Protect your Protector


According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), liver diseases are the tenth most common cause of death in India. Since the liver is a multi-functionary organ, it is susceptible to viruses, toxic substances and contaminants present in food and water. 

Role of Liver:

Besides playing a key role in digestion, the liver also regulates blood sugar, removes toxins from the body and manages the cholesterol level


"Liver abnormalities are increasing in India, because of rising obesity, alcohol abuse and liver infections. Also, liver disease is no longer restricted to age, as people below the age of 40 are also witnessing incidence of liver diseases," B.R. Das, Advisor and Mentor – R&D, SRL Diagnostics said in a statement.

Underlying Causes:

  • An unhealthy lifestyle and
  • Faulty eating patterns and
  • Viruses such as hepatitis A, B and C can disrupt the liver functions
  • Increased consumption of alcoholic drinks
  • High cholesterol-inducing junk foods, obesity and Type 2 diabetes can also trigger the disease.
  • It can also be inherited or be genetic. 

"Followed by the brain, the liver is the second largest solid organ in the human body and performs a long list of complex functions to keep the body hale and hearty," said Anupam Sibal, Group Medical Director, Apollo Hospitals. 

Inflamed or injured liver cells leak higher than normal amounts of certain chemicals, including liver enzymes, into the bloodstream, which can result in elevated liver enzymes on blood tests. 

However, "the liver is an uncomplaining worker and often does not show any significant signs of damage. But at the same time, more than a 100 disorders can affect the liver”. Because "the symptoms of liver disease usually do not appear till the disease is well advanced, early diagnosis is the key," Das said.

With a concern to save young energy which is diverted or exposed to various toxins, taking toll on their digestive capabilities AIMIL PHARMACEUTICALS (I) LTD. offers one of its best product from its therapeutic range “AMLYCURE D.S”

AMLYCURE D.S provides highest number of phytoconstituents in therapeutic concentration. As the affected organ performs multifarious action the same is conquered with Amlycure D.S.


  • Regulates LFT parameters – Punernava, Kalipath, Arhar Panchang, Rakt rohida
  • Helps protect liver against viral hepatitis & infections- Bhringraj, Bhuiamla, Amla, Pitpapra, Shwet parpati
  • Ensures protection from alcohol induced hepatic damage- Haridra, Arjuna
  • Improves appetite and digestion- Kalmegh, Haritaki, Vidang, Saunf & Jeera
  • As choleretic & bile regulator- Yashtimadhu, Brinjasif, Nishoth
  • Supports liver cell regeneration- Kachur, Giloe, Kasondi, Neem, Gokshru, Jhau
  • Helps restoring intestinal flora- Chitrak, Kasni, Arni, Shankh Bhasam

Thus, Amlycure D.S helps in regeneration & repair of hepatocytes by increasing the nucleic acid content– RNA, DNA & Protein. Glucosidic principle from Kutaki, bhuiamla & other components in Amlycure D.S. inhibit the non-enzymatic generation of oxygenated radicals in NADH+ system.

Thus, acts as anti-oxidant (checks fatigue & degeneration) which appears to be mediated through activity like that of superoxide dismutase, metal ion chelators and xanthine oxidase inhibitors.


  • Adopt healthy lifestyle habits,
  • Maintain a healthy diet with grains, protein, dairy products, fruits, fibres, vegetables and fats,
  • Washing hands after going to the bathroom,
  • Restrict alcohol, smoking and drugs, and
  • Importantly exercise regularly

FDA advisory for uncomplicated UTIs – What’s our chance?


FDA is going extra mile to combat the challenges like anti-microbial resistance but the real question is are we ready to face this challenge?

An Article published in Harvard Medical School website carries a FDA advisory that fluoroquinolones should not be used as a first line treatment for uncomplicated UTI. This advisory is in line with Jaipur Deceleration of WHO where anti-microbial resistance has been recognised as a serious threat to public health. This advisory becomes much more important in treating child UTI cases when there is a risk of both adverse effect such as tendonitis and early development of antimicrobial resistance.


