Stopping the silent epidemic of chronic kidney disease

One in nine Indians over the age of 25 has chronic kidney disease. That’s more than the number living with chronic lung disease, stroke, heart failure, and all types of cancers combined and the picture is just as bad in many other countries. But, for some reason, kidney disease hasn’t received the attention it ought in World Health Organization priority documents and national chronic disease programs.

So what do kidneys do, and why is this disease worth prioritising?

Chronic kidney disease

Kidneys are essential organs involved in regulating blood pressure, bone quality, and red blood cell production (important for carrying oxygen in the bloodstream), control of essential electrolytes and removal of waste products from the blood.

Chronic kidney disease is a non-communicable disease involving a reduction in kidney function over time. It most commonly results from diabetes, high blood pressure or kidney inflammation. Disease onset is frequently insidious (and often asymptomatic until late stages) so awareness and early identification can be difficult. The term “end-stage kidney disease” refers to the stage of kidney failure (about less than 10% of normal function) where in kidney replacement therapy, namely dialysis or transplantation, is required to sustain life.

Major risk factors for chronic kidney disease include hypertension, obesity, diabetes and ageing – all of which are on the rise globally. Importantly, kidneys are not the only organs damaged. Chronic kidney disease is a cause, consequence and risk multiplier for many other diseases, including heart disease.

One in six people worldwide are affected by chronic kidney disease.

The global picture :- The global prevalence of chronic kidney disease is estimated at between 8% and 16% of the population, meaning up to one in six people worldwide are affected.

Kidney disease is a notable absentee from the WHO’s grouping of priority non-communicable diseases. Globally, over 80% of patients receiving treatment for end-stage disease live in high-income countries, which account for less than 20% of the world’s population. Countries such as India are seeing increasing numbers of people suffering from chronic kidney disease but less than 10% of the people who need dialysis receive it.

Prioritising health

Despite a high global prevalence, inequities in treatment, and being noted by the 2011 World Health Organization high-level meeting on non-communicable diseases as posing “a major health burden for many countries”, kidney disease is still a notable absentee from the grouping of priority non-communicable diseases.

Governments and health systems must develop strategies to both prevent kidney disease and provide treatment to everyone who needs it. We must be clear about the links and common origins of chronic diseases if we are to combat them. The burden of kidney disease should be recognised and it should be prioritised alongside other highlighted non-communicable diseases. This would galvanise action against their shared risk factors.

Whatever our future global health and development agenda looks like, kidney disease must be a priority within it.

It has become the need of hour to formulate & use an authentic herbal & safe preparation to protect the damaging kidneys.

Neeri KFT a natural kidney functional tones providing a new hope for chronic kidney disease CKD Patients. It’s a unique combination of potential Nephroprotective phytoconstituents which are capable to restoring healthy kidney functions.

The component herbs of Neeri KFT, which have been described in ancient texts and established by modern studies for their Nephroprotective activities, provide safe & high antioxidant activity, preventing lipid peroxidation thus protecting, maintaining & even help improve kidney functions.

In various recent studies herbs have shown potential Nephroprotective activity proving their benefit in CKD patients as below:

Boerhavia diffusa (Punernava) protects nephrons, checks tubular necrosis, slows cell degeneration, increases total WBC count.

Crataeva nurvala (Varuna) reverses nephron degeneration due to antioxidant properties.

Moringa oleifera (Sigru) exerts protection against oxidative DNA damage, as well as enhances regeneration capacity of cells of kidneys.

Carica papaya (Papita) helps to restore renal structural integrity, exhibits α-adrenoceptor activity producing vascular tone relaxation.

Hemidesmus indicus (Sariva) protects renal tissue toxicity, cope acute renal failure, reverses nephron damage, improves haemopoiesis.

Solanum nigrum (Makoi) detoxifies acetaldehide, reduce by oxidation of ethanol due to free radicals scavenging activity.

Rheum emodi (Revand chini) protects from proximal tubular segments (S1, S2, S3), prevents from harmful effects of heavy metals nephrotoxicity, reduces 2,8, dihyrdoxy adenine crystal deposition in renal tubule, protects progression of CKD.

Cichorium intybus (Kasni) restores electrolyte balance, regulates Na+-K+-ATPase activity.

Nelumbo nucifera (Kamal kakri) acts as immunomodulator, increase proliferation of stem cells of bone marrow, exerts ACE inhibitory activity.

Albizzia lebbeck (Sirisha) develops hyper serum antibody titres, exerts immune potentiating effect.

Coriander sativum (Dhania) develops auto regulation, diuresis natriuresis, kaliuresis, chloride excretion, maintains GFR.

Arthritis- A Cane for the Pain


Arthritis is an inflammatory joint disorder. An arthritic joint will be painful due to inflammation. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are most prevalent in our country.

In osteoarthritis, the cushions on the ends of our bones, called cartilage, wear away. That makes the bones rub against each other. Which makes the joint painful.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease where the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues. This can damage the joint surface and underlying bone.

  • Prevalence & incidence of Arthritis

Osteoarthritis has been affecting 15 million adults annually with a prevalence ranging 22% to 39% in India. Other common joint conditions affecting Indians are gout and rheumatoid arthritis.

Studies have shown that nearly 45% women over the age of 65 years have symptoms while radiological evidence is found in 70% of those over 65 years.

With this high predominance it is imperative to take a wholesome step at both the preventive and the management side of the sickness.

  • Prevention

Protect your joints: – Using the right techniques while sitting, working, and lifting can help protect joints from everyday strains. For example, lift weight with your knees and hips-not your back when picking up objects.

A nutritious eating regimen: – for the individuals who have a higher risk of bone damage, a customary multivitamin is alright however it may not be sufficient, there are many key bone building supplements for enhancing bone wellbeing.

  • Management

Protecting the cartilage from further damage: – cartilage can be protected by the inhibition of the proteoglycan.

Pain management: – It’s important not to allow pain to settle down. You can combine your medication regimen with medical & non-medical pain management techniques to relieve from the pain of arthritis.

Muscalt forte syrup

Muscalt forte syrup significantly deceases cartilage damage by decreasing PG (proteoglycan) release and inhibition of type 2 collagenase gelatinase activity. It reduces pain & inflammation by inhibiting COX and manages osteoarthritis and rheumadoathritis.

First Aid for the silent screams

This 10th October on the occasion of world mental health day, we are looking at an issue which is silently inflicting a great damage to our most productive generation and this article discusses the solutions of how can we bail us out.

Dr. Junaid a consultant based at delhi is observing a sudden shift in his pool of patients in his practice since last few years as in a given day he encounters 15 to 20 patients of 20 to 28 years of age complaining about one or the other mental health disorder which was a rare phenomenon some time back. And more importantly to his concern these patients keep on rising every day.

Stress: disorder of the new millennia

Dr Junaid observation doesn't come as a surprise as according to the survey of Cigna TTK Health Insurance reveals that 95% of Indian millennial between the age group of 18 to 34 years of age are stressed as compared to the Global average of 86%. "Earlier these disorders were rare and affecting mainly the aged population but nowadays majorly stress has spread its tentacles to the younger population also" Dr. Junaid said. Understanding the gravity of the situation the theme of this year’s world mental health day is “Young people & mental health in a changing world” this theme is aimed to address the issue of poor mental health in youth. The most common cause of stress is low work satisfaction, increment in burden of expectations and a dog bite dog competition. With highest population of youth in the world and owing to these factors, India is surely feeling the burn of poor mental health.

Treatment gap

Due to a meagre number of psychiatrist available and inhibition in the minds of the patients to discuss the issue, many a times the patients’ scream go unheard and therefore they remain unadvised and untreated which in turn aggravates the issue and lastly submitting them in the hands of the devil called depression and very few are aware that in mental illness such as stress initial measures like proper counselling, meditation and our age old science – Ayurveda can go a long way in bringing the lost soul back to home.

First Aid

According to Ayurveda Initial period of stress can be coped very well with proper counselling, meditation and medication that soothes mind and increases the adaptation capacity of the mind. One such anti stress formulation Memtone which is manufactured and marketed by Aimil Pharmaceutical (India) Limited is available which helps to reduce day to day work related stress in adults. Memtone, a therapeutically concentrated formulation which has 14 ingredients such as Ashwagandha which regulate the stress induced disturbances in neurotransmitters, Jatamansi which significantly reverses despair behaviour, anxiety and also relieves sleeplessness due to stress. Memtone is also fortified with Mandookparni which exhibit anxiolytic effect and shankpushpi to inhibit the damage to the neurons inflicted by free radicals thereby preventing neurotoxicity in cerebral cortex. With all herbs in the therapeutic combination Memtone serves as an ideal nervine tonic to relieve anxiety and stress associated issues.

Day of opportunity

These first aid interventions and spreading awareness amongst masses can open new doors in the management of stress in the lives of the sufferers and this 10th day of october on the occasion of world mental health day we as a professional fraternity can pledge towards better prevention and management of stress related issues so that we can turn the silent screams of our youth in loud cheers.

