Benefits of “Panchtrin mool” in Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) refers to impairment in the kidneys filtering unit and is most commonly caused by diabetes and high blood pressure. Diabetes causes loss to numerous organs in body, including kidneys and heart, as well as blood vessels, nerves and eyes. In high blood pressure, or hypertension, the pressure of blood against the walls of blood vessels increases. If uncontrolled, or poorly controlled, high blood pressure is a leading cause of CKD. Signs of CKD include: tiredness, poor appetite, and trouble in concentrating, sleeping, and muscle cramping at night, swollen feet and ankles, puffiness around your eyes, especially in the morning, dry, itchy skin and reduced urine output. It is a result of reduced glomerular filtration rate (eGFR).

In Ayurveda formulary of India “Panchtrin mool” is mention on classical texts. It is used in reduced urine output resulting in kidney failure. As the kidney becomes compromised in their functional ability the kidney loses the ability to regulate fluid and electrolyte and to remove waste products from the body. Reduced urine output as a result of kidney failure can be acute, as with toxins or sepsis, may occur. Panchtrin mool eliminates excess water and with toxin from the body without unbalancing electrolyte thus supports kidney as:

  • Stimulate the organ functional ability of urinary system
  • Increase urine production
  • Ease the flow of urine
  • Decrease the level of urine albumin and pus cells
  • Reduce burden on kidney strengthen the kidney


What “Panchtrin mool” contains?

“Panchtrin mool” is the medicine mentioned in government publication i.e. (AFI part 2) as official formulation from ancient text (Bhaisajyaratnawali), to treat urinary diseases conditions like as dysuria. The herbs used in this formulation are combination of equimix of following root stocks:

Desmostachya bipinnata: Drug consists of dried root stock. In India it is known as kush etc. and is found throughout the country.

Saccharum spontaneum: Drug consists of dried root stock. In India it is known as kans, kasa etc. and is found throughout the country in warmer part.

Saccharum munja: Drug consists of dried root stock. In India it is known as sar, sarkand, moonja etc. and is found mainly in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Bengal and Orissa.

Saccharum officinarum: Drug consists of dried root stock. In India it is known as Ganna, Ikh, Ikshu etc. and is a plant generally cultivated in all hotter parts of the country for extraction of sugar.

Imperata cylindrica: Drug consists of root. In India it is known as daabh, darbha, etc. and is distributed in the hotter parts of India from Punjab southwards.

How to use “Panchtrin mool”?

Freshly prepared decoction (50 ml) from 10- 50gm of “Panchtrin mool” taken daily three time’s day before meal. This treatment recommendation for minimum of three month. All other allopathic treatment for hypertension and diabetes were continued as before. The combination of medicines along with decoction of “Panchtrin mool” could have shown good effect in improving renal function. Pre-clinical studies show that the Panchtrin mool exhibited amtimicrobial activity against Gram Positive bacteria, Gram Negative bacteria and fungal strains. Ikshu contains carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, flavonoids etc; Sar mainly contains carbohydrates; Kasa contains proteins, glycosides, flavonoids etc.; Darbh mainly contains 5 triterpenoids viz. cylindrin, arundorin, ferneon, soburneol and simiarenol; and Kush contains terpenoids, flavonoids etc. Clinical research has shown that Panchtrin mool treatment is effective and safe. The study suggests that 25 patients treated with Panchtrin mool, showed a significant improvement in the feeling of well-being due to better control of kidney function parameters.

Neeri KFT is a scientifically validated formula as kidney functional tonner, acts as Nephro-protective, supports kidney, regulates the functioning of nephron and also contains “Panchtrin mool” as one of the vital component. Furthermore Neeri KFT protects healthy kidneys from possible damage on long term usage/exposer to potentially nephrotoxic drug molecules, besides heavy metals and pollutants.

Fighting Together

Viral Hepatitis

In the backdrop of World hepatitis day, the article discusses the solution needed to narrow the gap between Government’s recent plan to fight viral hepatitis and our approach.