Dr. Michael O' Leary, an urologist at Harvard affiliated Brigham and women's hospital also said that overuse of antibiotics to treat UTI is a problem. This problem becomes a complication in cases of recurrent UTI where continuous low dose antibiotic therapy is adopted. We cannot also rely on this approach because a study which published in Canadian Urological Association Journal has stated that after discontinuing prophylaxis the women on which this study was done were found to revert to their previous frequency of UTI, this result can also be correlated with child UTI problems.

Our chance

Because uncomplicated child UTI are comparatively easy to cure, we stand a fair chance with Aimil Pharmaceuticals' Neeri syrup, a three decade old and trusted brand which has extracts of Berberis aristata, Hordeum vulgare and many more which kills the pathogen by acting multi-dimensionally (inhibiting DNA synthesis and membranolytic activity). Neeri syrup prevents the relapse of infection as it dissolves the PAP-fimbriae of E.coli bacteria and inhibits its adhesion to the urinary bladder. Neeri syrup also acts on symptoms of child UTI and relieves burning micturition in few minutes by its alkalizing effect. Neeri syrup is completely safe in kids and in cases of complicated UTI it can be used with antibiotics as it has no drug – drug interaction. Tribulus terrestris in Neeri restores potassium content and exerts balanced diuretic effect which flushes out the bacteria. Trinpanchmool in Neeri apart from exerting antimicrobial effect also relieves dysuria, dribbling and fever to a great extent.

As FDA and WHO both are taking antibiotics resistance and its implication by scruff of the neck, it is high time we start to look for alternative for treating other diseases involving anti-biotics and should utilise the existing resources like Neeri syrup. Our 5000 years old medical science holds answer for many of such arising problems, the key here is to effectively extract that knowledge as we cannot let our coming generation inherit enemies like super bugs and leave them with an empty armoury to face those enemies.

World Health Day: Our Chance for better health for our people

On this 7th April when the world will be celebrating World Health Day, India would be taking a giant leap in the ground of health of her people. The theme for this world health day is ‘Universal Health Coverage: Everyone, Everywhere’ has great significance for a nation like us as it sits on the conviction that health is a human right and not a privilege.

India and UHC

In our country health was never recognised as a right and if it did then denial was a norm for many. But this year with announcing of Ayushman Bharat and National Health Protection Scheme (NHPS) aimed to provide both assurance and insurance of health, the Government has made its intentions clear. Moreover, the WHO has said that each country will approach Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in different ways: there is no one size fits all thing – which opens up our existing avenues of Traditional and Complementary Medicine (T&CM) where we are a way ahead than most of the nations.

WHO AND T&CM : Odds in our favour

The Delhi Declaration of WHO states that Traditional medicine and traditional practitioners have substantial potential to contribute in improving health outcomes in various countries of the world – which is the very idea behind UHC. The declaration also advocates the promotion of UHC by integrating T&CM services and self-health care into national health systems. We are already in a situation of making this sort of integration as we have a separate Ministry of AYUSH which can take issues like this to the national forums.

Possibility and Opportunity

According to the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative medicine, there is an emerging consensus that inclusion of T&CM services might help to empower people to be proactive to take charge of their health and health system. Dr. Nitika Kohli, a practitioner based at Delhi says ‘‘with a rich background of AYUSH system in our country along with WHO supporting Traditional and Complimentary medicine, we have a positive and conducive environment to show the world our potential”

Harnessing our potential

The best stroke AYUSH can make is in the field of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). The journal also states that the world morbidity statistics indicate an urgent need for prevention and control of NCDs – the most important targets of UHC. Efforts are continuously being made in this direction both by the Government and industries, an example being CSIR’s anti-diabetic drug – BGR-34 which is changing the way we live with diabetes.  Another example in segment pertaining to NCDs where we are pushed to the wall is Chronic kidney disease and for this Aimil Pharmaceuticals (I) Limited has come up with Neeri KFT which is a proving to be a new hope for Chronic kidney disease patients. Dr, Kohli further says “drugs like these are on the path of WHO’s Delhi Declaration which states that traditional medicines of proven quality, safety and efficacy contributes to the goal of ensuring that all people have access to care – which is the soul of this World Health Day theme”.

