Aimil made its presence stand out at NIMACON 2018

Nimacon Delhi 2018

Aimil Pharmaceuticals India Limited on 20th May 2018 participated in NIMACON 2018 as a prime business sponsor where Aimil organised 'A-YOUTH' quiz competition on Ayurveda in which students from all major Ayurvedic colleges in Delhi participated. Divya Gupta of Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan stood first and got a laptop in prize whereas second and third positions were bagged by Vishal Agarwal and Dr. Vartika Kashyap respectively, who got a tablet and Bluetooth headphone as a reward for their achievement. In the conference, various discussions were held regarding Ayurveda.

Mr. Sanchit Sharma Executive Director of Aimil said "it is important to keep up the motivation of students studying Ayurveda and therefore Aimil has always stood up for such events as far as conference is concerned, it is a very good platform for learning and discussion and since a long time Aimil has been a much needed major industrial support to the doctors fraternity all around the country".

Nimacon delhi 2018 clips

Launching 2 New Brands

New Products launch

We’re thrilled to be emailing you today with some big news – Our brand family just got BIGGER! Our whole team is celebrating the launch of two new brands viz. K.G.Tone Forte, a kid’s growth tonic & Boniheal, a complete phytomineral bone therapy. Both brands are in line with our philosophy of Safety, Efficacy & Quality. Both new brands have been developed with extensive scientific work and in the product development we have inculcated all the feedback you have given to us over the years of our strong relationship – A big Thank You for that. Now let’s unveil the two new members.

K.G.Tone Forte

“Helps in Kids Growth Naturally”

K.G tone Forte, India’s FIRST paraben free kids growth tonic for utmost safety, contains juices & extracts of scientifically proven mix of nature’s quality herbs, providing KG tone forteessential nutrients which nourishes the growing children and simultaneously boosts immunity. It is completely safe due to absence of artificial colours & sweeteners.

K.G Tone Forte supplements essential micronutrients for healthy growth & functioning of digestive system, bones & muscles and brain. It exerts digestive stimulant, carminative, anti-flatulent, antispasmodic and analgesic action. It helps to relieve the gastric smooth muscle spasm associated with colic in infants.


Loss of Appetite, Gripes & colics, Indigestion, Flatulence, Teething trouble, Constipation


Syrup: Pilferage proof sealed bottles of 100 ml.

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A complete Phytomineral Bone Therapy”

Boniheal has been scientifically developed on the basis of very latest research to supplement natural calcium in four active forms (calcium sulphate, calcium silicate, calcium oxide and calcium carbonate) enriched with Vitamin D & K from natural sources. Provides pro-bone minerals & nutrients (e.g Magnesium, Zinc, B, Si) & vital botanical extracts which contribute to the maintenance of bone health. Boniheal increases the fracture healing by influencing regeneration of connective tissues of mesenchymal origin. Boniheal supplements phytoestrogens, exerting estrogen like Bonihealeffects in bone, which reduces bone loss and increases bone strength.

Boniheal promotes bone remineralization, fastens fracture healing, promotes calcification of bones by supplementing calcium in bioavailable form, maintains skeletal integrity and bone health, helps to attain peak bone mass. Supplements phytoestrogen, increases bone strength thereby, prevent deteriorative changes in bones. Thus, Boniheal reduces bone loss & increases

bone strength.


Fractured bone,Osteoporosis/ Osteopenia, Delayed bone growth, Bone mineral deficiency


Suspension: Pilferage proof sealed glass bottle of 200 ml.

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With these two new brands we are making stronger our commitment towards health for all. We hence request you to support us in this endeavour and may our journey achieve new milestones every year.


Preventing the Inflammatory process of kidney disease through medicine originated from plant

The aim of this blog is to prevent kidney from the inflammatory conditions that can affect kidney functions. Inflammation plays a major role in worsening kidney disease. Inflammatory Changes in the kidney are not caused by medical condition but by the kidney themselves. This article focuses on the following three important themes:

  • Chronic kidney disease itself is a state of inflammation.
  • Oxidative stress can accelerate renal injury progression by inducing cytotoxicity.
  • The pro-oxidant states commonly present in CKD population are diabetes mellitus, dyslipidaemia, hypertension and ageing.