Ayurvedic Management of Diseases of old age

Getting older has its own pros and cons. One get more time to relax and enjoy life on the other hand many health challenges – occupy the major chunk. Among them are-

  •  Digestive troubles– of course can occur at any age but seems big challenge with aging.
  •  Arthritis: probably the condition that people 65 or older contend with.
  •  Osteoporosis:  contribute to becoming less mobile and potentially disabled and have a fracture or as the vertebral bodies collapse.
  •  Diabetes: hitting at higher rate in spite of age marker, crippling the well-being.
  •  Cardiac diseases: As people age, they thrive with risk factors, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, that increases the chances of having a stroke or developing heart disease.
  •  Respiratory diseases: Chronic respiratory disease increase senior health risks, making them more vulnerable to respiratory infections affects quality of life.
  •  Falls: One-third of people who go to the emergency room for a fall may find themselves there again within one year.
  •  Depression: We all feel down from time to time, but if anyone is feeling low and out of sorts for longer periods of time, may be suffering from depression.

Bereavement a common trigger for depression. People are affected by bereavement in many different ways. There is no right or wrong way to feel, and it can take time to adjust. However, if you feel things aren’t improving for you, you might need help if:

  1.  You neglect yourself or your family, for example you don’t eat properly
  2.  You feel you can’t go on without the person you’ve lost
  3.  The emotion is so intense it’s affecting your life.
  •  Sleep troubles: Sleep disturbances are a common concern as we get older, but they are not inevitable and there is much that can be done to relax and good sleep.
  •  Bladder and bowel problems: People of all ages can experience bladder control problems- including over 2.5 million people over 60 – yet many people keep it secret for years.

Facing the challenges

Once identified the risk, the priority is the early rehabilitation in order to reduce the impact of chronic conditions in functionality. The idea is to monitor health, not the disease.

Ayurvedic Management of Diseases of old age

Besides the rejuvenative approaches Ayurveda has notable potential to afford significant complementary therapeutic care in a range of diseases of the elderly and the same needs to be known to the practicing physicians of all streams.

Cardio protective in cases of Ischemic heart disease Arjuna, Guggulu and Puskarmula

Sleep disturbances:  Brahmi, Mandookparni and similar other Medhya.

Senile enlargement of Prostate:  Varuna and Sigru

Senile visual disorders:  Triphala and Jyotismati

Immunodeficiency:  Amrita and Amalaki

Shirodhara and Shirobasti in tension headaches and different kinds of neurodegenerative conditions are some of the potential areas where Ayurvedic treatment has promise. Similarly, the Pindasweda procedure of Keraliya Panchkarma therapy is known for its rehabilitative effect in many neurodegenerative conditions and myopathies.

For Healthy living:

Yoga therapy: The following yogic practices are beneficial in old age; however, these should be performed only under the guidance of qualified Yoga therapist. Duration should be decided by the yoga therapist.

  •  Breathing exercises (hand strech breathing, hand in and out breathing).
  •  Savasana, Vajrasana, Bhujangasana, Vakrasana, Salabhasana Gomukhasana, Pavanmuktasana, Katichakrasana, Ardhakati chakrasana, Tadasana, Sasangasana, Dhanurasana, Mayurasana, Paschimottanasana,  Ustrasana etc.
  •  Practice of Pranayama (Chandra anuloma viloma, Nadisodhana, Ujjai, Bhastrika, Bhramari, Suryabhedana).
  •  Kunjala with lukewarm water, Sankha prakshalana, Jalaneti. Vastra dhauti.
  •  Deep relaxation techniques, Yoga nidra.

AIMIL Pharmaceuticals continuously working on the needs of the masses and to dampen the effects of health challenges associated with aging.


Aimil Pharmaceuticals offers range of products:

To sort old age associated bladder problems: Neeri

To strengthen kidney functions which get co-morbidity due to diabetes and hypertension: Neeri KFT

To control diabetes mellitus but also provides benefits of system toning: Amree plus

With pronounced anti-hyperglycaemic effects with pronounced anti-oxidant action: BGR-34 A neuroprotective, with medhya rasayan for promoting mental wellness: Memtone

Supplements pro bone minerals to maintain peak bone mass which is generally declines with aging: Boniheal

Supplements phytoestrogen to reduce the harsh effect of declining esrogen on the bones of aging: Boniheal

To meet geriatric group compliance with utmost advanced formulation Muscalt forte available in tablet/ syrup / oil spray not only relieve pain and arthritic deteriorating changes but also keep them mobile and independent.

Take away message

  1.  Regular exercise / pranayama can help reduce the impact of several diseases, such as osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.
  2.  Regular exercise can also reduce arthritis-related pain, improve sleep, prevent falls and fractures, and improve low mood and memory.
  3.  In fact, taking regular exercise is one of the best things you can do to remain independent.
  4.  The good news is that any exercise is good for you. You don’t need to go to a gym! Try to find things that can be part of your everyday routine, such as simple chair-based exercises or walking to the shops.

 No matter what’s your age you are never too late to make healthy changes in your life!

Importance of Nutrition & Herbs

Nutrition is the intake of food, considered in relation to the body’s dietary needs vital for good health and wellbeing. Food provides body energy, protein, essential fats, vitamins and minerals to live, grow and function properly. However, consumption of insufficient, excessive, or imbalanced of nutrients refers to malnutrition, which leads for causing several  diseases like Obesity, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, cirrhosis, hair loss,  dyspepsia,  birth defects, reproductive and teratogenic effects, diarrhea causing dehydration, vomiting, constipation, anticoagulant, excessive bleeding, liver damage,  haemorrhagic stroke, reduced glycaemic control among diabetics, Cancer, fatigue, depression, confusion, nausea, constipation, pancreatitis, increased urination, kidney stones, metabolic syndrome and so on and so forth.

Nutrients are of two types: macro-nutrients, which are needed in relatively large amounts, and micronutrients, which are needed in smaller quantities or in traces. The macronutrients are carbohydrates, fibres, fats, protein, and water. They provide structural material for body like amino acids, lipids and energy. The essential fatty acids are essential for maintaining good health but body does not produce them. They are the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The micronutrients are minerals, vitamins, and other phytonutrients. Dietary minerals are inorganic chemical elements required by living organisms and play a role as electrolytes to maintain the body healthy. The common micronutrients are: Calcium, a common electrolyte, needed for muscle and digestive system, bone strength, to neutralize acidity, help to clear toxins, provides signalling ions for nerve and membrane functions. Magnesium, required for processing ATP and related reactions to builds bones, increases flexibility, increases alkalinity. Phosphorus, required component of bones; essential for energy processing. Potassium, is a very common electrolyte for heart and nerve health. Sodium, a very common electrolyte for significantly improve blood pressure and heart health. However, excessive sodium, over 1500 mg per day, consumption can deplete calcium and increase blood pressure, a common risk factor for heart disease and stroke.  Magnesium, is important for normal bone structure in the body and essential to the working of hundreds of enzymes. Low magnesium levels in the body have been linked to diseases such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, hereditary heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Sulphur, for three essential amino acids and therefore many proteins (skin, hair, nails, liver, and pancreas). Sulphur is not consumed alone, but in the form of sulphur-containing amino acids. Chlorine as chloride ions; Chloride salts such as sodium chloride is an essential electrolyte located in all body fluids responsible for maintaining acid/base balance, transmitting nerve impulses and regulating fluid in and out of cells. Besides these, many elements are required in trace amounts, usually because they play a catalytic role in enzymes. Some trace mineral elements are: Cobalt, required for biosynthesis of vitamin B12 family of coenzymes. Animals cannot biosynthesize B12, and must obtain this cobalt-containing vitamin in their diet. Copper, required component of many redox enzymes, including cytochrome c oxidase. Chromium, required for sugar metabolism. Iodine, required not only for the biosynthesis of thyroxine but also for other important organs as breast, stomach, salivary glands, thymus, etc.; for this reason iodine is needed in larger quantities than others in this list, and sometimes classified with the macro minerals. Iron, required for many enzymes, and for haemoglobin and some other proteins. Manganese, required for processing of oxygen. Molybdenum, required for xanthine oxidase and related oxidases. Selenium, required for peroxidase (antioxidant proteins). Zinc, required for several enzymes such as carboxypeptidase, liver alcohol dehydrogenase, and carbonic anhydrase.

Vitamins are essential nutrients, necessary in the diet for good health. Vitamin deficiencies may result in disease conditions, including goitre, scurvy, osteoporosis, impaired immune system, disorders of cell metabolism, certain forms of cancer, symptoms of premature aging, and poor psychological health, among many others. However, excess levels of some vitamins are also dangerous to health. The  thirteen vitamins required by human metabolism are: vitamin A (retinols and carotenoids), vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B7 (biotin), vitamin B9 (folic acid or folate), vitamin B12 (cobalamins), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin D (calciferols), vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols), and vitamin K (quinones).