This 28th day of July on the occasion of World Hepatitis Day the Government of India launched the historic program to fight viral hepatitis, the program branded as National Viral hepatitis Control Programme primarily aimed at the prevention, testing and management of viral hepatitis. This program targets to eradicate hepatitis from India by 2030 which today stands with a grounding burden of 5 million infected hepatitis patients and 1 Lakh deaths every year.

The three aim theory

The management point highlighted in the program is a vital part which can make a huge impact in changing the status quo of the disease in our country. Most of the treatment part revolves around achieving of three goals
1. Sustained immunological control over the virus.
2. Suppression of viral replication.
3. Normalisation of LFT levels.

The regimen used for these management tasks are often accompanied with adverse effects such as Flu like syndrome, myalgia, fatigue, thyroid dysfunction etc. which pose a hurdle in the management of viral hepatitis.

Tried & tested regimen
Since a very long time due to the safety and superior efficacy it is an established fact that liver diseases are better managed with herbal treatment, one such intervention backed by a clinical trial conducted at B.H.U. is Aimil’s Amlycure D.S. which is a poly herbal formulation containing 48 herbs in desired concentration to better manage viral hepatitis and other liver diseases

Amlycure D.S. enriched with Bhuiamla, Kutki, Mulethi, Haritaki and Revand chini Reduces viral DNA transcription and replication and inhibits the reaction between HbsAg and antibody (anti – HbsAg).
For sustained immunological control over hepatitis B virus Amlycure D.S. is fortified with giloe, kalmegh and kasmard which stimulate the non-specific immunity, increases the interferon production and inhibits the suppression of humoral immunity.

The third objective to reduce the elevated LFT is achieved by exerting membrane stabilising effect, anti-oxidant action, counter action of CYP450 inhibition, and maintenance of glutathione levels and also increasing the viability of hepatocyte.

The clinical trial at Institute of Medical Sciences, B.H.U also yielded similar results with respect to progressive improvement in biochemical values and symptoms in acute viral hepatitis and showed no adverse effects in patients.

Achieving the target

The Government’s recent effort is commendable but this historic step is incomplete without the support of the healthcare community and a less informed fraternity is equivalent to an army unknown of the usage of its weapons. So, we should join hands and understand the gravity of the situation as each day of ignorance will give ten days of extra life to our enemy – Viral hepatitis.

Fight yet not over against Hepatitis

Hepatitis Day

Viral Hepatitis, which is recognised as serious global public health problem, has been silently leading to a pandemic in INDIA.

The fight against Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is not over yet, with the broad use of vaccination is the cornerstone and the most important measure to control HBV and all its consequences.

The occurrence of breakthrough infections, the immunological effect of natural boosting and the effectiveness of universal hepatitis B vaccination remains a challenge.

Viral hepatitis in numbers

400 million: people affected with viral hepatitis globally

1.4 million: people killed each year globally (viruses B and C mostly)

5%: people are aware of their infection

1%: have access to treatment

1 million: deaths worldwide each year related to HBV complications

Hepatitis B (HBV) facts and figures

Water-borne A&E and

Blood-borne B&C

Viruses B & C cause chronic hepatitis

Hepatitis B is 100 times more contagious than HIV

Transmitted through all body fluids— sweat, saliva, semen, urine & blood

45 million: HBV carriers in India

If the Govt. act more vigorously now, INDIA can eliminate Hepatitis B by 2080: experts.

Good done anywhere is good everywhere. As of now, India’s requirement in concern to viral hepatitis, is to raise awareness not only among the community, high risk groups but also among the health care providers. With the saying “Prevention is always better than cure”.

Ayurveda, an indigenous system of medicine in INDIA, has long tradition of treating liver disorders with medicinal plants. On the basis of leads available, AIMIL Pharmaceuticals has formulated AMLYCURE D.S 25 years back which provides desired strength of active phytoconstituents having anti-viral action. It is available in various dosage forms viz. Syrup, Capsule, drops which ensures better patient compliance.

Amlycure D.S lowers virus load on the liver and possesses anti-viral action.

