Winter & Heart disease!

As per news from British Heart Foundation Cold weather makes your heart work harder to keep your body warm, so your heart rate and blood pressure may increase. These changes can cause heart problems, especially if you already have a heart condition. 

The cold can also cause changes to your blood that may increase the risk of developing blood clots, which could lead to a heart attack or stroke. The effects of cold weather could lead to serious illness or even death, so it is very important to stay warm during the winter.

Risk Factors:

High blood pressure, High LDL cholesterol and Smoking are key risk factors for heart disease. Several other medical conditions and lifestyle choices can also put people at a higher risk for heart disease, including: –

  • Diabetes,Overweight
  • Obesity,Poor diet
  • Physical inactivity
  • Excessive alcohol use


When it comes to promoting a healthy cardiovascular system, not all foods are created equal. Following is the list of top ten foods for heart health:

1. Fresh fruit: Fruit contains fibre, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals.

2. Beans and legumes: Beans and legumes contains fibre and plant proteins that help to lower LDL cholesterol levels.

3. Fish: The omega- 3 essential fatty acids in cold water fish help to lower LDL levels.

4. Dark leafy greens: Spinach, Agrula and mustard green help to reduce levels of a blood enzyme implicated in heart disease.

5. Avocados: Avocados are rich in potassium, which helps to regulate heart rhythm and blood pressure, and monounsaturated fats which lower LDL levels.

6. Whole grains: Fibre and vitamin B are greatest assets.

7. Soy foods: They are useful in keeping correct blood fat levels and are rich in phytoestrogens.

8. Spices and herbs like garlic and onion in your diet. They help to reduce serum cholesterol levels.

9. Nuts: A good source of monounsaturated fats and minerals.

10. Wheat germ and flax meal: These are good food for boosting your intake of fibre, vitamin E and omega-3 essential fatty acids. Flax in the form of meal, seeds, oil coupled with high fibre diet is best for reducing the risk of developing coronary heart disease.

The group of people who are at risk or at border of having chances of precipitation of heart problems should be cautious about their health and as an old saying “Prevention is better than cure” to be in trap of myriad of diseases one can opt for AMLYCURE D.S. having the desired composition for the good health of your liver. Amlycure D.S. provides choleretic & bile regulatory action by increasing the volume of secretion of bile from liver as well as amount of solid secretion which helps in alleviating indigestion & benefits in metabolic disorders also promotes increased bile production to help reduce the levels of fat in the liver by Yashtimadhu, Bhringraj, Brinjasif and Nishoth along with many more vital herbs.

When Over-Eating Gear Kicks into Full Drive

Numerous get togethers, Christmas dinners and New year parties making even the sensible eaters and mildest drinkers to overdo their respective thresholds.

During the holiday season none of us gauge our fullness level. Moreover the tempting fragrances and fuming dishes leave our satiety to be never contented which add up to another glass of wine or a slice of pizza to the meal leading to seasonal indigestion and gastric discomfort. Since, on going celebrations can’t be avoided but consequently arising problems of indigestion, bloating, nausea and abdominal spasm can be managed well.


If you are suffering from any of the above mentioned tummy troubles, then the self-sufficient remedy to depend upon is ZYMNET PLUS for fast relief from gastric discomfort.

The action of ZYMNET PLUS is fast like allopathic treatment but no untoward effects are advantageously unlikely. This unique formulation relieves bloating, indigestion by enhancing the secretion of digestive juices (Amylase, lipase & Phytase) by boosting the digestive system unlike other enzyme preparations in the market which supplements cultured enzymes that acts superficially to provide temporary relief. The benefits of this poly herbal formulation are not limited to this; it also helps in reliving flatulence by action of its aromatic stimulants that are imparted into syrup by using cold maceration technique, relieve abdominal pain & nausea by virtue of being a combination of 35 scientifically validated herbs that are not only mentioned in Ayurveda texts but also many of them are approved by the regulatory authorities viz. WHO, EUROPEAN UNION HERBAL MONOGRAPH, BRITISH HERBAL COMPENDIUM, U.S. PHARMACOPIEL CONVENTION & IPC but also are being used in various parts of the country since 14th, 15th centuries and some since 4th century in fact which speaks of the safety and efficacy of Zymnet Plus.