Phytochemicals such as polyphenols are compounds produced naturally in plants. In general, the term is used to refer to compounds which do not appear to be nutritionally essential and yet may have positive impacts on health. Many of these substances from fruits, berries, nuts, spices, vegetables and whole grain foods are described as having antioxidant activity.

Keeping in view of the above AIMIL Pharmaceuticals developed AMYRON, a  general health tonic is used for Lack of libido male impotency, Menstrual problems, Eczema and other skin irritation, Digestion problems, Insomnia, Skin condition marked by white patchiness, Obese, Fertility, Anxiety, Back ache and other conditions. K.G. Tone Forte, a kid’s growth tonic, contains juices & extracts of scientifically proven mix of nature’s quality herbs, providing essential nutrients which nourishes the growing children and simultaneously boosts immunity.

Some important herbs used in AMYRON & K.G. Tone Forte are:

Arbi Leaves (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott)

Leaves are rich in vitamins like Vitamin A, Thiamine (B1) Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Vitamin B6, Folate (B9), Vitamin C, Vitamin E and vitamin K, and minerals like Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc and dietary fibre. As the leaves have enormous amounts of vitamin A, they promote better eye health, assist in maintaining the vision acuity, and prevent different eye disorders like myopia, blindness, and cataract. Since the leaves are rich in vitamin C, which is a protective and powerful antioxidant that can prevent common ailments like cold, cough to even certain cancers. The compound methionine and dietary fibre present in the leaves lower the cholesterol efficiently by breaking the triglyceride down. The leaves are a good source of the vitamin Folate, which is essential for a healthy foetus development. Folate is also necessary for the DNA synthesis and is claimed to be helpful in preventing colon cancer and rectal cancer. Leaves contain enormous amounts of phenolic and carotenoid compounds, which tend to exhibit potent antioxidant properties and help the body to fight free radicals and takes care of the cells from further damage and oxidative stress. As the leaves are good source of iron, it is not only fulfilling the iron deficiency but also avoids fatigue, weakness, and tiredness. Leaves are also good source of Potassium which is one of the important mineral that breaks down and absorbs carbohydrates, builds muscles, controls the overall electrical activity of heart, maintains better acid-base balance, and promotes normal development of the body and sustaining the body’s fluid and electrolyte balance.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal)

Ashwagandha, also known as India ginseng, is rich in nutrients like protein, fat, crude fibre, energy, carbohydrate, Iron, calcium, carotene and Vitamin C. It is an adaptogenic, helps the body to manage stress, increase energy levels and improve concentration. Ashwagandha also provides all sorts of other benefits for the body and brain. It can lower blood sugar levels, reduce cortisol, boost brain function and help fight symptoms of anxiety and depression. Many of its health benefits are attributed to its high concentration of withanolides, which have been shown to fight inflammation and tumour growth. Ashwagandha has been shown to increase muscle mass, reduce body fat and increase strength in men. Ashwagandha may also help reduce the risk of heart disease by decreasing cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Ashwagandha improves brain function, memory, reaction times and the ability to perform tasks.

Fenugreek Seeds (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)

Fenugreek Seeds are rich in nutrients like Protein, Carbohydrate, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin A, Vitamin B-6, and Vitamin C. Besides, they are also a source of saponins such as diosgenin, yamogenin, gitogenin, tigogenin, and neotigogens.flavonoids and amino acid, alkaloids, Other bioactive constituents of  fenugreek include mucilage, and  volatile oils. Fenugreek Seed, was found to possesses different activities such as Anticancer, Anti-Inflammatory, Antiseptic, Aphrodisiac, Astringent, Bitter, Demulcent, Emollient, Expectorant, Anthelmintic, Wound healing and Gastro protective. They are used to combat Allergies, loss of Appetite, bronchial catarrh, high Cholesterol, Diabetic Retinopathy, Gastric Disorders, Lung Infections, Excessive Mucus, sore Throat, Abscesses, Anaemia, Asthma, Boils, Body Odour, cancer, swollen Eyes, Fevers, Gallbladder Problems, Heartburn, Inflammation, Sinus Problems, Ulcers, Uterine Problems, and Water Retention.  Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of the polysaccharide galactomannan.

Flax Seeds (Linum usitatissimum L.)

Flax seeds have been linked to health benefits such as improved digestive function and a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Flax seeds acts as a natural laxative and promote regularity. They help to prevent heart disease and support immune function. Flax seeds are rich in fat and are one of the best plant-based sources of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseeds are a good source of several vitamins and minerals that are needed for optimal health, including thiamine (B1), copper, molybdenum, magnesium and phosphorus. Flax seeds are high in several plant compounds, including p-Coumaric acid, ferulic acid, cyanogenic glycosides, phytosterols and lignans. Lignans are also known as phytoestrogens. They are antioxidants with weak estrogenic properties that are linked with benefits for heart health, metabolic syndrome and several types of hormone-sensitive cancers. Flax seeds contain soluble fiber, which may promote weight loss by reducing hunger and decreasing cravings. Flax seeds may improve digestion by relieving diarrhea and constipation. They may also reduce fasting blood sugar in diabetics and reduce the risk of several cancers.

Guduchi Leaves (Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers )

Guduchi leaves are richest source of many nutrients and phytochemical. They contain carbohydrate, protein and fibre. It also contains calcium, iron and vitamin C in little amount  contains many active ingredients include the alkaloids berberine, tinospporin, palmitine, tembetarine, choline, isocolumbin, and tetrahydropalmatine; the steroids sitosterol, octacosanol, heptacosanol, nonacosan-15-one, hydroxyecdysone, makisterone, giloinsterol, diterpenoid lactones, furanolactones, tinosporon, and columbin; and the glycosides 18-nonderodane glycoside, furanoid diterpene glycosides, tinocordifoliside, tinocordiside, cordiside, cordifoliside, plamatosides, and syringing. They are responsible to combat many diseases like diabetes, high cholesterol, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), upset stomach, gout, lymphoma and other cancers, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), hepatitis, peptic ulcer disease (PUD), fever, gonorrhea, syphilis, and to boost the immune system.  

Musli (Asparagus adscendens Roxb.)

Presence of active compounds in asparagus supplies sufficient nutrients to body cells and improves the functioning of kidney and heart. As per studies, asparagus is found to be as an effective health tonic for lowering bad cholesterol level. This in turn reduces the risk of heart diseases and makes heart healthy. Antidepressant property is another main health benefit of asparagus adscendens. Active composition enriched in asparagus calms down nerve cells and prevents the risk of nervous disorders like depression, anxiety and stress. Maintaining hormonal balance is an important health benefit of using Asparagus adscendens herb. Presence of key ingredients in asparagus like proteins, alkaloids, saponins and tannins enhance the production of estrogen, which helps in improving fertility and vitality in women. Active compounds present in asparagus are well known for their multiple health benefits as antispasmodic, appetizer, cooling and galactagogue. The main advantage of using this herbal tonic as a rejuvenator and is found to be very beneficial for the treatment of those females with reproductive disorders. Presence of glutathione and anti-oxidants in Musli scavenges free radicals and prevents the formation of cancer cells. Magnesium present in asparagus energizes cells and helps in relieving health disorders like fatigue, depression and anxiety. Detoxification property enriched in this herb cleanses blood cells and fights against infections due to toxic wastes. Controlling blood pressure, regulating blood sugar level, improving immune system and increasing libido are other health benefits of the herb.

Papaya Leaves (Carica papaya L.) 

Papaya leaves are gaining importance because of packing with incredible health and skin benefits. The leaf is rich in enzymes like papain and chymopapain, which aid digestion, prevents constipation and clean the colon and preventing stomach ulcers and other digestive disorders.  Papaya leaves also contain high amounts of vitamins A, C, E, K, and B and minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium magnesium and iron. Papaya leaves are used to treats Dengue fever. Dengue fever severely brings down the blood platelet count, and the extract from papaya leaf is known to help increase the count. The compound acetogenin, found in papaya leaf, helps to prevent dangerous disease like malaria and dengue. Papaya leaf juice also acts as a potent cleansing agent for the liver, thereby healing many chronic liver diseases, jaundice and liver cirrhosis. Papaya leaf juice can work wonders for diabetics as well, as it regulates the production of insulin, which in turn checks blood sugar levels. Its strong antioxidant nature also helps to bring down the consequent complications of diabetes like kidney damage and fatty liver. Papaya leaf juice works wonders to ease the menstrual flow and reduce the pain. Papaya leaf juice has a rich content of vitamin C and A, which boost skin health and lend you a healthier and radiant skin. Papaya leaf juice suppresses the activity of free radicals. The presence of karpain compounds checks the growth of excess micro-organisms, and cleanses skin of the toxins, providing protection against skin problems like pimples, freckles and acne. The extract of papaya leaf is said to promote hair growth, prevent balding and thinning of hair. Extracts from papaya leaf boasts of great anti-cancer properties majorly because of its compound acetogenin.

