oils of Syzygium aromaticum (Clove), Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Dalchini), Cymbopogan nardus (Citronella) and Cymbopogan citratus (Lemon grass) regulates the immunological functions by improving gut microbiota, increasing phagocytic activity and protecting against various infection along with modulating the histamine release.

The innate immunity which is the first barrier to any pathogen can be modulated by Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) and Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi) which increases the phagocytic activity & capacity of natural killer cells. Herbs like  Terminalia chebula (Harad) & Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Dalchini) ensures the activation of acquired immunity by strengthening T-lymphocytes & B-lymphocytes activity and by increasing serum immunoglobulins level of IgG and IgM which fights & kills viruses and bacteria.

This novel phyto based approach to boost the multi-system immune defence prepares the body to fight viral infections in more effective manner as it stages a combination of both attack and defence at various checkpoints of the human body. And by working in tandem, these herbs shows synergistic action to eliminate the pathogen in shorter duration of time.

The concept has now been capitalized by Aimil Pharmaceuticals in their new innovative product “AMYNITY PLUS” which is a blend of 51 herbs and 8 essential oils mentioned above and qualifies as a novel multi-system immune defence (MSID) which prepares the body to fight viral infections and exerts positive effects on respiratory system.

The future of Anti-viral therapy

Anti-viral drugs due to their unpredictable response needs an augmentation of a therapy which boosts the multiple system immune defence to conquer over viral infections. This combined therapy holds a promising future in the cure of viral infections and could save us from the disappointment of failed clinical trials of new anti-viral.

Life changing solution for most common endocrinopathy: PCOS!

PCOS is one of the most common endocrinopathy affecting women with prevalence of 3.7% to 22.5%. surprisingly, 9.13% to 36% of total are adolescents only as per the study conducted in India.

The wide variation in prevalence might be due to heterogeneous presentation of symptoms, diagnostic criteria practiced, limitation in diagnosis, age group and ethnic population studied therefore it is essential to consider these factors before diagnosis or management is initiated.

Evidently, PCOS is not just a disorder of hormonal misbalance or cyst in ovary but associated with many other complications which may disturb the patient's life that includes bodyweight, stress, acne and hirsutism (excessive growth of thick dark terminal hair in women where hair growth is normally absent).

As prevalence is wide, the most common symptoms of PCOS can range from menstrual disorder, infertility, hyperandrogenemia to metabolic syndromes i.e Insulin resistance. Elevated insulin resistance may lead to the development of PCOS by contributing to the underlying abnormality seen in the hypothalamic- pituitary-ovarian axis.

So, management of PCOS stretches beyond the realm of symptomatic treatment and encompasses long-term consequences that have clinical and psychological effects on women with PCOS. Both pharmacological and psychological management is crucial in overall management of PCOS. Where pharmacological management includes menstrual irregularity, Insulin Resistance, pregnancy complication hyperandrogenism and hirsutism and psychological management includes depression, negative self-image, social phobia and other similar physical manifestations also.

Considering the pharmacological & psychological effects, the philosophy of Ayurveda provides an authentic approach to benefit such patients. As per Ayurveda balancing pharmacological effects is priority but psychological manifestations are equally important.

Ayurveda provides an ideal management of PCOS, focuses on 3 major treatment regimen- Hormonal, Emotional, and nutritional balance.

Many herbs are very well researched in Ayurveda to overcome PCOS and have been studied with proven clinical results as per more modern Sciences as well, which works on all these three regimens:

1. Restores Hormonal Balance- Supplements phytoestrogens, increases SHBG level and provides SERMs from Gainda (Marigold)-Lutein, Sunti (Gingiber Officinale)-Gingerols, Jivanti (Leptadenia reticulate)-leptidin, Shatavar (Asparagus racemosus)-Shatavarin-1, Gokhru (Tribulus terristeris)-Furostanol Saponin, Amra Beej Majja (Mangifera indica Linn)-Isomangeferin.