The syrup formulation being available in mint and lemon flavour is also breaking myths for many who believes Ayurvedic formulations are not palatable.

Caking Your Gut With Waste – Opioid induced constipation

An unknown number of people are suffering with incurable, disabling & intensely painful diseases and easy availability of opiates leaves behind Opioid Induced Constipation (OIC) which can feed a person’s pain in a longer term. Such medicines slow down all important biological functions of the body, leading to disturbed bowel movements.

The Australian pain society reports, “One of the most common adverse effect of opioid therapy is reduced bowel movement & constipation and for up to 95% patients it occurs soon after taking the first dose.

Are pain medicine worth the risk if they may cause rectal tearing, abdominal bloating, faecal impaction, bowel obstruction”?

However, in unavoidable conditions of taking such medicines one can add along fibres or medicines that improve intestinal motility. Since, most of the pro-motility drugs have opioid content, choosing a natural therapy is wiser.

Colon health is very important and talking about natural way to manage intestinal motility no therapy could be more appropriate than PULVOLAX that comes in two dosage forms viz. tablets-acting systemically & ointment-acting locally, providing the best comprehensive management of intestinal motility and related aftermaths.

For people having trouble with bowel movements, Triphala an ingredient of PULVOLAX may be the best remedy. Triphala regulates the bowels safely. Triphala works very well as colon cleanser, and is rasayan for the colon. Triphala regulates the functions of colon. Proper regulation is key to good health & longetivity.Triphala a mild acting internal cleanser, considered to be a purgative formula by itself. Triphala may very well be a panacea for many conditions which people face day to day along with their routine medicines.

Terminalia chebula (Haritaki) & Cassia fistula (Amaltas) comprised in PULVOLAX GRANULES due to its purifying and strengthening properties, is held very high regard having ability to treat even difficult cases of constipation via increasing peristalsis of the colon, reduces water reabsorption from colon making the stool soft &easing the bowel movements safely.

Benefits of the medicine are not limited to this, PULVOLAX GRANULES also controls pain and itching that could be a consequence of rectal tearing or inflammation due to prolonged constipation episodes.

Forget about Apple- Ward off diseases with ANJEER (FIG)

Forget about apple – Mithradates the Great of Pontus (born in 134 B.C.) is credited with ordering his citizens to eat at least one fig per day to ward off diseases. This pronouncement has held more than its weight in truth in the centuries since.

In India, dry fruits are a popular choice when it comes to daily munchies. The chewy flesh with natural sweet flavour is not only a treat to bite into but also provides you nutrition. Be it raisins, dates, dehydrated mangoes and berries, there are plenty of options to choose from and mix match with other health boosters like nuts and seeds for a guilt-free treat. Of these, the one dry fruit that stands out for its incredible health benefiting properties is Anjeer or fig.

Healthy and versatile ingredient in Anjeer

  • Anjeer is full of nutrients and a great source of dietary fibre, natural sugars.
  • Full of vitamins A, B6, C, E, K.
  • Essential minerals including potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and copper.
  • The pre-dominant bioactive compounds in Anjeer like phenolic compounds, phytosterols, anthocyanins, contribute to antioxidant activity.
  • Fatty acids like, omega-3, and omega-6, that reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases.