Raisins (Vitis vinifera L.)

Raisins are dense sources of energy, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Additionally, they packed with many health benefiting polyphenolics antioxidants, dietary fibres, and other phytonutrients.  Raisins contain phytochemical compound resveratrol, a polyphenol antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, blood cholesterol lowering activities and control the diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD), degenerative nerve disease, Alzheimer's disease and viral/ fungal infections. They are rich in anthocyanins, another class of polyphenolic anti-oxidants, which have been found to have anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-cancer activities. Furthermore, they are also abundant in flavonoid compounds such as tartaric acid, tannins, catechins, etc. Together with inulin and fibre, these compounds aid in smooth bowel movements through their laxative function. Raisins are dense sources of minerals like calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium copper, fluoride, and zinc. Copper and manganese are an essential cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. They are rich in a heart-healthy electrolyte, potassium. By countering pressing effects of sodium, it reduces heart rate, blood pressure and thereby helps prevent stroke, and peripheral vascular diseases. They are also a good source of some B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid.

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus Willd.)

Asparagus contains the carbohydrate inulin which has a major health benefits. It is a rich source of folates, a vital nutrient for a growing baby. It contains all the important B-complex vitamins, including niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and thiamine. These are needed for many metabolic and enzymatic processes. Asparagus has rich levels of the antioxidant Vitamin A and moderate levels of vitamins C & E. Vitamin K is found in very good quantities. This nutrient is especially helpful in ensuring brain and bone health and ensuring normal blood clotting. Various minerals like calcium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc are found in fair amounts, while copper and iron are in good amounts. Asparagus contains about 4% potassium and almost no sodium, which makes it good for those with hypertension. Shatavari is considered a general health tonic to improve vitality and as an adaptogenic herb. Shatavari is high in saponins, with antioxidant abilities help prevent free-radical cell damage and also battle oxidative stress, which causes disease. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is used in ayurveda as an immunity booster, to combat anxiety and depression. It may help relieve cough, treat diarrhea, ulcers, kidney stones, maintain blood sugar, act as anti-aging, a diuretic. Shatavari also improves gastric ulcers, female reproductive health, and reduces symptoms of menopause.

Sunflower Seeds (Helianthus annuus L.)

Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E and a very good source of copper and vitamin B1. In addition, seeds are a good source of manganese, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin B6, folate and niacin. They are also an excellent source of proteins loaded with fine quality amino acids such as tryptophan that are essential for growth, especially in children. Seeds are especially rich in poly-unsaturated fatty acid linoleic acid, and mono-unsaturated oleic acid that helps lower LDL or "bad cholesterol" and increases HDL or "good cholesterol" in the blood. Sunflower seeds contain health benefiting polyphenol compounds such as chlorogenic acid, quinic acid, and caffeic acids. These compounds are natural anti-oxidants, helps removing harmful oxidant molecules from the body. Further, chlorogenic acid helps reduce blood sugar levels by limiting glycogen breakdown in the liver. Seeds are indeed a very rich source of vitamin-E, a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant, required for maintaining the integrity of cell membrane of mucus membranes and skin by protecting it from harmful oxygen-free radicals. They are very good sources of B-complex vitamins such as niacin, folic acid, thiamin (vitamin B1), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), pantothenic acid, and riboflavin. Sunflower seeds are incredible sources of folic acid, which is essential for DNA synthesis. Seeds are incredibly rich sources of many essential minerals like calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesium, selenium, and copper which play a vital role in bone mineralization, red blood cell production, enzyme secretion, hormone production, as well as in the regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle activities.

Wheat Germ Oil (Triticum aestvum L.)

Wheatgerm oil is rich in Octacosanol, Vitamin E, A, D, B1, B2, B3, B6, K, and Essential Fatty Acids, protein, and minerals. Essential Fatty Acids support physiological functions, and are essential for the health of our organs and overall health. It is rich in octacosanol which helps to enhance the physical performance and promotes the muscular energy. It is useful for rejuvenating, moisturizing and protecting mature and drying skin. It is loaded with anti-aging and antioxidant properties that helps to prevent the health problems like cardiovascular disease, cancer etc. It also slows down the signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines and premature aging signs. This oil has omega-6 acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid, lecithin, squalene and stearic fatty acids. It also possesses lecithin, protein, minerals and essential fatty acids. Due to the richness in minerals and vitamins, it keeps the body healthy from inside.

Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)

Fennel is a good source of vitamin C and dietary fibre. It also contains potassium molybdenum, manganese, copper, phosphorus and folate. Calcium, pantothenic acid, magnesium, iron and niacin too are found in it. It prevents anaemia, Aids Digestion, Works as an Antacid, Anti-flatulent, Laxative, Controls Cholesterol Levels, Good Source of Potassium, which regulates the water balance as well as the acid-base balance in our body. It also plays an integral role to pass on nerve impulses from one end of the body to the other. It reduces the tension on the blood vessels by dilating them. This results in reduction of blood pressure, Stimulates Milk Secretion, and Induces menstruation.

Jira (Cuminum cyminum L.)

Jira or Cumin is an excellent source of iron, manganese, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus.  According to the USDA, other vitamins present in it include thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin A, C, E, K, and vitamin B6. Cumin also contains minerals such as copper, zinc, and potassium. It is also rich in protein, amino acids, carbohydrates, dietary fibres, and a reasonable amount of fats and fatty acids. Cumin seeds contain naturally occurring substances called apigenin and luteolin, act as Antioxidants helps to make body healthier and more energetic. Cumin has a variety of benefits ranging from helping improve digestion to boosting memory. Cumin may also prevent cancer cells from multiplying and help reduce pain with its anti-inflammatory properties.

Badi Ilayachi (Amomum subulatum Roxb.)

Badi Ilayachi is an excellent source of manganese, a very good source of iron, and has good levels of other minerals like copper, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. It also contains good amounts of Vitamin C and the B complex vitamins, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin and pyridoxine. It is low in sodium and free of cholesterol. Most importantly it contains a wealth of essential oils, which helps to ease cold, cough, congestion and warms the body. It is also an aphrodisiac and also helps in combating digestive issues including flatulence, indigestion and nausea. Cardamom has expectorant properties, therefore it helps to remove, reduce and soothe the mucus membranes. Thus it relieves sore throat, colds, coughs and various other respiratory allergies. It benefits in urinary tract infections, has diuretic properties and detoxifies the body. Cardamom balances the 3 doshas of the body. Cardamom contains the phytochemicals indole-3-carbinol and di indolylmethane which fight hormone related cancers, that of the breast, ovary and prostrate.

Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague ex Turrill)

Ajwain is served as an important constituents of human diet supplying the body with sufficient amount of proteins, carbohydrates and energy. The seed contains active constituents like alkaloids, steroids, fixed oils, glycosides, tannins, saponin and flavonoids, cumene, thymene, amino acids and dietary fibres, essential oils like thymol, c-terpinene, p-cymene. These compounds are responsible for showing pharmacological activities like antispasmodic, bronchodilator, hepato-protective, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-mutagenic activities. Ajwain helps in digestion, the essential oil contains Thymol that has antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Ajwain is effective to treat respiratory problems including common cold, cough and nasal congestion. Ajwain has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which makes it a great cleansing agent for minor wounds and skin infections. Ajwain has hypolipidemic effect and found to reduce levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Ajwain is known for its antispasmodic properties and it gives relief from flatulence, dyspepsia and spasmodic disorders. Ajwain is used for the treatment of asthma and help to keep the viral infections at bay.

Haritaki (Terminalia chebula Retz.)

Haritaki consists of ingredients which are recognized to have healing properties including anticancer, antibacterial, antidiabetic, anti-oxidant properties and Body-Mind Rejuvenator. Haritaki is very nutritious containing essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins. It is a source of vitamin C, manganese, selenian, potassium, iron and copper.

Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica L.)

Chitrak is a useful Indian medicinal plant. The root of the plant and its constituents are credited with potential therapeutic properties including anti-atherogenic, cardiotonic, hepatoprotective and neuroprotective properties. Chitrak has been credited with therapeutic properties to treat liver diseases, diseases of the spleen, fevers, dysentery, diarrhoea, leprosy, and also bacterial, microbial and helminth infections.  Plumbagin, a naphthoquinone, a major component, is considered to be the active ingredient responsible for the therapeutic effects. It is claimed to possess cardiotonic, hypolipidaemic, anti-atherosclerotic, anticoagulant, anticarcinogenic, antitumor, antimutagenic, wound healing, antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Amla (Phyllanthus emblica L.)