 2. Normalizes Emotional Balance– Regulates HPO axis, reduces stress and provides adeptogenic actions with Hirabol (Commiphora myrrha)-Commiferin, Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera)-Withaferin, Haridra (Curcuma longa)-curcumin.

3.Maintains Nutritional Balance- Provides nourishing phytonutrients, supplements bioflavonoids,glucosides, micronutrients thus strengthens uterines muscles, relieves severity & duration of pain with Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)-Omega-3, Methi (Trigonella foenum-graecum)-Folic Acid, Putrajeevak (Putranjiva Roxburghii) –Flavonoids, Pumpkin Seeds -magnesium & Zink, Nagkesar (Mesua ferrea)-transcaryophyllene, Cumin (Cuminum cyminum)-Iron & Folic acid.

All the herbs mentioned above are scientifically proven and clinically tested as, a randomized Clinical trial of herbal formulation altogether with natural insulin sensitizer was undertaken in 24 patients of PCOS for a period of 3 months by Dr. Asha R Paranje and were published on Bombay Hospital Journal (vol. 47, No. 4, 2005) with improvement in ovulation and fertility rate as 60% of the patients conceived with the therapy.

Study Established that:

  • Therapy restores ovarian functions & hormone level.
  • Increases the level of SHBG
  • Significantly lowers insulin resistance
  • Reduces symptoms like obesity, hirsutism, and Acne.
  • No Adverse effects.

But incorporating all these herbs with correct Ayurvedic Principles is a big challenge and only few products are available in the market which follow all the parameters.

It is high time that we put weight behind the concepts of Ayurveda and brings the change in the patient’s life.

Find out the advanced regime to treat Acne vulgaris

The post monsoon season in India brings a plethora of skin infections and the tropical climate add on to the woes of the patients. Out of many skin infections, the most common stands out to be Acne vulgaris, affecting more than 200 – 300 million people in the country. Acne vulgaris, is not just another infection, it also impacts the psychology of the patients, as it is pointed out in a study published in Indian Journal of Dermatology which indicates a significant impact of acne on emotions, daily activities, social activities, study/work, and interpersonal relationships. These psychological factors along with symptoms like erythematous papulopustular lesions in active stage and after effects like scars and hyperpigmentation certainly pose a challenge to the physician.

It has been observed in many studies that most of the patients show the exacerbation of acnes due to the recurrent nature of the disease as persistent acnes are more common than late onset acne. This exacerbation can be attributed to many factors such as food items, cosmetics, sun exposure and sweating. Experts believe that the reason for recurrence also lies in the initial treatment which is given to the patient as most of the existing treatment only focuses on symptomatically treating the acne and not acting on the root cause of the disease. 

To overcome this challenge, researches have put immense emphasis on dual therapy rather than mono therapy for chronic relapsing acne. This finding falls in line with the concept of Ayurveda, which aims to treat the acne with a combination of systemic therapy along with topical treatment.

Nature has given us a novel constituent Garcinia, relieves acne-pimple fast due to high content of flavonoid xanthones which inhibits P. acne growth tremendously resulting in a rapid decrease in bacterial colonization on the skin and helps in removing of dead skin when applied on skin. On the other hand, it relieves from the scorching heat, amazingly refreshes and rejuvenates skin by rehydrating skin when taken orally.

A popular traditional Chinese medicine chopchini or China root majorly used to manage allergic reactions & skin inflammation which inhibits the histamines, PGs by suppressing the excessive conversion of androgen to DHT

Acacia catechu or Khadir is the greatest herb for benefiting skin diseases. In Ayurveda, it is known as “Kandughana” means “relieves in Itching” provides a soothing & calming effect to inflamed skin. It also nourishes skin by improving microvascular circulations preventing skin scarring.  

Combining these powerful ingredients under one formulation is a Hercules task to do with. Above mentioned ingredients with other detoxifying ayurvedic herbs remove impurities from the body and help to encourage the natural beauty of the skin.