Health and wellness with Anjeer

  • The high mucilage content in figs helps to heal and protect sore throats. The soothing nature of figs and their natural juices can relieve pain and stress on the vocal chords. Figs are quite useful in treating various respiratory disorders like whooping cough and asthma.
  • Anjeer aids weight loss because of its soothing and laxative properties and low fat and sugar components. 
  • The American Diabetes Association recommends figs as a high-fibre treat that helps to promote functional control of diabetes.
  • Rich in potassium- which helps to regulate the amount of sugar absorbed by the body after meals. Large amounts of potassium can ensure that blood sugar spikes and falls are less frequent, so figs can help diabetics live a normal life.
  • Figs are high in potassium and low in sodium, so they are a perfect defence against the effects of hypertension.
  • Figs are rich in calcium, which is one of the most important components in strengthening bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
  • They are also rich in phosphorus, which encourages the bone formation and spurs regrowth if there is any damage or degradation to bones.
  • The high potassium content in figs helps to regulate the content of waste in urine.
  • The major cause of vision loss among the elderly is macular degeneration consumption of figs helps prevent macular degeneration
  • Fruit like figs are good at helping avoid common symptoms of aging as they are rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, which are antioxidants that prevents the damage caused by free radicals.

Be Antibiotics Aware- Smart Use, Best Care

National foundation for Infectious Diseases has issued a warning restrain for the use of Antibiotics, as inappropriate use of antibiotics is causing more of antibiotic resistance cases, which makes it very difficult to treat and in certain percentage proves lethal too.

With the concern to serve humanity and save the precious lives, AIMIL PHARMACEUTICALS brings a remedy for fever, flu, ache(s) associated with fever, sore throat, and runny nose.

Fifatrol is unacknowledged combination from the ancient text of AYURVEDA. It comprises of 8 vital herbal extracts for saving the sufferer along with 5 Polyphytominerals to fasten the recovery of the patient. A must recommendation in cases where handful of your health rivalry medicines are loaded.

Think before you start!!!


International Arogya 2017- Standardization and Quality Control in AYUSH Sector

Ministry of AYUSH, along with Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry & Pharmexcil organized 1st international Arogya 2017 enhancing the global potential of Ayush and wellness on 4-7 December 2017 Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. The international exhibition and conference enable multiple manufacturer to discuss on changes that are considered necessary for standardization, Quality control and consumer safety in Ayush sector. The main objective of the International exhibition and conference was to showcase strength and scientific validation of Indian system of medicine in global context.

The conference further discusses the challenges and issues as well as some possible solutions through plenary sessions.

  • Plenary Session I: Business Opportunities in Integrative Healthcare
  • Plenary Session II: Building a Brand Strategy: Healing Power of AYUSH for the World
  • Plenary Session III: International Regulators Meet
  • Plenary Session IV: Standardization and Quality Control in AYUSH sector

The plenary talk in session 4 chaired by Dr. Ravi P. Singh, Secretary General, Quality Council of India and Dr. M B Shankar, Joint Director, Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine & Homoeopathy to overview the issue pertaining to Standardization and Quality Control in AYUSH sector. Mr. Sanchit Sharma, Executive Director of Aimil Pharmaceuticals (I) Ltd. highlighted the predominace of mycotoxin and the extent of fungal ochratoxins and aflatoxins contamination in medicinal plants as a global concern for safety, human health and their management. He said that the most of the farmers had not adopted the harvest and post-harvest management practices. He gave new dimension to the discussion by asking about following WHO – GMP from the very first stage of manufacturing i.e. Standardization scope of Raw material. Many Ayurvedic companies, skip this vital step due to tedious process, cost cutting measure & to fasten output. Only few companies like Aimil Pharmaceuticals (I) Ltd. are trying to develop SOPs like effective washing & ozonolysis to get rid of pesticides residue and other toxins.

As Ministry of AYUSH is eyeing to increase export of Ayurveda products by three folds by 2020, it's high time that industries rather than brushing challenges under the carpet stand to the occasion and answer the tough questions

Slash the risk of health emergency with Nature’s Best

Western allopathic medicine emphasizes the use of antibiotics and other medicines and approaches to defend against “germs” or microbes believed to be the primary cause of many health conditions and diseases.

