DRDO scientist develops herbal drug to treat leucoderma

New Delhi, Jun 24 Ahead of the International Vitiligo Day, a herbal drug developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has given a new hope to those suffering from leucoderma, a skin condition in which white patches develop on the skin.

Recognising the benefits of the drug, the Narendra Modi government last month conferred Hemant Pandey, a senior DRDO scientist with the prestigious "Science Award" for developing ''lukoskin'' for treating the skin condition mired by social stigma.

The auto-immune condition, also called ''vitiligo'', can be life-altering. Some people develop low self-esteem and severe depression, an observation which prompted Pandey to work on an advanced version of Lukoskin drug for better results.

As the world marks June 25 as International Vitiligo Day, Pandey, who heads the Herbal Medicine Division of DRDO''s Defence Institute of Bio-energy Research (DIBER) at Pithoragarh, talked about Lukoskin, which is presently manufactured and marketed by Delhi-based AIMIL Pharma Ltd.

There are various remedies of vitiligo like allopathic, surgical and adjunctive available at present, but none of the therapies has satisfactorily cured this disease, he said.

"Secondly, these are either costly or single molecule based, with very low level of efficacy and develop side-effects like blister, edema and irritation in the skin with most of the patients discontinuing the treatment," said the scientist, who is a recipient of several prestigious awards for his contribution in the field of herbal medicine.

In fact, in 2015, Lukoskin helped him bag the Agri Innovation Award.

"Hence, we focused on the causes of disease (aetiology) and researched a comprehensive formulation for the management of leucoderma from Himalayan herbs by exhaustive scientific studies," said Pandey.

Lukoskin is available in the form of ointment and oral liquid. The developed version is likely to hit the market soon.

The ointment has seven herbal ingredients having properties such as skin photo sensitizer, anti-blister, anti-irritation, anti-septic, wound healing and copper supplementing properties, while the oral dose has been formulated to check the emergence of new spots, said Nitika Kohli, an Ayurveda expert.

Vitiligo is not contagious and is not life-threatening.

The world wide incidence of leucoderma has been reported at 1-2 percent. In India, its incidence is around 4-5 percent in some parts of Rajasthan. In Gujarat, it is very high at more than 5-8 percent. This skin disorder is considered a social stigma in India where people confuse it with leprosy, Pandey added.

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Leucoderma patients pin hope on ayurvedic drug

New Delhi: As the country is gearing up to observe International Vitiligo Day on June 25, the patients of leucoderma pinning hope on herbal drugs to manage the disease as Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) developed ayurvedic medicine is finding greater acceptance among patients suffering from the skin ailment of white patches – a social stigma in the country. The herbal drug Lukoskin has also brought accolades to DRDO's scientist Hemant Pande, who was conferred with prestigious 'science award' on National Technology Day by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for developing the ayurvedic medicine.

While talking about Lukoskin, Pande, who heads herbal medicine division of the DRDO's Defence Institute of Bio-energy Research (DIBER), Pithoragarh, said, "Presently, there are various remedies of vitiligo such as allopathic, surgical and adjunctive, but none of these therapies has satisfactorily cure of this disease."

"The other remedies are either costly or single molecule based with very low efficacy. As it develops side-effects like blister, edema, irritation in the skin, most of the patients discontinue the treatment," said Pande.

The herbal drug, which is manufactured by AIMIL Pharma, is developed using Himalayan herbs by exhaustive scientific studies and the medicine is available in the form of ointment and oral liquid.

Incidences of leucoderma in India is around 4-5 percent in some parts of Rajasthan and in Gujarat it's more than 5-8 percent.

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योग के साथ मधुमेह और हाइपरटेंशन से भी बचाएगा डब्ल्यूएचओ का यह नया एप

नई दिल्ली। विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन यानि की डब्ल्यूएचओ अब आयुर्वेद को नया रूप देने जा रहा है। डब्ल्यूएचओ ने मोबाइल एप के जरिए न सिर्फ भारत, बल्कि दुनिया भर में योग के साथ-साथ मधुमेह और हाइपरटेंशन जैसी आधुनिक जीवनशैली से जुड़े रोगों के बारे में जानकारी देने का फैसला लिया है। इस मोबाइल एप को आगामी अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस पर लॉन्च किया जा सकता है।

देश भर में खुल रहे हेल्थ एंड वेलनेस सेंटरों को भी एप से जोड़ा जाएगा ताकि आयुष मंत्रालय के साढ़े 12 हजार हेल्थ एंड वेलनेस सेंटर तक लोगों की पहुंच हो सके। एप में हर प्रकार के योगासन के अलावा मधुमेह से जुड़े भारतीय वैज्ञानिकों के शोध बीजीआर-34 सहित आयुर्वेदिक दवाओं की जानकारी मिलेगी। सीएसआईआर के वैज्ञानिकों ने हिमाचल की 500 औषधियों पर रिसर्च के बाद इस दवा को तैयार किया था। इसके अलावा दिल से जुड़ी बीमारियों से कैसा बचा जा सकता है, इसके बारे में लोगों को पता चल सकेगा। केंद्र सरकार के नई दिल्ली स्थित मोरारजी देसाई योग इंस्टीट्यूट के निदेशक और आयोजन समिति से जुड़े डॉ. बीएस रेड्डी ने बताया कि डब्ल्यूएचओ ने पहली बार आयुष मंत्रालय के साथ आयुर्वेद को लेकर करार किया है। उनके संस्थान से भी डब्ल्यूएचओ का करार हुआ है। मोबाइल एप के जरिए योग के सभी आसान के बारे में विस्तार से से बताया जाएगा। इसके अलावा मधुमेह, दिल और हाइपरटेंशन रोग व उनके आयुर्वेद उपचार के बारे में भी लोगों को बताया जाएगा।