However, certain Ayurvedic pharma giants have tried & accomplished the unique formula for skin one of them is Purodil marketed by Aimil Pharmaceuticals which contains chipochini, garcinia, khadir, neem, daruhaldi, yashtimadhu, chirayata, gilo, etc. specifically fights acne both systemically and locally to stop recurrence and after effects. It’s high time we adopt a regime that not only relives the patients of the symptoms of acne but can also put hold on the exacerbation and recurrence as well.

Male infertility affects 1 in 20 men globally! Uncover the natural solution!!

Do you know?

Male infertility affects 1 in 20 men globally and is the sole factor in half of the assisted reproductive treatment which is the profound concern in failure to conceive for 1 in 7 couples.

Sperm Analysis is the primary step to diagnose male infertility that includes sperm count, sperm motility and sperm morphology. if we talk about sperm count just few decades back the average sperm count was approximately 80-100 million/ml says- Dr. Ramya Mishra, Consultant (Department of infertility & IVF).

But due to Excessive use of alcohol, electronic gadgets, contaminated food, work pressure, medicines, and other environmental factors. Chronic and excessive intake of alcohol seems to have a detrimental effect on male reproductive hormones and semen quality with decrease in sperm count revealed by a study- Reprod Biol Endocrinal.2018. Similarly, Alpha-1 adrenergic blockers tamsulosin is a drug of choice in BPH but possess a negative effect on sperm count states- Dr. Cigdem Tanrikut, Urology/male infertility, Boston, USA. As per WHO, 15 million/ml or above is considered as normal now but once it gets less than 5 million, infertility treatment has to come in action.

In most of the cases of oligospermia, no direct medical or surgical interventions are agreed to be effective. To fill this gap different treatments are available that take place within the context of infertility management and have been tried including clomiphene-citrate, tamoxifen, HMG, FSH, HCG, Testosterone, Vitamin-C, Vitamin-E, anti-oxidants, zinc and high protein diet but pose many challenges.

It would surprise you that available treatment benefits the patients but may cause other health complications as well. Just like Clomiphene-Citrate is effective in oligospermia but could have an adverse effect on Libido in hypogonadal men as per study published in Indian journal of urology. similarly, testosterone therapy can also cause oligozoospermia, hepatic carcinoma on long term usage and contraindicated in men aged above 65 years. These results signals that physicians should be concerned because that is going to throw the whole system into the disarray potentially.

Fortunately, “there is still a hope” as nature has always served as a saviour for mankind by providing solutions in the form of Ayurveda.

Ayurveda provides a very effective, holistic & wide range of treatment modalities for curing oligospermia. Treatment of oligospermia comprises of administration of rasayana and vajikara dravyas or medicines internally along with lifestyle modification and diet.

Certain herbs are very well mentioned in the holy books of Ayurveda which can play a vital role to combat oligospermia and overall reproductive health.

1. kaunch seeds (Mucuna pruiens) are the rich source of L-Dopa which improves semen quality and increases testosterone synthesis.

2. Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa) improves the adrenergic and sexual parameters thus improves sperm count

3. Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) seeds provide natural zinc and exerts anti-oxidant effect thus improves fertility.

4. Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans) provides sterols, phenols, alkaloids and amino acids and increases the activity of neurotransmitter norepinephrine in central nervous system thus improves sexual functions.

5. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) reduces fatigue, stress, and reduction in cortisol level upto 26%, thus improves psychosexual endurance.

6. Gokhru (tribulus terresteris) increases production of nitric oxide and enhance smooth muscle contraction, increases blood flow thus manages erectile dysfunctions.

In the conclusion, it could be said that Ayurveda is a lot safer & more effective treatment regime which is at our disposal and can give benefits to your patients which will bring change in their lives.
So this is the right time to embrace Ayurveda and let our patients experience the ancient benefits.