The fruit is a very rich source of vitamin C and E, and is considered as a potent antioxidant effect of the tannins that appeared to be the vitamin. It increases immunity and fights off free radicals. It is beneficial in preventing aging, cancer and cell damage. Emblicanins, the active ingredient of Indian Gooseberry are Gallic acid or Ellagic acids structures attached to the Vit. C. Its mineral and vitamin contents include calcium, phosphorous, iron, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. it has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties.  Amla is a potent scavenger of free radicals and showed antioxidant properties. It is considered to be one of the strongest rejuvenative herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. The fruits are used extensively in as a laxative. The fruits are used in the treatment of diabetes. The juice of the fresh fruit when mixed with ghee is considered a good restorative tonic.

Bhui Amla (Phyllanthus amarus  Schum. & Thonn.)

Bhui amla contains protein, lipid, ash, fibre and carbohydrate. Also mineral elements such as iron manganese, magnesium, zinc, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, copper and chromium are found in appreciable amount, with calcium present in the highest concentration. It has numerous applications for the treatment of the liver, kidney, spleen, stomach, and the genitourinary system.  The primary content of the bhui Amla are lignans such as phyllanthine and hypophyllanthine. The other constituents are alkaloids and bioflavonoids such as quercetin. The enzyme needed for the reproduction of the Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C is DNA polymerase. Phyllanthus blocks this enzyme and thus prevents the hepatitis disease from increasing. It checks thirst and purifies the blood. In addition, the herb has a carminative action. Cure jaundice. It is used to treat skin diseases and oedema. It acts as a neutralizing agent for poison.  It has antipyretic action, cures diabetes, remove gall bladder stone and renal stone. Useful effects of Bhumi amla to remove imbalances and helps reverse aging. It provides nourishment for the organs.

Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.)

Yashtimadhu contains many phyto-nutrients including Glycyrrhizic acid, one the main active constituents, Isoflavones, a phytoestrogen (plant equivalent of estrogen), Saponins, Flavonoids, Sugars and starches, Several amino acids, Gums, Essential oils, Minerals like manganese and phosphorus, and B vitamins. Yashtimadhu is an amazing herb that is claimed to have a wide range of health benefits like, treat and prevent Diabetes, has anti-obesity effects, treat hepatitis B, herpes, HIV, Reduces Canker Sores, supports dental health, reduces serum testosterone levels in females, treats symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome, reduce cancer growth, protect the liver by reducing liver injury and inflammation, Antioxidants in Yashtimadhu may help prevent atherosclerosis, alleviate symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis,

Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell)

Brahmi is a rich source of carbohydrates, fat, protein and minerals.  The most active Phytoconstituents of Brahmi are bacosides, bacopasides, brahmine, nicotine, herpestine, D-mannitol, apigenin, hersaponin, monnierasides I–III, cucurbitacin and plantainoside B. Brahmi is known for enhancing memory, cognition, mood and other mental disorder by fighting free radical damage in the brain, forming new nerve connections, and balancing essential neurotransmitter levels. Brahmi may even treat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and improve some symptoms of epilepsy and schizophrenia. Brahmi is the famous nootropic herbs. It is also used in the management of a range of mental conditions including anxiety, poor cognition and lack of concentration, and also used as a diuretic and as an energizer for the nervous system and the heart. Brahmi strengthens the innate immune response in the body. Antioxidants in brahmi can also scavenge free radicals and enhance the activity of the natural antioxidants in the body.

Punernava (Boerhavia diffusa L.)

Punernava is a rich source of nutrients like protein, fat, sodium, Calcium, iron, and Vitamin C. These nutrients are extremely important for the healthy and efficient functioning of the body and can help prevent many diseases and infections, as well as cure many ailments. Thus Punernava offers a whole range of health benefits. It is extremely good for the liver and prevents infections from occurring in it. It is a diuretic and can prevent kidney stones from occurring. It is good for patients with arthritis and diabetes. It can treat urinary tract infections, heavy menstruation, fibroids, and clotting in women. It fights obesity and prevents heart failure from occurring. It is good for the eyes and digestion, and is also used as a laxative. It can cure impotence and erectile dysfunction as well. It can also help with certain kinds of cancer, eye diseases, prevents heart failure, and helps with stomach disorders. It cures bronchial asthma, and is a good remedy for gout. Moreover, it is also considered a good remedy for cancer as it is an anticancer agent.

Dhania (Coriandrum sativum L.)

Coriander seed contains an unusual array of phytonutrients and possess many plant-derived chemical compounds that known to have been antioxidant, disease preventing, and health promoting properties.  Seeds are a very good source of dietary fibre, iron, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc and magnesium. Coriander's volatile oil is rich in beneficial phytonutrients, including carvone, geraniol, limonene, borneol, camphor, elemol, and linalool; flavonoids include quercitin, kaempferol, rhamnetin, and epigenin; and active phenolic acid compounds, including caffeic and chlorogenic acid.  Coriander seeds have a health-supporting reputation and are used as anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering effects.

Kamal (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)

Lotus flowers are good source of iron, copper, and calcium, which are essential participants in the production of red blood cells. Flowers are used to stop bleeding, to treat diarrhea, used in skin problems, including acne, cholera, fever, and hyperdipsia. Flowers assist in clotting of blood and summer heat. The petals are also effective in reducing the symptoms of thirst and inflammations in the body. The flowers are also used in the treatment of premature ejaculation, abdominal cramps and bloody discharges, and as a cardiac tonic. The flower petals have exhibited, Antioxidant, Antipyretic, Aldose reductase inhibitory, Hepatoprotective, and Hypoglycaemic activities.

Dadim (Punica granatum L.)

Pomegranates have an impressive nutrient profile and a good sources of Protein, soluble and insoluble dietary fibres, many vital B-complex groups of vitamins such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5), folates, pyridoxine and vitamin C and Vit. K, and minerals like calcium, copper, potassium, and manganese. Dadim contains punicalagins and punicic acid, unique substances that are responsible for most of their health benefits. Dadim has Impressive Anti-Inflammatory effects. The punicalagins in pomegranate juice have been shown to reduce inflammation, one of the leading drivers of many serious diseases, including cancer and diabetes. Preliminary evidence indicates that pomegranate juice can be useful in men with prostate cancer, and helps to fight breast cancer cells. Regular intake of pomegranate juice has been shown to lower blood pressure levels and arthritis and have benefits against heart disease.  It improves cholesterol profile and protects LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage. Pomegranate juice has been linked to reduced symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Some evidence shows that pomegranate may improve memory in older adults and post-surgery and may protect against Alzheimer's disease.

Sigru (Moringa oleifera Lam.)

The most amazing fact about moringa is that it is a storehouse of nutrients and medicinal chemicals. The various parts of this plant are rich in vitamin A, Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), and vitamin C, calcium, potassium, iron and protein. It contains a plethora of phytonutrients, eight essential amino acids and other powerful disease fighting antioxidants. According to the Ayurveda, moringa comprises of around 539 compounds capable of preventing 300 diseases. Moringa contains more than 90 nutrients and 46 different antioxidants which make it a powerhouse of nutrition. Thus, this plant possesses innumerable health benefits and has the capacity of curing several diseases. Moringa leaves contain three times more iron than spinach. Moringa contains all the essential amino acids needed by the body. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins which are needed to grow, repair and maintain cells. The Moringa leaves helps in boosting energy levels in a natural manner, also found to heal ulcers, restrict tumors, reduce arthritis pain and inflammation and control blood pressure, improves body’s natural defence mechanism, rich in vitamin A or beta-carotene and acts as an effective weapon against blindness, plays an important role in lactating mothers by increase in  production of breast milk, extremely effective against diabetics, helps in balancing the cholesterol levels in the body, helps in the removal and excretion of toxic build up by attracting toxins from the blood.

Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume)

Dalchini is a rich source of Carbohydrates, Dietary fibres, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Vitamin K, and Vitamin A.  Dalchini has quite the reputation as a healing agent. It has been credited with antibacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to treat bug bites, ease the discomfort of urinary tract infections, and soothe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, as well as a broad spectrum of other maladies like managing blood sugar, improving high cholesterol, fighting dementia, and even treating multiple sclerosis. Dalchini primarily contains vital oils and other derivatives, such as cinnamaldehyde, cinnamic acid, and cinnamate. In addition to being an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, anticancer, lipid-lowering, and cardiovascular-disease-lowering compound, cinnamon has also been reported to have activities against neurological disorders, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

Ghrit Kumari (Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f.)

Ghrit Kumari has been found to contain 75 potentially active constituents – these include vitamins, minerals, enzymes, sugar, amino acids, salicylic acids, lignin, and saponins. The vitamins in Aloe vera juice include vitamins A, C, and E, folic acid, vitamin B12, and choline. It also contains minerals like calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, selenium, sodium, zinc, and potassium.

Aloe vera juice has digestive and immune benefits. It helps treat intestinal issues and builds immunity. The plant is good for the heart too – it aids in cholesterol and blood pressure reduction. Other benefits include balancing the body’s pH levels, improving skin health, and treating bad breath. It can even stimulate the uterus and improve menstrual conditions. Aloe vera juice can benefit the eyes and help prevent various eye disorders and also is useful in treating jaundice and bronchitis, helps flush out the toxins from the body, help improve blood glucose levels, helps fight Cancer, enhances skin health, provides the Essential Amino Acids,  and Improves Brain Health.