In order to understand how to reduce inflammation affecting kidneys, we need to first review what inflammation is and what stimulates the inflammatory response will involve in managing and reducing the associated inflammatory component. Inflammation is basically how the body normally responds to illness or disease. The body immediately makes cytokines that begins the healing process. Over a time, a scar made of strong fibre – type tissue to protect and minimize further injury to the site. What if the injury was inside the body which we could not see? What if the on-going scar formation going in the kidneys? What if the inflammatory response was never really turned off? How would such process get started? The answer to this question is oxidative stress. Oxidative stress refers to damage that is occurring inside the cells of kidney. It is this continued stress within the cells that stimulates and continue to spread the body’s inflammatory response. This continues disturbance to the cell may release too many free radicals. At this cellular domino effect happens, and cytokines or pro-inflammatory proteins, are produce these include endothelin, interleukins and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta. TGF- beta is associated with scar-like tissue formation inside body called fibrosis. Fibrosis like scar is permanent and irreversible. TGF-beta is implicated in the worsening of diabetic nephropathy and CKD itself, all of which are state of chronic inflammatory changes in the body. Several other conditions, such as dyslipidaemia, hypertension and CKD itself, can similarly cause oxidative stress to the cells. Therefore, treating the underlying condition affecting the kidneys will ultimately preserve kidney function and decrease the level of inflammation. In CKD, inflammation can become a viscous, never –ending cycle.  


The renal inflammatory conditions can be minimized or prevented maximum by the use of Traditional Medicine (TM). Ayurveda listed more than 100 medicinal plants (viz. Boerhaavia diffusaCichorium intybus, Solanum nigrum, Tinospora cordifolia, Nelumbo nucifera, Butea monosperma, Tribulus terrestris, Albizia lebbeck, Pterocarpus santalinus, Curcuma longa, Moringa oleifera, Vetiveria  zizanioides, Hemidesmus indicus, Coriandrum sativum) and so onfor treating kidney related ailments. In the last few years there is on-going research regarding management of CKD all over the world. Here we attempted to review the effect of Boerhaavia diffusa on TGF-beta in the treatment and preventions of CKD. The aforementioned approach of the author is authenticated through a study conducted by A. Prathapan et.,al. published in British Journal of Nutrition (2013),  who tried to identify the potential of traditional medicine Boerhaavia diffusa  for its effects on oxidative stress and transcription factors such as transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-b1). Boerhaavia diffusa L. from the family Nyctaginaceae is an important indigenous medicinal plant widely used in Ayurveda. It is commonly known as Punarnava, has a long history of use by indigenous and tribal people and is used against kidney disorder in Indian traditional system of medicine. Boerhaavia diffusa has also been widely used for the treatment of dyspepsia, jaundice, enlargement of spleen, abdominal pain and fibrinolytic, and as an anti-stress agent. The plant possesses antioxidant potential, and experimental studies have demonstrated that Boerhaavia diffusa could be effective in the prevention and treatment of diseases in which oxidants or free radicals are implicated. The investigator proved the action through angiotensin II-induced hypertrophy in H9c2 cardiac myoblast cells via modulating oxidative stress and down-regulating transforming growth factor b1. It was observed in the study that the mRNA expressions of TGF-b1 in the angiotensin II-treated cells increases significantly with the control cells as compare to the treatment group where the expression of the TGF-b1 genes get reduced by Boerhaavia diffusa. Thereby the herb Boerhaavia diffusa is indicated for its beneficial effect in conditions like diabetic nephropathy, CKD and other inflammatory conditions.