Moving ahead

The key here for us as a nation is to look ahead and carry forward the momentum which we have got in arena of UHC – the core theme of this world health day through Traditional & Complementary Medicine and emerge out as a leader across the globe in terms of health as a right and more importantly a non-deniable right because it is our only chance to people's and nation’s health and well-being.

Recognising her right to health as our duty

The theme of this World Kidney Day on 8th March presents us with a wonderful opportunity to look at much neglected patient pool of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). The article discusses solutions from various researches to shift the scenario on the better side.

Woman in our world holds the most significant position in our lives, she is the first teacher, she is the one who keeps her family’s interest above hers, the one to prepare food first & eat last & many more such unconditional sacrifices. These vital roles has led to the theme for this year’s world kidney day i.e. Kidneys & women health which is aimed at devising policies for inclusion, giving more value & empowerment to women in preventing & managing Chronic Kidney Disease.

Impact of CKD on Women

Epidemiological studies suggest that pre-dialysis CKD is more prevalent in women as compared to men & average prevalence of CKD stands out to be 14% in women while 12% in men. Various factors such as psycho-socioeconomic –  lower disease awareness leading to late or no start of dialysis among women, genetic factors relating to antibodies, pregnancy etc. are major challenges prevailing around the globe. And uneven access to care is also a major issue in countries with no universal access to healthcare.

New Trouble

Along with these a major issue of diabetes is also showing its ugly head as far as CKD is concerned. According to research article published in Kidney International by Sanjay k. Agarwal of Department of Nephrology, AIIMS, New Delhi, it has been observed that diabetes & hypertension are responsible for 40-50% of all cases of chronic renal failure with diabetes coming up as the major cause with average of 20% to that of 10% of hypertension (Data of AIIMS, Apollo Hospital and PGI).

Women share an equal burden of diabetes in our country but are more vulnerable when analyzed for gender roles, norms & value in household.

A Clear Approach

Looking at the implications, the best preventive suggestion given in the research of Sanjay K. Agarwal is the screening of CKD in high risk patients. One clear path which comes out of this is to screen a female diabetic patient & start some kind of preventive therapy. Aimil Pharmaceuticals (I) Ltd. has few years back came out with an innovative nephroprotective & nephro-corrective sugar free formulation Neeri KFT which prevents diabetic nephropathy by exerting potent aldose reductase inhibitory activity & by checking diabetes induced oxidative stress. Neeri KFT which is a polyherbal formulation of more than 29 herbs has Boerhavia diffusa​ & Crateva nurvala which reduces elevated blood urea and serum creatinine in condition of CKD by increasing the levels of anti-oxidant enzymes – Superoxide Dimutase (SOD), Catalase (CAT), Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and Glutathione (GSH).  and is responsible for anti-oxidant action by exhibiting free radical scavenging effect.

Fighting the Vulnerability

One more arena where women stands vulnerable to CKD is in the case of UTIs. Nature’s Nephrology journal discusses the implication and recognises UTI a known risk factor for kidney diseases and states that increased susceptibility to certain risk factors like UTI leads to CKD. In a country like ours we stand on roof’s end because of high prevalence of recurrent UTIs and antibiotic resistance of E.coli to Fluoroquinolones. Aimil Pharmaceuticals (I) Ltd another brand – Neeri, India’s most trusted brand in UTI segment by virtue of berberine from Berberis sp. fights even the resistant strains of E.coli by dissolving the PAP-Fimbrae of the bacteria which prevents the adhesion of bacteria to the urinary bladder and in turn minimising the chances of recurrence. Neeri also inhibits the DNA synthesis process and damages the cell membrane of the bacteria which further drops the chances of recurrence.