To benefit the humanity, Aimil Pharmaceuticals India Ltd. Also Manufactures Semento a brand of Kaunch Seeds, Gokhru, Vidharikhand, Pumpkin seeds, Ashwagandha, Wheat Germ Oil & jaiphal.

Pain-free life for osteoarthritis patients

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common degenerative rheumatological problem in the world-leading its way to affect millions of people. With the prevalence rate of 22% to 39% in India, the statistical data reveals that 45% of them are women. Out of which most of them end up showing relatable symptoms such as joint stiffness, pain & swelling while others show radiological presence of disease. Men over the age of 60- 65 years & women who have attained menopause present much progessive symptoms.

OA is a disease commonly referred to as “wear & tear” of the joint & has always been linked with old age joint deterioration, but in reality, it drastically affects the entire joint, involving the cartilage, joint lining, ligament & bone.

With no detailed understanding of pathophysiology or molecular mechanism involved in the initiation & progression of cartilage degeneration. It is somewhat demonstrated that both inflammatory and destructive responses are driven through a simulation & activation of IL-1 and TNF-α (cytokine) in the progressive state of OA

Precisely talking about the targeted treatment of osteoarthritis, there is no such established intervention that can actually reverse joint damage yet. Therefore nearly all concrete attempts performed by various health care professionals are to slow down the progression. Most often, this is possibly achieved with a mixture of drug therapy, physical measure & lastly surgical intervention.

Looking at the current burden & challenges associated with OA it is essential to come into action with the aim of a Pain-free life for osteoarthritis patients. With various researches heading its way to make a valuable difference, Ayurveda presents a strong vision to this inflexible, hard to procure disease; Osteoarthritis, commonly considered amongst one of the “Vatavyadhi '' in ancient texts.

Represents an essential pillar of therapy in Vatavyadhi (OA) with its wide range of versatile botanicals which shows multi modal, specifically targeted mechanisms in curing OA. These herbs over a course of time & interest have undergone extensive research & are proven to be efficiently benefiting in rheumatic condition. Some of the botanical are-

Tribulus terrestris (Gokhru): Effectively inhibits Tumour Necrosis Factor, (TNF alpha), a proinflammatory cytokine produced during the acute phase of disease & is responsible for synovial inflammation, necrosis or apoptosis.

Picrorhiza kurroa (Kutaki): Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) are secreted from macrophage, chondrocyte as a result of the stimulatory effect of IL-1β, TNF-α & are responsible degradation of essential Extracellular matrix (ECM) protein which leads to cartilage degeneration. Kutaki with its phytoconsitution inhibits & reduces the elevated level of MMP in the subchondral bone, cartilage, and synovial membrane specimens in osteoarthritic patients & thereby exerts cartilage protective action.

Curcuma longa (Haridra): Curcuma a universally established herb in the condition of OA efficiently inhibits interleukin-1β (IL-1β), an inflammatory response mediator. Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) known as a highly potent inducer of cartilage degradation, causing the induction of mRNA and controlling the bioavailability of disease-relevant proteases such as ADAMTS5 and MMP13. It drives synovitis and can induce other disease-relevant genes such as nerve growth factor, a key pain sensitizer in OA.

Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha): Exerts inhibition of type-2 collagenase which are responsible for the degradation of cartilage, ashwagandha also suppresses the proteoglycan action in order to prevent the worsening of joint health.

Pluchea lanceolata (Rasna): Relief pain & inflammation associated with joint immobility, synovitis & cartilage degeneration by suppressing prostaglandin levels & inhibiting Cox-2 which further reduces PGE2 production.

Vitex negundo (Nirgundi): Offers a free radical scavenging effect on Reactive Oxygen species (ROS) which are produced by abnormal chondrocyte metabolism & are meant to exceed mechanical stress on joints. The excessive production of ROS damages protein, lipids, matrix components & also amplifies the inflammatory response in osteoarthritis.

Essential oil- It is well established that pain management is the ultimate goal in osteoarthritis & various essential oils including eucalyptus, lavender, mentha & many more not only exerts aromatic property but the relief in pain.