  • Andrographolide active constituent from Andrographis paniculata (Kalmegh) increases the viability percentage of the hepatocytes, stimulates hepatic regeneration and increases resistance to damage by hepatotoxins; activates reticuloendothelial system and enhances detoxification by the regulation of antioxidant defence system and microsomal drug metabolism.
  • Phyllanthus amarus (Bhumyamalaki) has ability to down regulate HBV messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) transcription and up-regulate HBV enhancer activity. It also inhibit HBV polymerase activity and decreases episomal HBV DNA content.

Amlycure D.S provides anti-inflammatory, anti-per-oxidative activity, prevents loss of functional integrity of the hepatic cell membrane, hastens recovery period and ensures early restoration of hepatic functions in infective hepatitis.

  • The chemical constituents present in Tephrosia Purpurea (sharpunkha) extract are well known for their anti-inflammatory activity either by inhibiting the release of lysosomal enzymes or by stabilizing the lysosomal membranes.

Amlycure D.S by Cassia occidentalis (Kasondi) provides immune modulatory effect causing the release of nitric oxide (NO) by macrophages and cytokines, it was found to have hepatoprotective effect by reversing the oxidative damage caused by hepatocytes.

Drug induced viral Hepatitis

In a clinical study Picrorhiza kurroa and (kutaki) & Tinospora cordifolia (giloe) showed definitive hepatoprotective effect. Kutaki & giloe possess potent hepatoprotective, anti-viral, immuno-modulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant activities which are consecutive qualities for any hepatoprotective drug to act against drug induced hepatitis.


 A liver adapted diet is just as important as medication.



Plenty of fruits and vegetables like beet rot, lemon, green leafy vegetables and turmeric etc. having potential in preventing the risk of nasty liver ailments.

Foods heavily laced with salts

Lean proteins such as beans, egg whites, fish etc.

Sugary treats like cookies, cakes, soda and packed foods

Healthy fats like those found in olive, nuts and avocados

Saturated fats like butter, high fat diary cream, fried foods

Low fat or non-fat dairy products



As liver battling with Hepatitis virus needs care:

  • Wash all fruits/ vegetables to remove potentially harmful residues
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling food to prevent cross contamination.

Earn Triumph over silent invader HEPATITIS with AMLYCURE D.S

Medicinal botanical are part of Ayurveda that helps to prevent and manage Hepatitis B: Hope for cure is growing…

Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause both acute and chronic disease. Some 240 million people are chronically infected with hepatitis B, and about 300 million people are living unaware with viral hepatitis worldwide. In India, as per latest estimate, 40 million people are chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV). The 8th world hepatitis on 28 July 2018 is a dedicated opportunity to raise aware ness of hepatitis and encouraging prevention, and treatment.

The HBV is highly contagious and is transmitted contact with the blood or the body fluid of an infected person. The hepatitis B virus can survive outside the body for at least 7 days. During this time, the virus can still cause infection if it enters the body of a person who is not protected by the vaccine. The incubation period of the hepatitis B virus is 75 days on average, but can vary from 30 to 180 days. The virus may be detected within 30 to 60 days after infection and can persist and develop into chronic hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B is preventable with currently available safe and effective medicinal botanicals. It should be noted that many plants especially Eclipta alba, Phyllanthus amarus, Cichorium intybus, Boerhaavia diffusa, Tinospora cordifolia,Tecomella undulata, Fumaria parviflora, Berberis aristata, Rheum emodi. Terminalia chebula, Plumbago zeylanica, Embelia ribes, Tephrosia purpurea, Curcuma zedoaria, Cissampelos pareira, Ipomoea turpethum, Picrorhiza kurroa, Andrographis paniculata, Ocimum sanctum, Azadirachta indica, Solanum nigrum, Tribulus terrestris, Emblica officinalis, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Rubia cordifolia are considered best medico-botanicals by ancient science i.e. Ayurveda where research have found that medicinal plants have healing capacity.

In year 1990 from Aimil Pharmaceuticals, research and development team under doctor’s supervision developed the formula referred as Amlycure DS. This formula made up of the extract of more than 27 herbs in their therapeutic “desired strength”.  Pre-clinical studies in animals also published in Asian Journal of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2015 revealed that the hepato-protectant herbs based Ayurvedic drug like Amlycure DS administration shall rejuvenate damaged hepatic cells. In humans, medical researchers from Banaras Hindu University (BHU) treated 50 acute viral hepatitis patients with the dose of 2 teaspoonful thrice daily for 3 weeks.