Action Time

Prevention of CKD is vital owing to prevalence of CKD patients & increasing number of diabetics and omni presence of UTIs, It is important in case of women as she has to play a role of family’s caretaker. This World Kidney Day gives us a great opportunity to explore the much needed breakthroughs both in preventive & corrective segment especially with respect to women kidney health.

Punarnava : Rejuvenator (restores youth)

“Regular using Punarnava delays aging and oxidative stress and a fellow become young again with full of vigour and vitality”

Literally, Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa L.) means the ‘Renewer’ i.e. Punar means once again and nava means becoming new. This means that the plant rejuvenates the body. It increases libido, erection, quality and quantity of semen, and is used in Vajikarana preparations in Ayurveda.  It clears the lungs and reduces cough, asthma and cleanses the kidneys and helps to get rid of renal calculi (kidney stones).  Punarnava is one of the best herbs used for diseases of liver and kidney. It detoxifies liver, kidney and skin and clears them from infections. According to texts of Ayurveda it is a Rasayana herb and alleviates all three doshas, the Vat, Pitta, and Kapha, and renews the body or restores youth. Punarnava is very effective in treatment of dengue fever and very good for curing jaundice and hepatitis B and C.

In Ayurveda Punarnava is commonly used for jaundice, liver diseases, diabetes, oedema, oliguria, anaemia, inflammatory oedema, diseases of the eye. Enthralled by its medicinal uses described in Ayurveda, recently scientists investigated Punarnava for all these activities and validated the claims mentioned in Ayurvedic literature. They concluded that Punarnava does possess anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, immunomodulatory, adaptogenic, anti-microbial, anti-viral, antifungal, insecticidal, anti-leishmanial,  anticonvulsant, anti-stress, analgesic, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, anticancer, diuretic and anti-fertility activities.

Recent pharmacological studies further demonstrated that Punarnava also possesses anti-allergic, anthelmintic, febrifuge, diuretic, anti-urolithiatic, nephroprotective, and anti-metastatic activities. These activities are attributed to the bioactive chemical ingredients like alkaloids (punarnavine), rotenoids (boeravinones A to J), flavones and ursolic acid that Punarnava contains.

Major Medicinal Uses of Punarnava

Renal diseases – It possesses diuretic property, which is useful in the treatment of kidney stones, cystitis, and nephritis.  It cleanses the kidneys and gets rid of kidney stones. It protects nephrons of a kidney from damage.

Liver disorders – It is one of the best liver remedy effective in jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis, anaemia, flukes, detoxification, NSAIDS induced injury, biliousness, chronic alcoholism, etc.

Anaemia – In improves digestion and works on plasma & blood, thus helpful in the treatment of anaemia. It cures anaemia and nourishes every tissue and cell of the body.

Arthritis – Its anti-inflammatory property helps to reduce inflammation and pain in joints.

Indigestion – It acts as a carminative, boosts appetite, lower abdominal pain and intestinal colic, and relieves constipation. It has laxative property that helps the body to get rid of waste products.

Cough – It reduces cough and asthma.

Impotence – As per Ayurveda, it works on six out of the seven dhatus including rejuvenation of male reproductive system and increases the quantity and quality of semen.

Skin diseases – It is helpful in skin conditions like scabies and is an excellent remedy for guinea worms.

Menorrhagia – It regularize menstrual flow in women. And it gives relief in menstrual disorders like pain, cramps, excessive bleeding, uterine spasms, and water retention.

Immune function – It improvise immune system.

Blood glucose control – It significantly decreases blood glucose and increase plasma insulin levels, this helps better blood sugar control.

Nerve Tonic – It is a good nerve rejuvenator and helps in sciatica, nervous weakness, and paralysis.

Jaundice : Punarnava is very good for curing jaundice and hepatitis B and C.