डॉ. रेड्डी के अनुसार, पीएम मोदी की पहल के बाद आयुष मंत्रालय को एनिमेटेड योग वीडियो का काफी अच्छा परिणाम देखने को मिला है। इसलिए सभी योगासन को एनिमेटेड वीडियो के जरिए लोगों तक पहुंचाया जाएगा। आयुष मंत्रालय के अनुसार, 21 जून को रांची में प्रधानमंत्री मोदी के साथ 30 हजार लोग योग कर सकते हैं। आयुष मंत्री श्रीपद नाईक ने हाल ही में कहा था कि सभी हेल्थ एंड वेलनेस सेंटर में आयुष डॉक्टर की तैनाती करने की तैयारी है। 2016 में राजस्थान के भीलवाड़ा, गुजरात के सुरेंद्र नगर और बिहार के गया में इसका पायलट प्रोजेक्ट भी चला था। इन जिलों में बीजीआर-34 जैसी दवाओं के साथ रोगियों का उपचार किया गया था जिसकी सफलता के बाद सरकार ने ये फैसला लिया है। इसके अलावा देश के कुछ नामी-गिरामी योग गुरुओं ने एक साथ मिलकर योग आसनों का एक सामान्य निर्दिष्ट अनुक्रम (कॉमन योग प्रोटोकॉल) विकसित किया है। यह 45 मिनट की अवधि के योगासनों का कार्यक्रम है जो विभिन्न आयु वर्ग के लोगों के तन और मन दोनों को स्वस्थ बनाता है। कॉमन योग प्रोटोकॉल की सीडी और ई-बुक आयुष मंत्रालय की वेबसाइट से डाउनलोड की जा सकती है। मंत्रालय विभिन्न सहयोगी संगठनों के माध्यम से भी इन्हें वितरित कर रहा है।

आयुष मंत्रालय के अनुसार इस बार योगलोकेटर एप की मदद से आम जनता को योग प्रशिक्षकों, योग केन्द्रों और मुफ्त योग आयोजनों की जानकारी मिलेगी। वहीं, भुवन मोबाइल एप के जरिए योग दिवस के कार्यक्रमों के स्थान, प्रतिभागियों, आयोजकों और प्रशिक्षकों के बारे में जानकारी हासिल की जा सकती है। इस बार देश भर के 20 हजार केंद्रों से वीडियो के जरिए योग कार्यक्रमों का सीधा प्रसारण होगा। सभी वालंटियर्स को भुवन मोबाइल एप का इस्तेमाल भी बताया जाएगा। इसके अलावा लोगों को हरित उत्पाद इस्तेमाल करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया जाएगा।

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस के असर पर दिल्ली में मुख्य आयोजन राजपथ पर होगा। नई दिल्ली नगर पालिका परिषद आयुष मंत्रालय के साथ मिलकर इसका आयोजन करेगी। मुख्य आयोजन के अलावा लालकिला, नेहरू पार्क, लोधी गार्डन, तालकटोरा गार्डन, यमुना स्पोर्ट्स कांप्लेक्स, रोहिणी के स्वर्ण जयंती पार्क और द्वारका सेक्टर 11 में भी योग कार्यक्रम आयोजित किए जाएंगे।

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The kidneys act as filters for the body, removing waste from the blood and getting rid of it via the urine. If  kidneys are not working properly, waste can build up in blood. Dialysis can help damaged kidneys by performing the task of filtering.

What is dialysis?

Dialysis is a way to artificially clean the blood if  kidneys are no longer able to cope.

There are two main types of dialysis:

  • haemodialysis, in which your blood is circulated through a dialysis machine for cleaning
  • peritoneal dialysis, which uses the peritoneal membrane in abdomen (tummy) to filter blood allowing cleaning to take place inside the body

When is dialysis needed?

Dialysis is most often required due to kidney failure.

Kidney failure can sometimes happen over a short period (days or weeks) – this is called acute kidney failure – as the result of a serious illness or accident.

More commonly, kidney failure is the result of chronic kidney disease, where kidney function worsens over many years. Dialysis is usually started when the person affected is finding it hard to keep up with their usual life. At this stage, the kidneys are usually working only about 10% of how they should be working.

Dialysis must be done for the rest of your life, unless you have a kidney transplant.

How does dialysis work?


During haemodialysis blood is cycled through a special machine called a ‘dialyser’, which removes waste from your blood before pumping it back into body. The blood leaves and then returns to body through a needle, usually in arm or leg.