Aimil supports propagation of pure Ayurvedic sciences

Nasya 2018

On Saturday 26th May at Delhi Haat, Janakpuri, Delhi about more than 800 students of Ayurveda from India Nasya 2018 janakpuriand Nepal gathered to attempt the coveted and challenging task for International book of record for the largest class of Charaka Samhita. The event organised by NASYA (National Ayurveda Students & Youth Association) to generate mass awareness and contribute to develop a strong and bright future of Ayurveda was backed by industry giant Aimil Pharmaceuticals India Limited. Mr Sanchit Sharma, Executive Director of Aimil said "Aimil has always backed every initiative aimed at unification of Ayurveda fraternity on a common platform and events which instil a confidence in our heritage system of medicine". Nasya eventAimil has also supported NASYA in their last year’s successful attempt for international Book of Records at Rashtriya Ayurveda Yuva Mahotsav conducted at NIA, Jaipur. Vd. Chhagan Jangid, National President, NASYA said “International Book of Records is a global brand, with brand ambassadors present around the world. It is a platform for the people to showcase their unique talent and inspire the world to go one step further. It will also help to Disseminate Knowledge of authentic Ayurveda to the Society. We also thank Aimil for their support to the program”. Events like this also help in harnessing the very potential of the youth of our country. Aimil has shown that industry support has a pivotal role to play in unification of all stakeholders of this sector aimed at propagation of pure Ayurveda

Health benefits of Amla

  • Amla for Anaemia: Amla is anti-anaemic fruit as it is a rich source of iron and vitamin C. As Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) helps better absorption of the iron.
  • Prevents Aging: Scientific studies have shown that Amla possess properties that can combat age-related illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, cardiac ailments, renal failure, immune suppression, arthritis, cataracts, and wrinkling of skin.
  • Improves digestion: It is good for digestion and assimilation of foods. Being alkaline in nature it ensures to flush out toxins from the body, and balances and strengthen the digestion process. It has adequate amount of fibre and roughage that make you relieve from constipation and indigestion.
  • For Abdominal Diseases: Amla cures Indigestion due to increased acid production,  acidity, gastritis, Heartburn, burning sensation in abdomen, jaundice, fatty liver, irritable bowel syndrome, Peptic & duodenal ulcers.
  • Provides Antioxidant:Amla fruit exhibits strong antioxidant activity due to the presence of ascorbic acid, emblicanins, gallic acid, methyl gallate, corilagin, furosin, and geraniin.
  • For shiny hairAmla is good to prevent hair loss, hair fall, dandruff and plays a vital role in the overall hair health.
  • Imparts glowing skin: It is good for skin beauty, and helps to fight wrinkles, pimples, acne etc. and makes skin fresh by removing the dead cells when applied externally.
  • Helps burn fat: Amla is good for weight loss, fat burning and those who are obese. It has higher level of amino acid that helps to shed unnecessary fats from the body. Amla is diuretic in nature, means it increases the frequency and amount of urine thereby releasing of toxins, waste products from the body.
  • Improves Vision: Due to the presence of vitamin A and carotene Amla prevents many eye related problems such as cataract, intra-ocular, Conjunctivitis or eye flu, burning sensation in eyes and improve vision.
  • Prevents cough and cold: The mix of fresh Amla juice (2tbsp) and honey (2tbsp), taken daily, helps to eradicate the problems of cough and cold.Prevents cough and cold
  • Cure mouth ulcer: It helps to cure mouth ulcer if it gargles along with water.
  • Control diabetes:  Regular consumption of Amla juice (2-3 tbsp) daily helps to lower the level of sugar in blood thus controls diabetes. Amla stimulates the pancreas Islet of langerhans which further regulate the suitable secretion of insulin hormone.
  • For healthy heart: Regular intake ofAmla lowers the level of cholesterol and strengthens the cardiac muscles thus smooth pumping of blood and oxygen to the entire body. The presence of chromium prevents plaque formation in the blood vessels thus save from strokes and cardiac problems. Iron content ensures more oxy-haemo circulation. The various bio-chemical substances present in Amla ensure the better functioning of heart by maintain blood pressure and preventing strokes.
  • Radio-protector: Recent studies suggested that Amla extract may be useful in reducing the side effects produced during radiation therapy, is also a good radio-protective agent in mice exposed to γ-radiation.
  • Relives asthma: Taking Amla juice (2tbsp) and honey (2tbsp) on regular basis is helpful to control asthma, bronchitis, allergic asthma, respiratory congestion, chronic cough and cold.
  • Treats Psychological Diseases: Amla helps to alleviate anxiety, restlessness,Insomnia due to excess heat, irritability, violent mental agitation, and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
  • Kidney & Bladder Disorders: Amla helps to cure burning sensation in urine, and recurrent urinary tract infection.
  • Women’s diseases: Like Leucorrhoea, and Infertility due to uterine weakness are cured by Amla taken along with Ashwagandha and Liquorice.
  • Men’s Diseases: Useful in Oligospermia, nightfall.
  • For Scurvy: Scurvy is caused due to deficiency of vitamin C. Amla is useful in the treatment of human scurvy because it is a very rich source of vitamin C.
  • In Gastritis and peptic ulcer: Amla acts as a natural antacid and controls the production of acid in the stomach and provides relief from the symptoms of gastritis and prevent the complications of peptic ulcers such as gastric carcinoma. It also reduces the pain in the abdomen, weight loss, poor appetite, nausea and vomiting and heartburn caused by hyperacidity.
  • In Osteoporosis: Amla is abundant in Vitamin C, which is recognized as an essential nutrient for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. It improves the absorption of the minerals and increases bone mineral density.Osteoporosis