Several ongoing researches revealed the positive outcome of the above botanicals, therefore keeping the benefits of these herbs in mind & paramount to improve the quality of life of millions of people AIMIL pharmaceuticals build up “Pain nil” formulation Muscalt Forte (in three different dosage form tablet, syrup & spray), which exerts an excellent combination of above-mentioned botanicals along with many other established herbal extracts.

Knowing the benefits of various botanicals in Ayurveda & understanding its scientific multi-modal action. It's time to bring the multiple approaches together & collectively bring a new revolution in this “Pain-Free Health Agenda” for your osteoarthritis patients.

NRDC compendium pins hope on this herbo-mineral drug to fight Covid-19

The ongoing pandemic has caused a havoc around the globe, it has affected millions of people and has claimed thousands of lives. Covid-19 has thrown a spanner in works of economy, social life & work life. Pandemics are not new to the mankind, from the Antonine plague of 165 A.D. to the pandemics of 21st century like Ebola outbreak, MERS, SARS have posed huge challenges to the survival of mankind but with recent advances in medical science, the intensity of outbreaks were known to be reduced by a developed vaccine or introduction of new drug – these advances have put the pandemics in control which were earlier known as ‘Wrath of God’.

Covid-19 – ‘Wrath of God’?

But things are different with Covid-19 pandemic because till date no sure vaccine or drug has been developed and the efforts to stop its spread are going in vain. Due to monumental number of deaths in some countries, this pandemic is no short than the “Wrath of God’ itself. Scientists and researchers are working round the clock to develop a drug or a vaccine against this deadly virus.

Pinning hopes

In this challenging situation when the time is running against us, many scholars have turned to our indigenous science of healing – Ayurveda. One such endeavor is pursued by National Research Development Corporation, Ministry of Science, Government of India which has compiled a compendium of all Indian technologies which have potential to Test, trace & treat Covid-19. In the treating section, Aimil Pharmaceuticals’ Fifatrol has been mentioned to increase the immune building efficiency of an individual which is one of the definite ways to protect oneself against various infections and to ensure speedy recovery from infections. Fifatrol acts as immunity enhancer & a natural anti-biotic by virtue of its multi-drug and multi-action property. Fifatrol comprises of 5 poly-phyto mineral active compounds viz. Godanti Bhasm, Tribhuvan Kirti ras, Sanjeevani vati, Sudarshan Ghan vati & Mritunjaya rasa which are potent classical Ayurvedic medicines and are known to exert anti-microbial action and to increase the adapablity of an individual. Along with poly-phyto mineral active compound, Fifatrol is enriched with eight herbal – Guduchi (Tinospora cordyfolia), Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Apamarg (Achyranthes aspera), Chirayata (Swertia chirata), Karanja (Pongamia pinnata), Kutaki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Motha (Cyperus rotundus), all these extracts boosts immune defense and augment the anti-microbial action of Fifatrol.

Super-imposing with principles of Ayurveda

Fifatrol’s rational lies in the principle of holistic healing of Ayurveda where a 360-degree approach is often applied to eliminate the root cause of the disease. Fifatrol concept of multi-action gets super-imposed on this very principle of Ayurveda where the infection is battled out and prevented by increasing the immunity of an individual and by exerting anti-microbial action against the pathogen. The same principles of Ayurveda were praised for their usability in current scenario where PM Modi asked citizens to follow the guidelines of Ministry of AYUSH to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

The recent compendium by NRDC has pinned string hopes on Fifatrol in combating Covid-19 and the whole country is looking towards Ayurveda for turning this ‘Wrath of God’ into manageable disease and save the world from falling apart.

How this natural immunity booster can fight this pandemic

Robust immunity has helped men remain anchored to the planet earth. It has increased the chances of survival of mankind since ages. The documented concept of immunity dates back to 411 B.C. where Greek historian Thucydides observed that people who survived the endemic in Athens did not catch the disease again. The concept evolved over time and was made scientific with the inventions of Edward Jenner & Louis Pasteur in the 20th century.