Antibiotics typically retard bacterial proliferation by entering the microbes and interfering with the production of components needed to form new bacterial cells. However, the use (and misuse) of antimicrobial agents encourages the evolution of bacteria toward resistance. Reversing and curbing the resistance problem lies in restoring the original microbial balance between susceptible and resistant bacteria.

World Health Organisation has termed growing resistance to available antibiotics a public health emergency. Prescription of high-end antibiotics for milder illnesses orwhere it's not required, such as viral illnesses, and over-the-counter purchase of drugs are major reasons for the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria.

Should we be the part of killing race?

Ayurveda has tremendous successful options available which are stated and formed years & years ago. Here, we are sharing one of the best combination trusted by medical fraternity for the good health of urinary system saving from undue exposure to dense antibiotics seemed to be a part of mandate line of treatment.

In the womb of Ayurveda still there are numerous combinations needs to be rediscovered / answered by modern sciences for the valuable benefits of human kind.

Ayurveda the science of life, often called “Mother of all healing” recognizes the microbial approach to some degree.  According to the Ayurvedic approach, anyone who has developed an imbalance in their bodily elements, or “doshas,” and has thereby weakened their immune system, may be subject to a microbial infection which is considered a symptom of that imbalance. Ayurveda recognizes as useful anything that will save the patient in an emergency, including antibiotics, but takes exception to the “magic bullet” approach of preventing and treating microbial infections strictly with antibiotics.

Handle Antibiotics with care

 “Neeri”- safe and kidney friendly approach in widely spread Urinary tract infections, reflects the holistic approach. Neeri from the resource of nature is there to serve you with polyherbominerals combination .Based on traditional use, herbs are selected and combined for their ability to provide cidal activity by virtue of Berberine from Berberis arristata (Daruharidra)– crowned as natural antibiotic not only kills bacterial strains but even can inhibits adhesion of uropathogenic E.coli to erythrocytes & epithelial cells. It increasingly blocks adhesion of E.coli organisms. Berberine specifically blocks the synthesis and assembly of P-pilus (PAP) fimbriae on the surface of E.coli cells. The ability of berberine to specifically inhibit E.coli Pap fimbriae expression justifies its effectiveness in the prevention and treatment of UTI and in recurrent cases. Thus, Neeri a natural approach to urinary tract infection providing safe, effective and long lasting benefits with prompt relief from burning micturition.

Position statement:  Efficacious suggestion from the doctor’s team of Aimil Health Care

Food Recommendations and Interventions for type 2 Diabetes:

Food recommendations are of great significance in forestalling diabetes, managing existing diabetes and in the improvement of complexities related to diabetes. The aim of these recommendations is to make people, diabetics and healthcare providers aware about the beneficial dietary interventions. Food recommendations, as illustrated in table-1 play a major role at four levels:

  • Maintains the blood glucose levels in the normal range or as close to normal range.
  • Decrease the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease by promoting healthy food choices.
  • Preventing or slowing down the rate of emerging complications of diabetes by
    modifying dietary intake.
  • Maintaining the pleasure of eating by only limiting food choices.
Food category Recommended food to eat Occasionally recommended food Food not to eat
Total grams of carbohydrate should be individualized based on glucose control, medication and physical activity. Consume more complex (unrefined) carbohydrates with fiber.
Whole Grains Multi grain flour (wheat, Sorghum, Millet barley, Pearl Millet); Roasted chickpeas; Gram flour, Oatmeal. Semolina (suji), Boiled brown Rice White four, Bread
Fruit consumption should be done twice daily, preferably with lunch and dinner. One serving equals: ½ c. canned fruit or juice, or 1 c. fresh fruit. Avoid juices (except when hypoglycemic) which may cause the blood glucose to rise very rapidly.
Fruits Berries, gooseberry, Papaya, Cherries, Guava, Plum, Kiwi, Sweet orange Apple, Orange, Pomegranate, Watermelon, Unripe banana