When and How to Take Amla:

Generally, Amla Juice is recommended taking on empty stomach in the morning, but it can be consumed anytime.

Amla Juice should be mixed in a glass of water and 1 to 2 tsp. honey. Drink this on empty stomach in the morning.

If one experiences some abdominal discomfort due to Amla juice after taking it on empty stomach, then he/she should take it after food mixing with 1 to 2 tsp. of honey without water.

Amla has a strong cooling property, which means it reduces heat and produces cooling sensation in the body.

According to Ayurveda, Amla should not be used in productive cough, common cold, Skin dryness, Joints pains that aggravate in Cold environments.

Herbal drug BGR-34 helps cutting down heart attack risk- DNA

Herbal drug BGR-34 helps cutting down heart attack risk: study

The results hold importance given that achieving near normal glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) significantly decreases risk of microvascular and macrovascular complications causing organ and tissue damage, the official said.

New Delhi: A study published in an international journal has noted that ayurvedic drug, BGR-34, has been found to be effective in cutting down heart attacks by 50 per cent in diabetic patients.

It also found that glycosylated haemoglobin level, tested to monitor the long-term control of diabetes mellitus, of at least half of the patients who had participated in the clinical trial for the herbal drug was under control, said a government official.

The results hold importance given that achieving near normal glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) significantly decreases risk of microvascular and macrovascular complications causing organ and tissue damage, the official said.

Glycosylated hemoglobin is the hemoglobin in the Red Blood Cells (RBCs) to which glucose is bound.

The study was published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine.

As per the study, the clinical trial of the anti-diabetic potential of BGR-34 was conducted as per the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) guidelines on conducting trials of ayurvedic substances.

The drug was jointly developed by two CSIR laboratories, National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plant (CIMAP), the official said.

The study noted that though there are many allopathic drugs which were found effective in controlling blood glucose level, these did not prevent all the complications of diabetes.

In contrast, BGR-34 was an appropriate option to consider in addition to a managed care drug formulary, said the study conducted by a group of doctors on around 56 patients in a Delhi hospital.

The polyherbal ayurvedic blood glucose regulator was prepared from six medicinal plants viz. Daruharidra, Giloy, Vijaysar, Gudmar, Manjeestha and Methi.

The intake of BGR-34 collectively releases 34 active phytoconstituents in the recipient body that helps manage the sugar level in the blood, it said.

According to the official WHO data, India tops the list of countries with the highest number of diabetics followed by China, America, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, Russia, Brazil, Italy and Bangladesh.

From 31.7 million in 2000, diabetes cases are expected to rise by more than 100 per cent in the year 2030 to account to a whopping 79.4 million.

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Herbal drug BGR-34 helps cutting down heart attack risk : study

New Delhi, May 20 (PTI) A study published in an international journal has noted that ayurvedic drug, BGR-34, has been found to be effective in cutting down heart attacks by 50 per cent in diabetic patients.

It also found that glycosylated haemoglobin level, tested to monitor the long-term control of diabetes mellitus, of at least half of the patients who had participated in the clinical trial for the herbal drug was under control, said a government official.