Immunity: The focus of the world

In the current pandemic need of robust immunity has become more important than ever as there seems no signs of any vaccine and drug coming in next few months. Immunity has become the focus of worldwide health organizations, with Centre for Disease control and Prevention and University of Maryland, school of medicine including immunity booster supplements in their guidelines for prevention of Covid-19. In the current pandemic even though the virus is new, a robust immune response across different cell types was found to be associated with clinical recovery, similar to what is seen in influenza, observed by Prof. Katherine Kedzierska, co-author of a study in journal ‘Nature Medicine’ and researcher at University of Melbourne.

Immunity & our indigenous medical science

To boost the immunity of Indian citizens, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, has leveraged on our indigenous system of medicine – Ayurveda which describes immunity as ‘Bala’ & ‘Ojas’ which are further classified into ‘Sahaja bala’ – inborn immunity, ‘Kalaja Bala’ – acquired immunity & ‘Yuktikrit Bala’ as adaptive immunity. To put these concepts in practice, Ministry of AYUSH has come up with a potent formula to boost immunity and ward off most infections. The formula comprising of Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Sunthi (Zingiber officinalis), Dal Chini (Cinnamonum zeylanicum) & Kali Mirch (Piper nigrum) are all scientifically validated for boosting the immune system and exerting anti-bacterial and anti-viral action. Tulsi, for instance increases humoral immunity and rapidly produces anti-bodies against viruses and bacteria. Sunthi, relieves coughing, sore throat & common cold by boosting immunity due to the presence of gingerol which inhibits inflammatory mediators and thereby eases breathing. On the other hand, the protective effect on the body cells & lung tissues is exerted by Dalchini which scavenges DPPH free radicals due to rich polysaccharide content. The powerful anti-microbial action is exerted by Kali Mirch due to presence of piperine which damages the cell membrane of the pathogens. The AYUSH Ministry has also standardized the therapeutic concentration of these herbs and has named the formula as AYUSH KWATH. Aimil Pharmaceuticals to fulfill its commitment to serve the masses has come forward to bring AIMIL AYUSH KWATH in the market, AIMIL AYUSH KWATH is the result of the most superior quality ingredients with state-of-the-art manufacturing capabilities to ensure the right quality, safety and efficacy of the product. For instance to maintain the strict quality control, Dal Chini, one of the ingredients of AIMIL AYUSH KWATH was procured from lands of Sri Lanka as it has best therapeutic concentration of the volatile oils, similarly Tulsi was procured from the holy lands of Mathura & Vrindavan which have a reputation to produce one of the best quality Tulsi in the world. All these efforts have a sole purpose of serving the mankind and preventing the spread of deadly corona virus by boosting the immunity of people.

Ayurveda: Our savior

With any help from modern medicine months away, boosting our immune defense in one of the important ways to save ourselves from the pandemic & AIMIL AYUSH KWATH becomes a beacon of hope as it comes from the science which conceptualized immunity 2500 years before Thucydides and 5000 years before Jenner & Pasteur.

Discover how diabetes, hypertension & CKD patients can fight Covid-19 better

2020 is a survival year for all. In the past couple of months, an unknown disease called COVID-19 has shaken the world with its quick & unstoppable spread into more than 160 countries across the world. This complicated viral infection caused due to coronavirus is known to damage the lungs. But, as more people become infected & more understanding of the disease emerges. It is well evaluated that this coronavirus- officially called SARS-CoV2 can also cause severe & lasting harm in other organs, including the kidney, heart.