Wound healing: Recent studies exhibited that whole plant promote artificial wound healing and protection against oxidation in vitro.

Eye diseases: A decoction of the roots is applied to corneal ulcers and to treat night blindness. Also an alcoholic extract of roots delay the process of cataract genesis in galactose induced cataract. In conjunctivitis, root decoction (50g) is taken orally once a day.

Radio protective: Whole plant’s extract showed radio protective effect against gamma radiation.

Hypertension – It has significant antihypertensive activity through a decrease in sympathetic activity, release of nitric oxide, and it diuretic property.

Enjoy the glow of good health

As per Dr Flavia Bustreo, Assistant Director General for Family, Women’s and Children’s Health through the Life-course, World Health Organization.  We‘ve come a long way since 1995- and it is time to recognise and regard Women and their achievements. But it is also time to take stock of how women’s rights are fulfilled in the world-especially the Right to Health.

AIMIL Pharmaceuticals (I) Ltd. working so hard to strengthen health systems and ensures to have robust formulations for day to day & tough to treat diseases. Below here we are sharing a glimpse of the same.

AIMIL Pharmaceuticals offers care to women’s health with range of products.

For Reproductive Health

Sexual and Reproductive health problems are responsible for one third of health issues for women between aged of 15 – 44 years. (As per WHO)

AMYCORDIAL-“A time tested uterine tonic”.

Amycordial herbal, safe and effective formulation exerts hormonal restoring, adaptogenic, endometrial toning, anti- microbial, anti-inflammatory and menstrual cycle regulating effects. Amycordial supplements vital micro nutrients, antioxidant effect for restoring feminine health and manages various gynaecological disorders.

AMYSTOP-G – “Controls abnormal uterine bleeding”

Amystop-G is a comprehensive uterine haemostatic in Dysfunctional uterine bleeding. It improves endometrial vascular toning functions by providing bioflavonoids, hastens wound healing by enhancing collagen turnover. Also provides phytoestrogens and phyto-progesterone. Thus, helps in regularizing hormones naturally.

For Maternal health

During the time of motherhood, a woman is responsible not only for the maintenance of her own health, but also that of her baby. Many women are now benefitting from massive improvements in care during pregnancy and childbirth introduced in the last century.

Zymnet Plus- “Fortified digestive tonic for calm continuous relief”

Fortified formulation increases the activity of amylase, protease, lipase, phytase, pancreatic enzymes and stimulates bile secretion. Thus, provides good digestibility of the food. Zymnet Plus acts as carminative by preventing gas formation in gastro- intestinal tract. It acts as appetizer by sensitizing oral taste receptors, facilitating gut motility. Relieves morning sickness, reduces muscle contraction. Nourishes lactating mother, regularizes milk flow supplementing essential nutrients from nature.

For Urinary Health

Women are especially prone to UTIs because they have a shorter urethra, which allow bacteria quick access to the bladder. UTIs are a key reason we're often told to wipe from front to back after using the toilet. Bacteria from the large intestine, such as E. coli, are in the perfect position to escape from the anus and invade the urethra. From there, they can travel up to the bladder, and if the infection isn't treated, continue on to infect the kidneys.

Neeri Country’s Ist successful anti-urolithiatic formula for renal calculi & UTI’s which is presently brand leader in urology segment. Neeri soothes urinary Tract and regulates urinary pH. Thus, relieves symptoms of UTIs within few minutes.

For Being Young

Nutrition deficiencies are the most common causes for anaemia and iron deficiency anaemia is a major contributor to the global burden of disease (WHO/CDC, 2008).  In addition to iron, other nutritional deficiencies (e.g., folate, vitamin B-12, calcium and vitamin A) can cause anaemia, as can non-nutritional factors such as acute and chronic infections, poor LFT’s and genetic conditions.