The results hold importance given that achieving near normal glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) significantly decreases risk of microvascular and macrovascular complications causing organ and tissue damage, the official said.

Glycosylated hemoglobin is the hemoglobin in the Red Blood Cells (RBCs) to which glucose is bound.

The study was published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine.

As per the study, the clinical trial of the anti-diabetic potential of BGR-34 was conducted as per the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) guidelines on conducting trials of ayurvedic substances.

The drug was jointly developed by two CSIR laboratories, National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plant (CIMAP), the official said.

The study noted that though there are many allopathic drugs which were found effective in controlling blood glucose level, these did not prevent all the complications of diabetes.

In contrast, BGR-34 was an appropriate option to consider in addition to a managed care drug formulary, said the study conducted by a group of doctors on around 56 patients in a Delhi hospital.

The polyherbal ayurvedic blood glucose regulator was prepared from six medicinal plants viz. Daruharidra, Giloy, Vijaysar, Gudmar, Manjeestha and Methi.

The intake of BGR-34 collectively releases 34 active phytoconstituents in the recipient body that helps manage the sugar level in the blood, it said.

According to the official WHO data, India tops the list of countries with the highest number of diabetics followed by China, America, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, Russia, Brazil, Italy and Bangladesh.

From 31.7 million in 2000, diabetes cases are expected to rise by more than 100 per cent in the year 2030 to account to a whopping 79.4 million. PTI PLB PLB AAR AAR

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Neem (Azadirachta indica)- “Cynosure of modern medicine”

Traditionally Neem has been used against a wide variety of diseases which include heat-rash, boils, wounds, jaundice, leprosy, skin disorders, stomach ulcers, chicken pox, etc.

Modern research also confirms neem’s curative powers in case of many diseases and provides indications that neem might in future be used much more widely.

Here, sharing some important medical application of Neem might be useful at certain time. It is claimed that Neem provides an answer to many incurable diseases.

Rheumatism: Neem leaves have anti-inflammatory activity, similar to that of drugs such as phenyl butazone and cortisone.  They can relieve pain and reduce acute pain edema.  For rheumatism, tropical applications of a warmed Neem cream that contains Neem oil and perhaps a mild Neem tea will help lessen pain.

Hepatitis often-deadly disease can be transmitted through blood or by ingesting contaminated food or water, disease is helped by Neem. Recent studies indicate that Neem extracts can block infection by the virus that causes the disease.

Arthritis: Neem has a long history of relieving inflamed joints, supported by recent scientific studies.


Most anti-inflammatories, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, irritate the stomach and may be the major cause for upper GI bleeding. Ulcers sometimes occur as a result of taking too much of these over-the counter drugs. Neem is comparably effective, anti-inflammatory and does not adversely affect the stomach.

The active constituents in its leaves relieve pain by acting on the prostaglandin mechanism and significantly reduce pain & inflammation.

Neem can also help create a balance in the immune system, directly affecting the progression of arthritis.

Stress: Relatively new scientific findings indicate that Neem may even be useful for reducing anxiety and stress.

Neem’s anti-anxiety effect may be its ability to increase the amount of serotonin in the brain.  Because it works well in small amounts, it could be safer than drugs currently used for stress.

Ulcers: In Ayurveda Neem is considered a useful therapy for ulcers and gastric discomfort.  Scientific evidence exists for effectiveness of the problems. 

Peptic ulcers and duodenal ulcers are treated well with Neem leaf extracts; nimbidin from seed extracts taken orally prevents duodenal lesions and peptic ulcers, and provides significant reductions in acid output and gastric fluid activity. 

The herb promotes a healthy digestive system by protecting the stomach, aiding in elimination, and removing toxins and noxious bacteria.

Its leaves are often used to treat heartburn and indigestion. 

Neem extracts are also used to treat gastritis. 


Skin: Neem has been highly effective against harmful fungi, parasites, and viruses.  Although it can destroy these, it does not kill off beneficial intestinal flora not produce adverse side effects.

Basing their studies on the ancient tradition of using Neem to purify the air surrounding sick people, two Indian researchers found that Neem smoke was successful in suppressing fungal growth and germination.