Haridra (Curcuma longa L.)

Haridra has been in use since antiquity for its anti-inflammatory (painkiller), carminative, anti-flatulent and anti-microbial properties. Haridra contains more than 90 active constituents, most important of them are Curcuminoids, curcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin, which have overlapping biological activities. It contains good amounts of minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, copper, zinc, and magnesium, many essential vitamins such as, Vitamin A, pyridoxine (vitamin B6), choline, niacin, and riboflavin, vitamin-C, vitamin E.  Haridra contains health benefiting essential oils such as turmerone, zingiberene, cineole, and p-cymene, a polyphenolic compound in the root is Curcumin, that have anti-tumor, antioxidant, anti-arthritic, anti-amyloid, anti-ischemic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin-C is a water-soluble vitamin and a powerful natural antioxidant, which helps the body develop immunity against infectious agents, and remove harmful free oxygen radicals. Haridra provide enough nutrients to help you keep away from anaemia, neuritis, memory disorders and offer protection against cancers, infectious diseases, high blood pressure, and strokes.

Pippali (Piper longum L.)

Pippali forms an important part of our ancient Indian medicine-Ayurveda, and is thought to hold good therapeutic properties. It is most commonly used to treat respiratory problems such as- chronic bronchitis, asthma, cough, infections and allergies. It contains a volatile, fragrant oil; piplatin, sesenin and pipla-sterol, piperin, steroids, glucosides. Pippali has been used for  Insomnia, Headache, Toothache, Heart problems, Piles, Insect bite, Tuberculosis, Bacterial infections, Weight loss, Obesity, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diabetes, Indigestion,  Hiccoughs, Liver enlargement, Migraine, and as Galactogogue. Pippali exhibited pharmacological activities like Insecticidal and acaricidal activity, Antifungal activity, Antiamoebic activity, Antimicrobial activity, Antiasthmatic activit, Antidiabetic activity, Hypochoesterolaemic activity, Antioxidant activity, Analgesic activity, Anti-inflammatory activity, Immunomodulatory activity, Anti-cancer activity, Anti-depressant activity, Antiulcer activity, and Hepatoprotective activity.

AIMIL’s AMYRON, a general health tonic, and K.G. Tone Forte, a kid’s growth tonic having all the above cited ingredients, which are full of nutrients. AMYRON  can be used for Lack of libido male impotency, Menstrual problems, Eczema and other skin irritation, Digestion problems, Insomnia, Skin condition marked by white patchiness, Obese, Fertility, Anxiety, Back ache and other conditions..  The K.G. Tone Forte, a kid’s growth tonic, contains juices & extracts of scientifically proven mix of nature’s quality herbs, providing essential nutrients which nourishes the growing children and simultaneously boosts immunity.

Switzerland forms committee to formulate norms for Ayurveda practitioners, medicines


Switzerland has formed a committee to formulate norms for the approval of Ayurveda practitioners and medicines in the country. 
The Swiss government in 2015 recognised and sanctioned Ayurveda medicine and therapy, the traditional medicine system, becoming the first western country to do so. 

"Ayurveda has huge following here. The government has formed a joint committee to formulate norms in this regard. There are areas which Switzerland is exploring — approval of medical practitioners and the medicines that can be sold," a senior official, familiar with the development, told . 
For approval of doctors, tests have to be held and for that a curriculum is needed, he said. 

"Many hotels offer Ayurveda massages as a part of their spa packages and in the early days most Ayurveda practitioners had minimal qualifications and experience." 
As a result of this lack of credibility and recognition, most health insurers refuse to reimburse patients for the cost of Ayurveda consultations, including those with supplementary coverage for alternative therapies. All these issues need to be addressed," the official, who did not wish to be named, said. 

In 2009, the Swiss people voted to add a new article to its Constitution for the recognition of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). 
Switzerland is thus the first western country to implement the integration of CAM in its public health system and institutionalise Ayurveda in its complete span, covering the fields of clinical practice, professional training, research and availability of medicines. 

In 2010, the World Health Organization published the benchmarks for professional training in Ayurveda. The content is inspired by the syllabus for ayurvedic doctors in India (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery).


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Flavonoids: Right choice for haemorrhoids


Flavonoids, a secondary metabolite obtained from plants is generally a 15 carbon structure consisting of two phenyl rings & a hetero cyclic ring. Flavonoids which are used for a number of diseases are indispensable to variety of pharmaceuticals, medicinal, nutraceutical & cosmetic products.

One of the most successful application has been in the field of haemorrhoids owing to the benefits of flavonoids such as its action in increasing the vascular tone, reducing venous capacity, decreasing capillary permeability, facilitating lymphatic drainage and exerting anti-inflammatory & analgesic action. The speciality of flavonoids according to a clinical study by Dr. M.C. Misra & R. Parshad who used micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF) showed rapid cessation of bleeding & reduced the risk of relapse in patients with acute internal haemorrhoids.

Finding the right flavonoid formulation

A flavonoid rich formulation which fulfil the objective of haemorrhoid management is AMROID by Aimil Pharamceuticals (I) Limited – a dual therapy consisting of tablet & ointment which collectively possess 20 herbs such as Cassia fistula (Amaltas), Callicarpa macrophylla (phool pryangu), Symplocas racemosa (Lodhra) & Butea monosperma (palash pushp) containing high concentration of flavonoids complete all aspects of haemorrhoid management in following manner:-

  1. Easing the discomfort of piles

Acts as Haemostatic by toning the blood micro-capillaries, thereby checks bleeding per rectum significantly with help of Sphatic bhasm

Exerts Anti-inflammatory action by inhibiting inflammatory mediators like leukotriene, thereby controls pain & itching in rectum region by Pongamia pinnata (Karanj), Aloe vera.

Acts as Anti-microbial against a wide spectrum of bacteria, fungi & protozoa, inhibiting their growth without disturbing intestinal microflora, thereby checks any kind of secondary infection near the rectum by Terminalia chebula (Haritaki) & Berberis aristata (Rasnaut)

  1. Effectively heals & prevents recurrence

Anti-pruritic by soothening or desensitization effect on the tissues by topical application and also systematic by inhibiting the histaminic effect by Aloe vera.

Accelerate Wound healing by enhancing collagen turn over and also shrink the haemorrhoidal mass due to potent astringent action from the herbal components of Pongamia pinnata (Karanj)

Acts as Bowel regulator by toning the peristalsis movements of GIT and also reducing re-absorption of water, thereby softens stools & checks painful constipation by Triphala

Improves Liver functions for regularizing digestion, metabolism and also for enhancing detoxification function of Liver by Terminalia chebula (Haritaki).

The final note Flavoboids being tried & tested in haemorrhoids are swiftly getting into the mainstream of management of  1st & 2nd degree haemorrhoids and with promising formulation like Amroid dual therapy, we can surely shift our patient from journey of pain to the journey of pleasure.


Reduce risk of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration in the microarchitecture of bone tissue, leading to an increased risk of fracture. In osteoporosis, the density and quality of bone are reduced over time. The bones become more porous and fragile, and the risk of fractures is greatly increased. Osteoporosis occurs “silently” and progressively.

Prevalence & incidence of osteoporosis

According to NCBI study, it is estimated that 1 in 2 women above the age of 50 will experience osteoporotic fractures, as well as 1 in 3 men. An example of this fact was seen in a study of Delhi estimated the prevalence of osteoporosis as 24.6% in men and 42.5% in women above 50 years of age.

With this high prevalence it is important to look at both the preventive & the management side of the disease


 1. Optimum calcium supplementation – It is a well-established fact that calcium is the father of all minerals required in the bone health and with growing age owing to the decreased in absorption of calcium and issues with its bioavailability there is, therefore, a need of a calcium supplement which could maintain the bone health  

2. Provide your body with specific bone-building nutrients. For those who have a higher risk of bone loss, a regular multivitamin is okay but it may not be enough. There are many key bone-building nutrients with which we can supplement for improved bone health, including vitamin D and vitamin K.


According to the study, achieving optimum BMD is considered as a most attractive treatment goal for osteoporosis and established the notion of practitioner considered that increasing osteoblastogenesis and decreasing osteoclastogenesis go a long way in managing the disease.

But more often than not, these two prime treatment goals have to meet with individual drugs and shows varied effectiveness. The need of the hour is that, this disease gets a definitive approach which combines both treatment & management aspects.

Essential nutrients & pro-bone minerals required for the healthy Bone: Calcium, Vitamin D and other nutrients (Mg, Zn, B and Si etc.) reduces the risk of osteoporotic fracture.