Grapes, Lychee, Mango, Banana, Sapota, Sugar cane, Dates, Custard apple, Muskmelon
Eat 4–6 servings of non-starchy vegetables each day. One serving equals: ½ c. cooked
vegetable, ½ c. vegetable juice, or 1 c. raw vegetable.
Vegetables Tomato, Onion, Garlic, Bitter Gourd, Cabbage, Brinjal, Fenugreek Leaf, Peas, Pointed Gourd, Radish, Turnip, Cucumber, Beans, Lady finger,Lotus Stem,drum-stick,Chenopodium (Bathua), lemon Beetroot, Jackfruit, Potato, Sweet Potato, Carrot Potato, Colocasia (Arbi)
Eat 2-3 dried fruit in number for fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants  
Dry fruits Almonds, Walnuts, Pine Nut (Chilgoja) Cashew nut and Figs Prunes and Raisin
Limit liquid consumption to moderate amount (less than 1 drink per day for adult women and less than 2 drinks per day for adult men, 1 drink = 180ml)
Beverages Vegetable juice, lemonades, Soups, goose berry juice Coconut water Soft drinks, Sweet lemonades, Syrups; Alcohol (Use with doctor’s approval)
Sucrose containing food can be substituted for other Carbohydrate choices in the meal plan, if added to the meal plan.
Calorie Sweeteners Rich fibre biscuits Sugar free tablet, sucralose, or Sugar free and sucralose containing substance sugar, jaggery, powdered jaggery, jam, sweets, chocolates, cakes, pastry
Limited intake of dietary cholesterol
Dairy products Skimmed milk, butter milk with salt, Paneer Curd, Home-made-butter. Fried paneer, Condensed milk 
Use more of mono-unsaturated fats, i.e., olive oil or corn oils. Limited use of saturated fat, trans fatty acids (found in most commercially baked products).
Fat Mustard oil,  Olive oil, Mix cooking oil  Fried foods, Home-made-butter. Refined oils, Ghee
Pulse consumption contributes to reduction of food intake and regulation of body weight, which helps in reducing risk of obesity and, in turn, improves the management of diabetes.
Pulses All pulses Kidney Beans,Chickpeas white No pulse restricted
Conventional dietary methods to treat Diabetes include the use of culinary herbs and/or spices. 
Spices Cinnamon, Nigella, black Cumin, Fenugreek seeds etc. And rest all spices can also be taken. (Choose low-sodium salt) Avoid sauces and Red chilli powder High sodium salt and Chilli
Others Green tea, tea and coffee without sugar High fibre fast food like salad burgers. Tea and coffee with sugar, Samosa, Chole bhaturay,  Macaroni, Pasta and Chayavanprash,

Conclusion: Major food recommendations and interventions for diabetes listed in Table 1. Monitor the metabolic parameters, including glucose, A1C, lipids, blood pressure, body weight, and renal function to ensure successful outcomes.

Fight Diabetes With Jowar

An article published in smart coocky has highlighted the many benefits of Jowar including the one in diabetes. Here’s the full article.

6 Impressive Benefits of Jowar (Sorghum)

Our obsession with all-purpose flour or Maida is often a cause for concern amongst health experts across the country. No doubt that piping hot maida pooris and bhaturas are delicious and decadent, but the truth is that the consequences of loading up on maida may outnumber its benefits. Maida is processed, refined and bleached wheat flour and has been associated with many health woes including weight gain and constipation. Luckily, there are some healthy, and equally tasty, grains out there we could look at as alternatives to maida. One such millet that is a healthy alternative to the all-purpose flour is Jowar or Sorghum. Rich, Bitter-y and fibrous in texture, this millet is grown abundantly across India but often loses out owing to the wheat fixation that runs in our country. Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Practitioner Shilpa Arora says, "rich in protein iron and copper, this gluten free grain has been known to play a crucial role in cellular function and repair.The rich quantity of potassium and phosphorous helps lower cholesterol and manage high blood pressure. Most importantly, the grain is incredibly rich in fibre and hence should be part of your daily diet."