Comorbidities as a risk factor in COVID-19 scenario

Shocking data saying- 73% of COVID-19 deaths in India are people with comorbidities. These statistics have double the threat for people having chronic illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes, CKD & COPD. Clinically also it appears to be a twofold increase in the incidence of COVID-19 infection when coexisting with other chronic illnesses. Even the doctors & researchers have found that the comorbidities work as triggering factors for immediate hospitalization & mortality of the COVID-19 infection. (

 The Possible mechanism behind the risk associated with comorbidities

In healthy individuals, the body’s immune system is able to develop antibodies that will fight off viral infections. However, ICMR, guidance document stated that in co-existing patients with diabetes, CKD &  hypertension, it is often difficult to treat infection due to impaired immune-response in relation to both cytokine profiles & change in immune-responses including T-cell & macrophage activation. Furthermore, it is discovered that compromised immunity may also worsen the recovery of COVID-19 positive or susceptible individuals as these co-existing conditions increase the risk of developing secondary lung infections, and may lead to complications in a COVID-19 patient. Therefore, positive COVID-19 patients with coexisting comorbidities are more likely to have poorer baseline well-being.

Important measures for diabetic, CKD & hypertensive patients

As per the guidelines of Ministry of AYUSH (

  • Regular monitoring of blood sugar level may help in the risk assignment
  • Proper caution should be taken in terms of diet


  • Strike sugar & salt consumption
  • Eat plenty of green vegetables
  • Regular intake of warm water
  • Gargle with pinch of turmeric & salt
  • Early morning oil pulling
  • Use of pratimarsh nasya  (2 drops of sesame / coconut oil each nostril )
  • Regular consumption of immunity boosting herbs/formulation


  • Indulge in regular yoga practice & cope up with day to day stress (
  • Maintain social distancing with all possible measures of wearing N95 mask, gloves  & sanitization









BGR-34 is a natural & safe DPP4 inhibitor which effectively normalizes blood glucose level, controls pre-diabetes & reduces the chances of life-threatening complications by the virtue of its therapeutically beneficial botanicals i.e. Berberis aristata (Daruharidra), Tinospora cordifolia (Giloe), Gymnema sylvestre (Gudmar), Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) and Trigonella foenum graecum (Methi)

Neeri KFT is fortified with highly promising herbs, acting synergistically to restore optimal kidney functions, effectively

protects nephrons, checks the tubular necrosis, & prevent tubular structure from oxidative damage with its pronounced & effective botanicals i.e  Boerhavia diffusa (Punarnava), Crataeva nurvala (Varuna), Hemidesmus indicus (Sariva), Nelumbo nucifera (Kamal kakri), Solanum nigrum (Makoi)

AIMIL AYUSH Kwath is enriched with  highest quality immunity- boosting herbs which not only boost immune responses against virus & bacterial infections but also relieves symptoms such as cough & sore throat & protects body from free radical damage with its exquisite composition includes Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi), Piper nigrum (kali marich), Zinziber officinalis (sunthi) & Cinnamomum zylenicum (Dalchini)


Skincare without harsh chemicals- A new Vista

According to American Academy of Dermatology, skin comprises the largest organ of human body with over 20 vital physiological functions and it is a first line of innate immunity. Skin which is a physical barrier to survive pressure and trauma, recognize sensations and pain, protects the body from the external environment such as pollution and radiation, sunlight, keeping out harmful microbes and chemicals, and helps to regulate temperature, fluid balance and excretion, involved in endocrine function through the production of Cholecalciferol (D3) by epidermis. Skin care products can be for medicinal uses and intended to be placed in contact with the various external parts of the human body that manifest beneficial topical actions and provide protection against degenerative skin conditions.

Skincare products can be a Cosmetics defined as the materials of various sources, technically compounded substances which can be used to cleanse, nourish, and moisturizes the skin of the face and other parts of the body. Cosmetics are the effective products used broadly all over the world for sustaining and brushing general outlook of the face and other body parts, for example, hand, mouth, finger, hair, lip, and eye. Cosmetics are available in numerous formulations which include creams, face pack, lotions, powder, shampoos, conditioners, and hair oils for glowing, smooth and nourished skin and hair, positively count for an attractive woman and good-looking man.