Neem’s stronger advantages is its effect upon the skin in general.  It has been most helpful in treating a variety of skin problems and diseases including psoriasis, eczema and other persistent conditions.

According to a report from the National Research Council’s Ad Hoc Panel of the Board on Science and Technology for International Development, neem preparation from the leaves or oils can be used as general antiseptics.  Because neem contains antibacterial properties, it is highly effective in treating epidermal conditions such as acne, psoriasis and eczema.

It is also used for treating septic sores, infected burns, scrofula, indolent ulcers and ringworm. 

Indians historically bathed in neem leaves steeped in hot water.  This is still considered a common procedure for curing skin ailments or allergic reactions.

Psoriasis is successfully treated with neem oil. 

The oil moisturizes and protects the skin while healing the lesions, scaling and irritations.It can be used for extended periods of time without any side effects, is easy to apply and is relatively inexpensive.

Viral Diseases: In India, neem is also used to treat viral diseases such as small-pox, chicken-pox even many medical practitioners use a paste of neem leaves, rubbed directly on the infected skin, for these conditions.

The neem extracts absorb the viruses, preventing them from spreading to unaffected cells.  Neem has also been shown to be effective against herpes virus and the viral DNA polymers of the hepatitis B virus.

Laboratory experiments have shown that neem has antibacterial characteristics as well.  For example the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, a feared cause of food poisonings as well as of furuncles and abscesses, reacted to neem treatment.  Also, German experiments proved that a neem seed extract with ethanol is effective against the herpes viruses.

Other Health Benefits

Neem truly seems like miraculous natural drug. Neem has been shown to provide an antiviral treatment option for small-pox, chicken-pox, and warts.

It is particularly useful for these conditions when applied directly to the skin. This is due in part to its ability to inhibit viruses from multiplying and spreading.

Chronic fatigue is considered to be caused by both viral and fungal infections. Neem, which can attack both, helps the body fight this debilitating syndrome.

Minor cuts, sprains and bruises are treated with Neem lotion, cream or leaf extract applied locally. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial attributes are soothing to these conditions.

Cancer: Throughout Southeast Asia Neem has been used successfully by herbalists for hundreds of years to reduce tumors. Researchers are now supporting these uses. Neem has been tested on many types of cancers, such as skin cancers, using Neem-based creams and lymphocytic cancer, using the herb internally.

In India, Europe and Japan scientists have found that polysaccharides and limonoids in Neem bark, leaves and seed oil reduced tumors and cancers and were effective against lymphocytic leukemia.

In Japan, several issued patents included hot water Neem bark extracts; these were effective against several types of cancer.

Several extracts were tested at different doses and were compared to standard anticancer agents. Many extracts were equal or better than the standard treatments against solid tumors.

Results of tests performed with a more purified extract of the bark produced even better results. Further studies using pure active compounds are hoped to produce even more impressive results.

In another study, one researcher used an extract of Neem leaves to prevent the adhesion of cancer cells to other body cells. If cancers can’t stick to other cells, the cancer can’t spread throughout the body and is more easily destroyed.

Neem’s success has been noticeably remarkable with skin cancers. A number of reports have been made by patients that their skin cancers have disappeared after several months of using a neem-based cream on a daily basis. Injections of Neem extract around various tumors have shown sizable reduction in a few weeks’ time.

Dental Care: People in both India and Africa have used Neem twigs as tooth brushes for centuries. Neem twigs contain antiseptic ingredients necessary for dental hygiene. Neem powder is also used to brush teeth and massage gums.

In Germany many researchers have shown that Neem extracts prevent tooth decay and periodontal disease. Infections, tooth decay, bleeding and sore gums have all been treated successfully with daily use of Neem mouth rinse or Neem leaf extract added to the water.

Some people have reported a total reversal of gum degeneration after using Neem for only a few months.

Diabetes: Because Neem is a tonic and a revitalizer, it works effectively in the treatment of diabetes, as well. 


More than a disease that requires change of diet, diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in people ages twenty-five and seventy-four; it also damages nerves, kidneys, hear and blood vessels; it may even result in the loss of limbs. Incurable, it can be treated in a variety of ways. 