Vitamin Mineral and Calcium

Boniheal suspension

Realising this dire need Aimil pharmaceutical has launched a revolutionary formulation which fulfills all the objectives of management and prevention. Boniheal is an effective formulation to fight osteoporosis as it increases osteoblastogenesis, limits osteoclastogenesis & promotes bone mineralization by supplementing natural calcium in 4 active forms (Calcium sulphate, Calcium Silicate, Calcium oxide, and Calcium carbonate) with vitamin D, K from natural sources and other supporting botanical extracts which contribute to the maintenance of normal bone health by reducing bone loss and increases bone strength. It also provides pro-bone minerals & nutrients (e.g. Magnesium, Zinc, B, and Si) which are essential cofactors for enzymes involved in the synthesis of the constituents of the bone matrix.

Your bones are for life. Look after them they will carry you far.

Natural Remedies to treat and Prevent Dengue


Dengue is currently the fastest – spreading mosquito – borne viral illness.

It has become a leading cause of morbidity in children and adults.Dengue Fast Facts

Dengue Outbreaks overburden, stretched health systems.

Need- Initiate Community based awareness


1. Classical Dengue fever, which is also known as break bone fever due to the severe pain it causes in the patient’s joints.

2. Dengue Haemorrhagic fever which is not only painful but also fatal as it results in abnormal bleeding from nose, gums or as blood in urine.

It is specific syndrome that tends to affect children under 10 years of age.

Need to Know About Dengue to Care

Transmitted through mosquito bite,

The symptoms include:

  • Severe joint pain,
  • Muscle pain,
  • Swollen lymph nodes,
  • Headache, fever,
  • Exhaustion and rash.
  • This phase of pain and fever lasts for about one to two weeks.

 Who ranks where?

According to National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) maximum number of cases were reported from Delhi followed by Punjab, Gujarat, West Bengal, Haryana, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Arunachal Pradesh, Uttara-khand, Telangana and other states.

What is thrombocytopenia?

Thrombocytopenia, a haematological disorder characterized by abnormally low platelet count in the blood stream. There are about 150,000 – 450,000/µl platelet in peripheral circulation of blood.

During the critical phase of Dengue, malaria, chikungunya that thrombocytopenia is characterized by a decrease in platelet count below 1,00,000 permm3 from the baseline.

How it can be addressed?

Thrombocytopenia occurs majorly in patient’s incident with various dreadful bacterial and viral infections.

  • There are no effective methods to treat thrombocytopenia. Transfusions, growth factor injections and bone marrow transplant have their limitations.
  • Management of thrombocytopenia is by drugs and blood products, both of which are costly.

Remedies from Nature:

Carica papaya works very well in treating thrombocytopenia and Tinospora cordifolia in increasing immunity.

Carica Papaya (Papita) leaf contains various bioactive constituents like saponins, tannins & glycosides, act on bone marrow, prevent its destruction & enhance its ability to produce platelets, (PLT) count, white blood cells (WBC) and neutrophils in blood. Increased platelets could lead to reduced bleeding, thus avoiding progression to the severe illness of Dengue haemorrhagic fever.

Tinospora cordifolia (Giloe) stem has an amazing role in strengthening our natural immune system by helping the White Blood Cell count to increase in the body. This action of Giloe as a major immunity booster is very remedial especially during the dengue spell. In dengue, immune power is very weak. Giloe boost immunity in dengue fever. Giloe is effective in promoting regeneration of the liver. Dengue is sometimes associated with the problems of degeneration of liver. This herb fights this degeneration by raising the efficacy of the WBCs in the body.

Carica papaya & Tinospora cordifolia enhance platelet in patients with infections like Dengue and other infections associated with thrombocytopenia at a simple and cost effective manner.

Helps to relieve dengue fever associated discomfort:

Wheat Bran Provides various micro-nutrients which contribute to normal energy release and enhances vitality.

Wheat germ oil (Genhu Ankur tail) rich source of vitamin E, helps relieve fatigue and extreme tiredness complaint by patient.

Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) has immune-stimulating property, vital herb to manage body pain and enhance immunity.

Emblica officinalis (Amla) being rich source of vitamin C, it is potent anti-oxidant, protect body tissues from oxidative stress, improve immunity to fight the disease. Vitamin C helps to regulate Haemoglobin and Iron. It also improves platelet count and keeps the blood vessel healthy. Helps to manage skin rash and bleeding disorders.

Fenugreek (Methi) gives relief from symptoms of dengue fever.

With add on nutritive benefits Kali drakash, Varahi kand and Soya bean etc.

AIMIL AMYRON an extremely beneficial formulation in condition of dengue, available in syrup and tablet dosage form. AIMIL AMYRON contains many more ingredients along with above mentioned – supplements multi-vitamin, multi-mineral, protein rich nutrients which improves blood picture and platelet count via acting on bone marrow, prevents the destruction and enhance the ability to produce platelets. Thus, exerts thrombopoietic action.

Dengue Prevention & Control Programme

Dengue prevention and control isn’t just the responsibility of the government, but of every citizen of the country. It’s high time to be active and achieve victory over such dreadful health condition.

How to Control Dengue?

  • Dengue doesn’t spread from one person to the other, which is why one can prevent this disease by keeping the surroundings clean and wearing protective clothes.
  • The puddles of water formed around the houses, makes a perfect breeding place for the mosquitoes.

One can reduce their habitat by clearing the water from the surroundings and use natural repellents like Lemon Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Lavender, Neem Oil and Cinnamon Oil to protect self against mosquito bites.

Herbs Benefiting in UTI- Neeri

Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are common, around one in two women and one in 20 men. A urinary tract infection can range from an infection of the bladder to an infection of the kidney. Cystitis, an infection in the bladder, is the most common UTI. The most common symptoms of UTI are: burning sensation when passing urine, frequent urination, a cloudy, bloody or very smelly urine and general discomfort in the area. High fever, back pain and vomiting occur when the infection becomes more serious and moves to the kidney. UTIs are not a serious threat if they are treated in time. However, if the infection spreads to the kidney it can be lethal and even cause death in some unfortunate cases.

Why do infections occur in the first place?

Bacteria do not normally live in the urinary tract, as it is a sterile area, but they can enter the urinary tract and multiply, causing an infection. This can occur during intercourse or wiping back to front after urination (for women). The urethra is fairly short and straight, making it easier for germs to travel into the bladder.

Treatment is usually a course of antibiotics. However, recurrent infections are common and studies have shown that women are at a 20 per cent to 30 per cent higher risk of experiencing a recurrence of infection within three to four months of an initial UTI. Moreover, overuse of antibiotics can cause a disruption in gut flora health leading to a greater susceptibility to more infections. Gut flora makes up two thirds of our immune system. This is where herbal remedies can be useful. Herbal remedies use to improve health and prevent and treat illness. They are a great resource for those of us suffering from UTIs. Humans have used herbal remedies for millennia and therefore, herbs have a much longer track record than all modern medicine’s antibiotics put together.

Therefore, keeping the above in mind, AIMIL Pharmaceuticals India Ltd has developed a poly herbal formulation (NEERI) for corrective and preventive management of urinary problems from small itching or burning sensation in urination to the chaotic or turbid urine with occult blood with painful conditions. NEERI is also helpful to the elderly males having dribbling or uncomfortable or painful condition during micturition; thereby NEERI tends “Resolves & Dissolves Urinary Problems. NEERI also relieves symptoms of UTI within few minutes, Soothes Urinary Tract and regulates Urinary pH, A natural Lithotriptic acting Multi-dimensionally, Helps prevent Recurrence in UTI & Urinary Stones, Acts as Nephroprotective, Reduces complications in Prostatic Enlargement, Take a quick look at the ultimate UTI supplement guide for an overview.


The following major herbs are recommended for successfully treating the UTI infections.

Varun (Crataeva nurvala Buch. -Ham.)

The bark of the Varun is mostly used and contains saponins, flavonoids, and plant sterols. Its use in the natural treatment of urinary tract infections is recorded as far back as the 8th century and in later times has been used to treat kidney stones. Varun is a key herb in the treatment of chronic or recurrent bladder infections and should be used in combination with urinary tract antiseptics. The tonic effect on the bladder will decrease the residual volume of urine and assist the effective removal of micro-organisms from the bladder. In turn, this decreases the risk of chronic infection or re-infection. Varun is also beneficial in the treatment of hypotonic or atonic bladder, and works well in benign prostatic hyperplasia in combination with pygeum. Very recent (2018) a scientific study of the Varun extract against renal ischaemia reperfusion injury in rats via antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities had shown effectively amelioration the deleterious effects of renal ischaemia reperfusion by mainly counteracting oxidative stress and presumably inflammation.