Since 2009, 595 cosmetics manufacturers have reported using 88 chemicals, in more than 73,000 products, that have been linked to cancer, birth defects or reproductive harm. Many of these chemicals should be banned from cosmetics, as proposed in California Assembly Bill 2762, the Toxic Free Cosmetics Act. Toxic Chemicals should be avoided in cosmetics a nd skincare products are as follows.

  • Sulfates- Sulfates are salts that are formed when sulphuric acid (H2SO4) reacts with another chemical. They are also produced from petroleum. They act as surfactants and are used for lathering purposes. Do you know? Most Mascaras available in the market contain Sulphates. But, Sulfates can irritate your eyes and skin.  So, Sulphates obtained from natural sources like Coconut and palm oil could be a safe option.
  • Parabens-Parabens are the preservatives used to keep your skincare and makeup fresh and germ-free. Paraben found in soaps to lotions and makeup.  But it can increase production of the hormone estrogen (female sex hormone) and interfere with reproductive and brain function and can cause breast cancer.
  • Phthalates-Phthalates are salts or plasticizing chemicals used for the spreadability nail polishes, perfumes, lotions and softeners in shampoos, they are reproductive and developmental toxins.
  • Fragrance-Fragrances are found in skincare products like perfumes, moisturizers, shampoos, cleansers and conditioners. They are made with chemicals that are associated with respiratory disorders, skin allergies, dermatitis and side effects in the reproductive system.
  • Triclosan -Triclosan is a common chemical found in tubes of toothpaste, antibacterial soaps and deodorants. It is effective against microbes (anti-bacterial in nature), but it is also an endocrine disruptor and a skin irritant. Some studies reported that triclosan can lead to gut inflammation and tumor growth in mammals.
  • Formaldehyde-Formaldehyde is often used as a preservative in skincare. It is a colorless gas and is used to prevent the growth of bacteria. Formaldehyde can be found in nail polishes, hair straightening treatments, hair gels, nail hardeners, shampoos, deodorants, lotions and makeup. It is associated with developmental toxins, hair loss, scalp burns, asthma and neurotoxicity.  When inhaled, formaldehyde can cause dizziness and suffocation
  • Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)-PEG is used as a thickening agent in skincare products like lotions, sunscreen and shampoos. It can cause cancer and respiratory disorders. It can also strip off the natural oils (sebum) from your skin and trigger the sebaceous glands (oil-producing glands) to make more sebum that can make the skin greasy.

Due to the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 pandemic, routine use of hand sanitizer is a favored method of cleaning one's hands and stopping the spread of infection. Because of the popularity of hand sanitizers and their importance in preventing the spread of COVID-19, falsified alcohol-based sanitizers with the use of Methanol pose a significant public health risk and can cause severe reactions when exposed to the skin, lungs or mouth. 

Taking all the above points into the consideration Aimil Group is on mission to help people switch from chemical based products to real natural products under the Umbrella of Ayouthveda which successfully brings safe and high performing range for youthful and beautiful you. Ayouthveda mission to help million people switch from harmful chemical based personal care products to safe and wonderful Ayurvedic Products. Their vision to enable everyone to experience purity of Ayurveda and provide skincare with therapeutic benefits. Ayouthveda offers highly effective Ayurveda range of products abandoned of artificial color and fragrance. It just not add cosmetic value in our lives but also ensures active therapeutic effect for predictable results. Few of Ayouthveda products are Deep clean Antimicrobial Hand Gel/Rub contains distillates of Tulsi, Aloe vera, Neem and lotus. Studies suggest that Aloe can act as a humectant and emollient to soften and smooth skin and improve skin barrier function. Another Ayouthveda natural product is Ultra-hydrating face emulsion cream makes your skin feel amazingly soft, supple, fresh and radiant with the blend of pure herbs like coconut water, aloe vera, rose, lotus, sweet orange and green tea.

Information on this website is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionals. This website is meant for use by Indian residents only.