The study found that the treatment resulted in a progressive reduction in serum bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT and alkaline phosphatase and symptoms. Out of five HBsAg positive patients, one patient treated with Amlycure DS cleared the antigen. Most of the patients were relived of anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and liver tenderness at the end of 3rd week with significant side effects. The pre-clinical and the clinical study on human being suggest the Amlycure DS is safe and effective drug for the cure/ prevention of hepatitis B and can be used frequently in clinical practice tackling the spread of hepatitis B.

Thus, this World Hepatitis Day, let’s take a pledge to take care of our liver.

Think a minute before starting Antibiotics

Kidney Stone

“Without a doubt, antibiotics have saved millions of lives and are needed in severe and serious conditions to protect from infections; the benefits outweigh the potential harms,” said lead study author Dr. Gregory Tasian of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

We never suggest that antibiotics should not be prescribed instead they should be prescribed when needed”.


Do support antibiotic stewardship – the judicious and appropriate use of antibiotics and reducing inappropriate use of antibiotics for a viral illness.”


Scientists already knew that antibiotics alter the composition of the human microbiome – all of the bacteria, viruses and fungi that live in and on the body. Changes in the intestinal and urinary microbiome have also been linked to kidney stones, but no previous studies revealed an association between antibiotics and stones, researchers note in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

Not all antibiotics were associated with an increased risk of kidney stones, however. Exposure three to 12 months before the index date to any of five antibiotics/ antimicrobials – Sulfas, Cephalosporins, Fluoroquinolones, Nitrofurantoin/Methenamine, and broad-spectrum penicillins – was associated with an increased risk of kidney stones.

The risk increase associated with these antibiotics ranged from 27 percent higher odds with broad-spectrum Penicillins to more than doubled odds with Sulfas. Besides, there is always a risk of development of drug resistance which troublesome the patient condition.

Antibiotics in Kidney stone

Risk is entrapping children and adolescents more, the study found. The risk of kidney stones decreased over time but remained elevated several years after antibiotic use.

(Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, online May 10, 2018)

Answering the need safely Neeri– Most trusted brand for more than three decades with the immense support of eminent health care professionals.


  • Inhibits oxalate metabolism preventing stone formation by inhibiting the enzymes responsible for oxalate synthesis viz. glycolate oxidase, glycolate dehydrogenase and Lactate dehydrogenase. Thus, decreases hyer-oxaluria by  Tribulus terristris (gokhru) & Cartaeva nurvala (Varuna)
  • Supplements stone inhibitors like Magnesium, which prevent calcium from binding with oxalate or phosphates. Neeri significantly increases excretion of citrates forming soluble complex with calcium, which ultimately decreases the concentration of urinary calcium, thus inhibits new stone formation.
  • Inhibits the accumulation, deposition and super saturation of salts in urinary media thereby preventing the further formation of stones and helps in spontaneous flushing of stones by Tribulus terristris (gokhru) & Dolichos biflorus (Kultha) & Bergenia ligulata (Pashanbhed)
  • Provides citrates & biomolecules for healthier & clear urine formation by Shwet parpati, Kshar and Butea monosperma  (Palash)
  • Acts as potent anti-oxidant & rejuvenative thereby acts as nephron-protective by Boerhaavia diffusa (Punernava)
  • Reduces residual urine quantity and improves the tonicity of urinary bladder particularly in atony conditions due to surgery or ageing by Crataeva nurvala (Varuna)

Because kidneys are precious!

Don’t let Osteoporosis Fracture Your Future


Estrogen is a female hormone that plays an important role in the health of a women. One of its benefits is that it protects the bones and helps keep them strong and healthy.

When Estrogen level drops many women start losing bone density. Teens and young women who often miss their periods usually have low estrogen levels. As a result, their bones may not be as strong. For mid-life women, the drop in estrogen that happens with menopause can lead to rapid bone loss.Osteoporosis treatment

A Time for Action

Women who begin menopause with low bone density are more likely to develop osteoporosis than those who begin menopause with normal bone density.