One recommendation is to take one tablespoon (5ml) of Neem leaf juice daily on an empty stomach each morning for three months.

An alternative is to chew or take in powder form ten (10) Neem leaves daily in the morning. 

Heart Disease: Major causes of a heart attack include blood clots, high cholesterol, arrhythmic heart action and high blood pressure.  Neem has been helpful in conditions to reduce clotting, lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol, slows rapid or abnormally high heartbeat and inhibits irregular heart rhythms.

Some compounds may produce effects similar to mild sedatives, which reduce anxiety and other emotional or physical states that may prompt a heart attack. 

Malaria: Neem has been shown to be effective in a number of ways against this deadly disease.  Both water and alcohol based Neem leaf extracts have been confirmed as effective.  It has been shown to block the development of the gamete in an infected person.


Neem leaf extract greatly increases the state of oxidation in red blood cells, which prevents normal development of the malaria virus. 

Gedunin and quercetin, compounds found in the leaves, are also effective against malaria.

The plant also lowers the fever and increases one’s appetite, enabling a stronger body to fight the parasite and recover more quickly.

Even though Neem may be effective against the parasites that carry malaria, it has not been shown to prevent the malaria infection once it’s in the body.

Smoker’s Cough- Impact and Herbal Answers

Smokers cough: Every year, on 31 may WHO marks “World No Tobacco Day” highlighted the health and other risks associated with tobacco use. Worldwide, tobacco use causes nearly 6 million deaths per year, and current trends show that tobacco use will cause more than 8 million deaths annually by 2030. According to the WHO, 12% of the world smokers are Indian, and due to this reason more than 1 million die each year due to tobacco in India. People who smoke often develop a cough.Persistent cough, lasting for more than 3 weeks, is known as smoker's cough. The symptoms include sore throat and chest pain.

Health Consequences of Tobacco Use and Second hand Smoke Exposure: Smoking leads to disease and disability and harms nearly every organ of the body. Decades of research have conclusively established that tobacco use, and in particular cigarette smoking, causes numerous serious illnesses, including chronic respiratory diseases (e.g., asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), cancers of the trachea, bronchus and lung, esophagus, oropharynx, larynx, stomach, liver, pancreas, kidney and ureter, cervix, bladder, colon/rectum, as well as acute myeloid leukemia; cardiovascular disease (e.g., ischemic heart and cerebrovascular diseases); and stroke.

Alternative Treatment of Smokers cough – Although all forms of cessation treatments examined were an effective method for quitting smoking altogether; it will lower the risk for smoking related disease and can add years to life. Yet for continuing case of treatment always use herbal medicine as a part of overall treatment plan. Literature suggest medicinal plant viz., Viola odorata,  Solanum xanthocarpum, Onosma bracteatum, Cordia dichotama, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Adhatoda vasica, Ocimum sanctum, Zizyphus sativa, Achyranthes aspera, Terminalia chebula, Hyssopus officinalis, Pistacia integerrima, Terminalia belerica, Alpinia galanga, Adiantum lunulatum, Piper cubeba, Piper longum, Zingiber officinalis, Linum usitatissimum, Ficus carica, Malva sylvestris, Inula racemosa, Abies bebiana, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Cinnamomum tamala, Vitis vinifera, Tinospora cordifolia, Piper nigrum, Nigella sativa, Althoea officinalis, Emblica officinalis, Myrica nagi are safe and effective herbs thatcombat Smoker’s cough (Viola odorata (Gul Banafsha) relief cough by increasing cilliary movements ) and in respiratory tract infection of viral origin, chronic bronchitis, childhood bronchitis, recurrent sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis etc. These herbs have been shown to work within the context of conventional therapy. Treatment with herbs reduced the symptoms of smoking cough like crackling sound when breathing, chest pain, shortness of breath, sore throat. The benefits of these herbs are to make the thick and tenacious secretion thin and help in the dilation of alveoli’s and bronchi thus helping in expectoration, soothing the respiratory system and are useful in relieving coughs. Jufex Forte is safe formulation for smoker’s contains extracts of scientifically proven mix of quality herbs, providing potent action to strengthen respiratory functions

Information on this website is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionals. This website is meant for use by Indian residents only.