Here are a few incredible benefits of Jowar that could convince you to include the superfood in your daily diet.

1. High in Fiber- All millets are high in fibre, and jowar is no different. According to Bangalore-based nutritionist Dr. Anju Sood, jowar is packed with good quality fibre which can help facilitate your digestion, manage obesity, regulate blood sugar levels and curb the risk of high blood pressure and strokes.

Jowar is packed with high quantum of fibre

2. Helps weight loss- The high fibre content in Jowar can help you shed a pound or two too. According to Dr. Anju, "Fibre takes the longest time to digest, which helps induce a feeling of being full for a longer spell. This prevents you from bingeing into other fattening foods, thereby saving you quite a few unwanted calories."

Jowar's high fibre content can help aid weight loss

3. Rich source of protein- A cup of jowar has a whopping 22 grams of protein. Protein helps build muscles, cell regeneration, and induce a feeling of satiety- which can further help in your weight reduction diet.

Protein helps build muscle

4. Packed with essential Minerals and Vitamins- Jowar is a powerhouse of essential vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. It is loaded with good amounts of calcium,copper, zinc, phosphorous, potassium and cell-building B vitamins.

5. Good for Diabetics- Dr. Anju says that Jowar is one of the best flours for those with a diabetic condition as it is a complex carbohydrate source. She says, "A diabetic needs to be very careful of his/her carb intake. Simple carbs are loaded in sugar which upon ingestion can trigger abnormal sugar spikes. But that doesn't mean they need to rule out carbs completely. Carbohydrates are one of the three macronutrients which are essential for sustenance and good health. They should maximize on complex carbs and try to eliminate as many sources of simple carbs as possible. Jowar, a complex carbohydrate, is digested slowly, prompting a more gradual rise in blood sugar."

6. It is Gluten-free- For those who are suffering from gluten intolerance, gluten allergies or are diagnosed with celiac disease, Jowar makes for a brilliant wheat alternative. Gluten refers to a mixture of proteins found in wheat, rye, oats and barley, it may cause digestive problems such as bloating, pain and stomach cramps for those who are allergic to this protein. Jowar, a gluten-free whole grain, is considered an excellent alternative for people who suffer from 'gluten intolerance', the nutritional benefits are an added bonus.

Jowar is a gluten free flour

There are multiple ways you can include Jowar in your diet, make rotis or sandwiches out of the flour. Food writer Sangeeta Khanna says, "Many people think millets are not tasty and not easy to work with. This is because they compare it with wheat and rice and apply the same methods to cook them. The reality is that many alternative grains are even more easy to cook than wheat or rice if you get the right product."

Go ahead, give our ancient and traditional grains the time they deserve on your dining table. Explore recipes and find the best way to include them into your diet.

SMOG- Silent Crippler

ABC’s of Particulate matter

Smog is a type of air pollutant; the word "smog" is a combination of smoke and fog. Classic smog results from large amounts of coal burning in an area and is caused by a mixture of smoke and sulfur dioxide.

According to the aerodynamic diameter, 2 categories of particles are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency: coarse particulate matter (PM10) with an aerodynamic diameter of <10 μm, and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) with an aerodynamic diameter of <2.5 μm. Particles <10 μm in diameter can penetrate the nasal cavity to reach the alveoli, thus reaching the lungs and escaping into the blood stream. The smaller a particle is, the longer it will stay in the deeper sites of the lungs; furthermore, particles <1 μm act like gas molecules and reach the circulatory system.

Recent epidemiologic studies have shown that PM2.5 affected the decline of renal function and increased membranous nephropathy, meaning that the kidney is potentially susceptible to PM2.5.

Cause of concern

  • Fine particles can damage the kidneys in the same way as they damage organs such as the heart and lungs.
  • The findings showed that air pollution increased the chances of developing membranous nephropathy — an immune disorder of the kidneys — that can lead to kidney failure.
  • National cohort of United States veterans, observed a linear relationship between PM2.5 concentration and risk of incidence of Chronic Kidney Disease and progression to End Stage Renal Disease.