Fortunately, Osteoporosis is a disease where one can do something, to treat or prevent it.

BonihealMenopause is good time to make sure that bone getting what they need to protect the bone health.

To serve the concern Aimil Pharmaceuticals has introduced BONIHEAL suspension being developed  on scientific basis of the very latest research to include 1st  ever unique phyto-mineral bone therapy enriched with calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin D & other supporting botanical extract which contributes to maintenance of normal bone health.


1) Supplements natural Calcium in 4 active forms Calcium sulphate from Gypsum (Godanti bhasam), Calcium silicate from Bambusa arundinacea (Vanshlochan), Calcium Oxide (Mukta shukti) provides bio-available form of calcium and Calcium Carbonate from Oyster pearl an ideal supplement for the improvement & maintenance of strong bones.

2) Supplements Vitamin D & vitamin K for enhanced calcium absorption from Olea europaea Ext.(Jaitun), Benincasa hispida (Kusmand) & Medicago sativa(Alfalfa)Osteoporosis cycle

3) Withaferin A from Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) exerts anabolic effect on Osteoporotic bones, by increasing Osteoblastogenesis, limiting Osteoclastogenesis & with enhanced bone mineralization.

4) Supplements superior bone health Anti-oxidants from Linum usitatissimum (Alsi), Nigella sativa (Kalonji) & wheat germ oil (Genhu ankur tail)

With Action on Time Serve up Bone Strength: Love your Bones!

Mango (Mangifera indica L.): King of fruits


In traditional ethno veterinary medicine, all parts of the mango are used to treat abscesses, broken horns, rabid dog bites, stings, heat stroke, miscarriage, bacterial illness, blisters and wounds in the mouth, inflammation of the inner ear, colic, diarrhoea, liver disorders, excessive urination, tetanus, and asthma.

Numerous parts of the mango tree are used in Ayurvedic medicines as an antiseptic, astringent to tone lax tissues, laxative, diuretic, and to increase sweating, promote digestion, and expel parasitic worms or other internal parasites.

Current Ayurvedic practices use various parts of the mango for different ailments.

  • For diarrhoea, mango leaves are pounded together and taken with rice water. For nosebleeds, the juice of the mango seed is placed into the nostrils.
  • For an enlarged spleen, ripe mango juice is consumed with honey.
  • To treat gonorrhoea, mango bark is pounded and added to milk and sugar.
  • A variety of the plant’s parts are used as a paste or powder for cleaning the teeth,
  • The juice of the mango is considered a restorative tonic, as well as a treatment for heat stroke.
  • Mango leaves have powerful antioxidant properties as they have a high content of flavonoids and phenols. The antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of mango leave can help treat various ailments as regulates diabetes, lowers blood pressure, fights restlessness,  treats gall and kidney stones, cures respiratory problems, treats dysentery,  remedy for ear aches, heals burns, stops hiccups, and  good stomach tonic, flushes out toxins from the body and keeps stomach clean.
  • The bark is used as an astringent in diphtheria and rheumatism, and the gum was used in dressings for cracked feet and for scabies.

Scientific studies revealed that the macro- and micronutrient composition and bioactive compounds present in Mango contribute to its many health benefits.

  • Mango fruits are a rich source of vitamins A, B, B6, B9, C, K, E, folate, riboflavin, thiamine and niacin and good source of minerals like, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Calcium, and Iron.  
  • Mangoes are also a good source of both soluble and insoluble fibre. Soluble fibre can help prevent cardiovascular disease and improve gastrointestinal health.
  • Mango is a source of many pharmacologically and medically important chemicals, including mangiferin, mangiferonic acid, hydroxymangiferin, flavonoids, phenolic acids, and carotenes.
  • The xanthone mangiferin, found in many different parts,  shows promising results in the areas of antitumor, anti-diabetic, and anti-microbial actions.
  • Mango also contains smaller amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important for maintaining eye health and preventing macular degeneration.
  • The enzymes like Magneferin, catechol oxidase and lactase are present in mangos that improves digestion.
  • The health benefits of the fruit pulp is due to its high concentration of antioxidant nutrients and phytochemicals, such as carotenoids, play an important role in protective health, cardiovascular disease, and macular degeneration, as well as improving immune health.  