Amyron –“An all age “Nutritional Haematinic”

“A complete health restorative, improves haemoglobin level & supplements essential micro-nutrients”. Amyron is a natural health restorative, provides complete nutrition, supplements natural Iron, minerals, vitamins & more, which contributes to the normal formation of
haemoglobin & Red blood cells. Amyron is a tonic of multi benefits, with the help of
vitalizing herbs which contributes to the reduction of bodily weakness, tiredness and fatigue a major complaint by the anaemic women”.

For Skin Health

Teenagers are the age group most commonly thought to struggle the most with acne, but dermatologists are finding that late-onset or adult-onset acne is becoming increasingly common in women in their 20s, 30s, 40s and even 50s.  

Purodil-Dual Intensive Acne Treatment”

Purodil dual (Syrup/Tablet & Gel) therapy provides poly herbal regimen, recommended for comprehensive management of acne and pimples. With unique benefits of dual therapy, it constantly treats all stages of acne, repairs acne damaged skin, helps to heal breakouts by detoxifying the impurities. Purodil dual therapy acts internally as well as externally giving complete benefits to the patients of acne pimples and other skin infections & allergies. Purodil gel works at a root cause level & gives fast relief.

For Older age

Older women are more likely than men to have chronic, or ongoing, health conditions – such as arthritis, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis.

Boniheal supplements phytoestrogens, exerting estrogen like effects in bone, which reduces bone loss and increases bone strength. Provides pro-bone minerals & nutrients (e.g Magnesium, Zinc, B, Si) & vital botanical extracts which contribute to the maintenance of bone health.

Fortunately, AIMIL putting a lot of its efforts to boost the Feminine health!!!

A way out ‘in-CONTINENCE’ of bladder

Incontinence (loss of bladder control) is a common complaint. Incontinence is most common in people over fifty, but loss of bladder control can occur at any age, especially in pregnant women. It is wrong to assume that loss of bladder control is an inevitable part of getting older. It is also wrong to assume nothing can be done about this problem.



Acute Incontinence

Often caused by an infection

Persistent Incontinence

Develops over time and tends to last longer


  • Stay away from alcohol, coffee, carbonated beverages.
  • If you are overweight, adopt a healthy weight-loss diet and exercise program to help you. As obesity is a common factor in incontinence.


Anyone who is experiencing bladder control problems should consult a physician to check for possible underlying cause and investigate the possibilities for treatment. The appropriate treatment depends upon the type of bladder control problem.

A natural and safer way out for incontinence

NEERI an outstanding research product of AIMIL Pharmaceuticals ranking at the top in urology segment since its launch with best support from the valuable prescribers. Clinical studies and principles of Ayurvedic Pharmacodynamics, highlight role of Crateva nurvala (Varuna) and its benefits in management of urinary disorders, caused by enlarged prostate (in males) and relieving the symptoms.

Crateva nurvala (Varuna) in NEERI Supports health in elderly

  • Improves tonicity of urinary bladder
  • Reduces quantity of residual urine to normal
  • Helps subside associated symptoms

Along with serving the purpose NEERI also provides potent immunomodulatory action due to Boerhavia diffusa (Punernava) and Moringa oliefera (Sigru). Immune modulation has been regarded as the regulation of immune response stimulating them to prevent infectious disease or by suppressing them in desired conditions.

Solanum nigrum (Makoya) extract provides significant cytoprotection due to increase in activity of free radical scavenging enzymes, counteracting free radicals.

Purified Black Bitumen (Shilajit)

This enormously rich source of minerals has been used since ancient times as a tonic for kidney and bladder function. It also enhances the functionality of all the other ingredients in the formula, much like a biological catalyst.

Thus, NEERI supports bladder health with added benefit of improving body defence system, protecting nephrons from damage. Helps healthy functioning of nephrons.  

Kidney disease can control with proper diagnose- Rashtriya sahara

Punjab kesari article on Kidney patients

Ayurveda will pay an important role in wellness centers

Information on this website is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionals. This website is meant for use by Indian residents only.