Punernava (Boerhaavia diffusa L. nom. cons)

Punernava is one of the renowned medicinal plants used to treat large number of human ailments. The Boerhaavia diffusa contains a large number of bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, triterpenoids, lipids, lignins, carbohydrates, proteins, and glycoproteins. The plant has gained lot of importance in the field of phytochemistry because of its various pharmacological and biological activities such as immunomodulatory effects, immunosuppressive activity, antimetastatic activity, antioxidant activity, antidiabetic activity antiproliferative and antiestrogenic activity, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity, antibacterial activity, antistress and adaptogenic activity, antilymphoproliferative activity, nitric oxide scavenging activity, hepatoprotective activity, anti-viral activity, bronchial asthma, anti-fibrinolytic activity, chemopreventive action, genetic diversity analysis, anticonvulsant activity etc.

The roots of the plant have been used as anti-inflammatory and tonic in urinary infections, ascites and uterine bleedings since antiquity. Recently crude aqueous, ethanolic and methanolic extracts of the roots of the Punernava exhibited significant activity against UTI pathogens. It was also found that all the alcoholic extracts of plants parts were effective in in-vivo anti-urolithiatic activity on induced calcium oxalate crystals in rats and found noteworthy in treatment of renal calculosis.

Panchtrin Mool 

Panchtrin Mool consisting of five herbal drugs namely daabh or kusa, (Desmostachya bipinnata), Ikshu Mool, (Saccharum officinarum), Munja (Saccharum munja), Kans (Saccharum spontaneum) and Darbha (Imperata cylindrica). Pharmacological and clinical studies carried out on a composite herbal formulation was found to be effective both as prophylactic in preventing the formation and as curative in dissolving the pre-formed stones in albino rats. The antiurolithiatic activity of this formulation has been attributed to its diuretic activity.

Gokshru (Tribulus terrestris L.)

Gokhru is one of the traditional herbs with immense medicinal properties. It has long been in use for different ailments of musculoskeletal, urogenital, gastrointestinal, central nervous and Integumentary systems as it possesses diuretic, emmenagogue, anti-inflammatory, and aphrodisiac properties.

Saponin extract of Gokhru showed antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, indicating presence of broad spectrum antibiotic compounds or simply general metabolic toxins in the plant. Gokshura is a mild diuretic widely used to promote the flow of urine, cools and soothes the membranes of the urinary tract and inhibits the production of oxalate, a substance that cause microcrystals. Gokshru is effective against major urinary tract pathogens namely E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterococcus faecalis.  

Chharilla (Parmelia perlata (Huds.) Ach.)

Chharilla are lichens growing in rosettes or spreading irregularly over the substratum, which gives the appearance of a flower. It is mainly composed of fungal mycelia, which forms a network enclosing algal cells. The plant has astringent, bitter, acrid, cooling, anti-inflammatory and aphrodisiac properties. Usnic acid is the key active component of Stone Flowers, which have antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

It is a potent antibiotic effective against Gram-positive bacteria, including Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Pneumococcus, other bacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and some pathogenic fungi. It also exhibits antiviral, antiprotozoal, antimitotic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity. Recently Chharila showed antiurolithiatic activity against Ammonium Magnesium Phosphate Hexahydrate (AMPH) crystals.

Kulatha (Dolichos biflorus L.)

The antilithiatic activity of the aqueous extracts of the seeds of Kulatha is a well-known folklore medicine in India. The seeds contain a dimeric protein of 98 kD molecular weight which is a crystal growth inhibitor. Recently it has been reported that the aqueous fractions of the seeds have very good capacity to dissolve calcium oxalate crystals. The seed extract is antihistamic and the seed lecithin has lipoxygenase activity.

Pashanbheda (Bergenia ligulata (Wall.) Engl.)

Pashanbheda, popularly known as to dissolve the stone.  In Indian systems of medicine the rhizomes of Bergenia ligulata have been used for centuries in herbal formulations for dissolution of kidney and bladder stones. In Ayurveda and Unani medicines, the roots of B. ligulata are used in treatment of vesicular calculi, urinary discharges, excessive uterine haemorrhage, diseases of the bladder, dysentery, menorrhagia, splenic enlargement and heart diseases. Hot water extract of whole dried plant of B. ligulata has been employed orally for renal or urinary calculi and decoction of fresh roots is taken orally by human adults to treat urinary disorders, stomach disorders and urogenital complaints.

Rhizomes contains various bioactive compounds like, Coumarins, Flavonoids, Benzenoids, and Lactone. Recent scientific studies showed that the methanolic extract of rhizomes inhibited CaC2O4 crystal formation as well as crystal aggregation and also exhibited antioxidant effect against 1, 1-diphenyl2-picrylhydrazyl free radical and lipid peroxidation in in-vitro condition. The active principles like flavonoids and saponins present in alcoholic extract of roots might be responsible for diuretic activity. Aqueous as well as 50% ethanolic extract of B. ligulata showed anti-inflammatory as well as the antibacterial activity.

Palashpushp (Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub.)

Palashpushpasava is used for the treatment of kidney stones, glycosuria (sugar in urine), nephritis, dysuria, and anuria. It improves kidney functions, reduces inflammation, and improves elimination of the toxins. Therefore, it is also used in the management of renal diseases – chronic kidney failure and uremia.

The crude extracts of various parts and pure isolates of Butea monosperma was reported to possess antibacterial, antifungal, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory activities and have been found to possess tonic, astringent, aphrodisiac and diuretics properties. The Seeds shows significant bactericidal and fungicidal effect in in-vitro testing. A scientific study revealed that ethanolic extract of Butea monosperma is a good source of phytochemicals like flavonoids, phenolics, and alkaloids present in the extracts may be responsible for antioxidant activity. By the virtue of antioxidant activity, Butea monosperma demonstrated nephroprotective activity.

Lajaloomool (Mimosa pudica L.)

The herb has been used traditionally for ages, in the treatment of urogenital disorders, piles, dysentery, sinus, and also applied on wounds. Mimosa pudica contains various bioactive compounds, terpenoids, flavonoids, glycosides, alkaloids, quinines, phenols, tannins, saponins, and coumarins which showed both antioxidant and antibacterial properties. The leaves are used in treating hemorrhoids and urinary infections. Decoction is efficacious in gravel and other urinary complaints. Urinary tract infections are treated by a decoction of leaves and seeds of M. pudica. Methanol extract of the plant inhibited growth of Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonous aeruginosa, and the mold Candida albicans. Growth of S. aureus, B. subtilis, P. aeruginosa, and P. vulgaris was also inhibited by the aqueous extract. Ethanolic extract of M. pudica leaves showed considerable antioxidant activity. Therefore, as it exhibited anti‐inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial,activities, the plant is used for Urinary Tract infections.

Makoi (Solanum nigrum L.)

The whole plant used as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, cardiotonic, digestive, diuretic, laxative, diaphoretic, sedative, swelling, cough, asthma and also found effective in curing cardiopathy, leprosy, haemorrhoids, nephropathy, ophthalmopathy, dropsy and general debility. Phytochemical investigation of whole plant reported that the plant contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, glycosides, proteins, carbohydrates, coumarins & phytosterols. Recent scientific studies demonstrated that the water extract of Solanum nigrum contains several antioxidants, such as gallic acid, catechin, caffeic acid, epicatechin, rutin and narigenin, and possesses strong antioxidative activity in vitro.

Very recently ( 2018) a novel steroidal alkaloid, Solanine A, isolated from Solanum nigrum, exhibited an anti- inflammatory activity in animal models and suggested as a valuable leading compound in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Further, the study showed that the aqueous extract of Solanum nigrum fruits, exhibited antidiabetic and nephroprotective effects in diabetic rats.

Kakri Beej (Cucumis melo var. Uttilissimus (Roxb.) Duthie & Fuller)

Kakri seeds are described as cooling, edible, nutritive and diuretic, and are used in painful micturition and suppression of urine. The methanolic extracts of seeds showed significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.

Daruharidra (Berberis aristata DC.)

Daruhaldi (Berberis aristata) is used in Ayurvedic medicine from long time. It has hypoglycaemic, antibacterial, antifungal, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities. It is used as a tonic, alterative, demulscent, diaphoretic and diuretic, and in the treatment of diarrhoea, jaundice, skin diseases, syphilis, chronic rheumatism and urinary disorders. Scientific evidence suggests its versatile biological functions that support its traditional use in the orient. Phytochemical studies shows that plant Berberis aristata contains mainly yellow colored alkaloids Berberine, oxyberberine, berbamine, aromoline, a protoberberine alkaloid karachine, palmatine, oxycanthine and taxilamine and tannins, sugar, starch. Among the several compounds Berberine is main constitute having various pharmacological actions.

Scientific study suggest the presence of antiurolithic effects in berberine against calcium oxalate stones mediated through a combination of antioxidant, diuretic, urinary alkalinizing and hypocalciuric effects. The decoction of root bark of Berberis aristata use in the treatment of urinary troubles caused as a side effect of the anti-cancer chemotherapy drug, cisplatin. The plant is anti-inflammatory, treat urinary tract infections, and relieves painful urination. In vitro Berberine it exerts significant anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities.

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