The polyphenols that have been identified in the mango fruit include gallic acid, gallotannins, quercetin, iso-quercetin, mangiferin, ellagic acid, and beta-glucogallin. These polyphenols have powerful antioxidant activity as well as other potentially therapeutic effects. Gallic acid, for example, is known to have anti-inflammatory and antitumor activities, while ellagic acid has been found to exhibit anti-mutagenic, antiviral, and antitumor effects.


Recent scientific studies indicate that mango possesses myriad therapeutic properties, including anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, antiviral, cardio tonic, hypotensive, and anti-inflammatory.

A study found that mango stem bark extract showed a powerful scavenging activity of hydroxyl radicals and acted as a chelator of iron. Although iron is an essential mineral, it is toxic in excessive amounts. Iron chelators could be an important approach to lessen iron-induced oxidative damage and prevent iron accumulation in diseases in which accumulation is prevalent, such as hemochromatosis, a metabolic disorder in which the body absorbs too much iron, and thalassemia, a rare, inherited blood disorder caused by a lack of haemoglobin, which results in fewer healthy red blood cells.

This same study found a significant inhibitory effect on the degradation of brain cell membranes in an animal model, and prevented DNA damage caused by some chemotherapy treatments.

Study showed the consumption of freeze-dried mango prevented the increase in fat mass and the percentage of body fat as well as improved glucose tolerance and lowered insulin resistance.

Mango seed kernel has great moisturizing properties and mango seed oil is an excellent source of fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, which are all vital for hair health. Mango kernel oil has recently attracted attention due to its unsaturated fatty acid composition

Beyond facts – Paving the way for optimum child growth

Child growth

It is high time to go beyond realisation of vicious cycle of infection & poor growth in children. The article shows a new beginning in the journey of breaking this vicious cycle and discusses the importance of healthy growth of child. The internet can fill us with kilobytes of data & statistics pertaining to poor growth of children. The websites of WHO & UNICEF reflects the ugly state of this issue. But we often go beyond the facts and unveil the causes of this malady. If we often go further then we rarely try to answer the big question that lies in front of us i.e. what have we done to eliminate the causes of poor growth in children?

Connecting the Dots
But now a study has surfaced from Clinical Infectious Disease journal which can help us in overcoming the major hurdle in child growth i.e. Poor immunity. The research connects the scattered dots between poor immunity/infection & poor growth. It also projects a clear picture of how poor immunity/recurrent infections can inflict a deadly blow to a person's nutrition status & hence growth (fig. A)  

And because of the embarrassing status of optimum child growth in our country, it is important to understand & superimpose the findings on our children.

New Beginning
Realising the implications Aimil Pharmaceuticals India Limited has launched K.G. Tone Forte syrup which helps in kids growth naturally. K.G. Tone Forte syrup delivers extracts of a scientifically proven mix of herbs to support immunity & address all growth-related issues of kids such as gripes & colics, improper digestion, sub-optimal physical & mental growth.
K. G. Tone Forte boosts immunity and prevents recurrent infection by virtue of a proven regimen (fig. B)

K.G.Tone Forte along with immunity boosters herbs also contain a total of 30 herbs which eliminates the mainstay enemies of optimum child growth & development. K.G.Tone Forte with naturally derived strawberry flavour is also a completely paraben free formulation and is devoid of any artificial colours & sweeteners to provide a much needed net of safety required in cases of infants & babies.

With launching of K.G.Tone Forte, Aimil Pharmaceuticals (I) Ltd. has again reinstated its commitment to their philosophy & values of safety, efficacy & quality, so that we can together build a nation where each child can exercise his/her right to optimum growth & physicians get a potent arrow in their untiring endeavour towards giving the child the gift of good health & development.

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Information on this website is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionals. This website is meant for use by Indian residents only.