What happens when we are exposed to deep exhaust inhalation for long term?

  • Elevated levels of fine particulate matter (PM) of <2.5µm in aerodynamic diameter is associated with increased risk of death, reduced life expectancy, increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • As far as kidneys are concern:

Exposure to deep exhaust leads to disturbances in

  • Renal hemodynamics,
  • Oxidative stress,
  • Inflammation,
  • Lowering the kidney function is directly proportional to size of particulate matter
  • DNA damage in renal tissue
  • Enhancement of chronic renal injury


All findings paints a grim image of how living in polluted areas can affect all aspect of human health. The irony with Kidney disease is that it often has no symptoms or remains unnoticed till late stages. Its concern for the population having kidney disease or on the edge of having it or suffering with precipitating diseases like diabetes, hypertension or the earner of diseases “OBESITY” should save their heavy medical expenses and most precious life with timely awaking.

Ray of hope: Initiative taken by AIMIL Pharmaceuticals

HERBS in NEERI KFT can protect from the ailment linked to air pollution to susceptible group of patients.

How it works?

Neeri KFT provides a rich concentration of anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory phytoconstituents, a probable mechanism for maintain kidney functions.

Herbs contributing towards beneficial effects:

  • Boerhavia diffusa (Punarnava) & Tinospora cordifolia (giloe) works as rasayana for the body as it rejuvenates the body by cleansing it with its unique property of flushing out the mala (toxins) from the dhatus (body tissues), balances the doshas and opening and nourishing the various body channels so that each and every tissue and cell of the body gets proper nutrition and keeps the body fit and fine.
  • The effects of pollutants/ toxic metals on the kidney have been known for many years. Nephrotoxicity may occur as a result of occupational or therapeutic exposure to these metals. Heavy metals tend to accumulate in kidneys where they may produce a broad spectrum of morphological and functional effects. Rheum emodi (Revand chini) provide pronounced nephroprotective activities very comprehensively through multiple mechanism against various factors deleterious for kidneys viz. pollutants, toxic metals, potentially nephrotoxic drug molecules.
  • Polyphenolic compounds of Moringa oleifera (sigru) have all been shown to attenuate the renal dysfunction, improve the renal architecture and increase the antioxidant enzyme activity, decrease lipid peroxidation and reactive oxygen species in kidney dysfunction. Phytochemical constituents in Moringa oleifera (sigru) could contribute to its antioxidant activity.
  • Phenolic substances such as flavonoids, coumarins, cinnamic acid and caffeic acids are known to have antioxidant properties, which may play an important role in protecting cells and any organ from oxidative degeneration. Coriandrum sativum (dhania) suppresses the deposition of toxicant metals by chelation mechanism. It was shown that coriander extracts have phenolic compounds and flavonoids, suggesting that these compounds contribute to the anti-oxidative activity.
  • Hemidesmus indicus (Anantamool) is amahara (removes ama [undigested food]), raktaprasadana (purifies the blood), mutra-janana and mutravirajaniya (diuretic), stanyashodaka (act as purifying), dahaprashamana (pacifies burning sensations), and sothahara (anti-inflammatory).
  • Cichorium intybus (Kasni) is a very good alkaliser & also gives strength to the kidneys. Benefits in acute & chronic kidney dysfunctions.


  • Neeri KFT is a blend of, scientifically proven herbs with pronounced therapeutic activity and safety, helps maintain normal kidney functions by improving the functional capacity of nephrons.
  • Neeri KFT provides a high strength of antioxidant protection to the kidneys.
  • Neeri KFT helps in significantly protecting healthy kidneys from possible damage from potentially nephrotoxic drug molecules besides heavy metals and pollutants.

Information on this website is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionals. This website is meant for use by Indian residents only.