Peritoneal dialysis

During peritoneal dialysis fluid is pumped into a space in abdomen called the peritoneal cavity. The fluid enters and leaves through a catheter, which is a thin soft tube about 30 cm long that stays in place permanently. Waste from the blood is drawn into the fluid through a membrane in abdomen and then removed from body.

Peritoneal dialysis can be performed manually (continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis) or controlled by a machine (automated peritoneal dialysis).

Life on dialysis

Although starting dialysis is a life-changing event, the goal is to leading life as normal and active as possible.

Dialysis can often be done at home and overnight, but depending on individual needs some dialysis may also be required during the day. This helps most people to continue to:

  • work
  • play sport and exercise
  • maintain a balanced diet
  • keep social engagements
  • have intimate relationships
  • travel and take holidays


  • Expensive as treatment repeated for long periods
  • May cause blood clots/not clot properly
  • High risk of infection
  • Requires a restricted lifestyle
  • Requires long amount of time connected to dialysis machine

Are there alternatives to dialysis?

Measures which can help to preserve remaining kidney function, A small amount of kidney function can go a long way to keeping patient feeling well and free of major symptoms. The natural tendency is for remaining kidney function to get slowly worse, but the rate at which this occurs can be reduced. Ensuring good control of blood pressure is important in this respect. Damaged kidneys are also more prone to further damage and some drugs can cause major problems. These include remedies that can be bought over the counter, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents [eg Ibuprofen and Diclofenac ], which are used for arthritis and general aches and pains. It is advisable to check with one of the doctors before taking any new medicines. Avoiding dehydration is also important, especially during episodes of illness such as diarrhoea and/or vomiting, which may be going round the family.

Herbal solution

Experts say that herbal formulations in Neeri KFT could be an alternate to dialysis to some extent

Dialysis is a way of life for many patients suffering with kidney ailments in the country.

In view of limited options for treatment of the kidney disease in allopathy, experts representing the traditional medical system claimed that herbs could slow the disease’s progression and offer relief from the symptoms, along with careful diet and exercise.

Two recent scientific studies have claimed that herbal formulations, based on traditional medicinal plants like punarnava, could be effective in preventing and managing ailments related to the kidney.

According to a study, a woman suffering from kidney ailment was given punarnava-based formulation for a month, significantly bringing the creatinine and urea level in her blood to a healthy level.Besides, her haemoglobin level had also improved, concluding that the punanrva-based formulation not only improve the functioning of the kidney but also improve haemoglobin level.

Another study published in the Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, too, stated the efficacy of the punarnava-based herbal formulations, including lotus leaves, patharchur and other major herbs when given to the subjects.It was found that the drug had helped in maintaining histological parameter of kidneys, apart from reducing high levels of uric acid and electrolytes.

“The syrup (Neeri KFT) is a potent nephro-protective formulation, protecting kidneys from nephrotoxins, including oxidative damage induced by lead acetate,” the study said.

AMYRON – An Ayurvedic Formulation Helps Treat & Prevent Dengue Prevalences

Dengue fever is a re-emerging public health problem with two-fifths of the world population being at risk of infection. Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne tropical disease, that thrive in and near human lodgings, caused by the dengue virus. When a mosquito bites a person infected with a dengue virus, the virus enters the mosquito. When the infected mosquito then bites another person, the virus enters that person's bloodstream.

Signs & Symptoms:

Symptoms typically begin three to fourteen days after infection. This may include a high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, swollen glands, pain behind the eyes and a characteristic skin rash.

When developing into severe dengue, the critical phase takes place around 3-7 days after the first sign of illness. Temperature will decrease; this does NOT mean the person is necessarily recovering. On the other hand, special attention needs to be given to these warning signs as it could lead to severe dengue like Severe abdominal pain, Persistent vomiting, Bleeding gums, Vomiting blood, Rapid breathing & Fatigue/ restlessness. In Severity of conditions like Plasma leaking that may lead to shock and/or fluid accumulation with/without respiratory distress, Severe bleeding, Severe organ impairment patient should immediately to taken to emergency in Hospital.



Dengue virus (DENV) is the cause of dengue fever. It is a mosquito-borne single positive-stranded RNA virus of the family Flaviviridae; genus Flavivirus. Five serotypes of the virus have been found, all of which can cause the full spectrum of disease. Till now, dengue infections were believed to be caused by four antigenically distinct serotypesDengue Virus (DENV)-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4; each generating a unique host immune response to the infection. These four serotypes are genetically similar and share approximately 65% of their genomes. The fifth and latest addition to the existing serotypes of dengue viruses is DENV-5 which has been announced in October 2013. The possible reason for emergence of Fifth strains may be co-circulation of multiple dengue serotypes coupled with increased human activity increases the likelihood of genetic changes, leading to diversity in virus populations. Genetic recombination, natural selection and genetic bottlenecks have been implicated as factors which may lead to the emergence of this DENV- 5 serotypes.

Risks: People living or travelling in tropical or sub-tropical areas, and pre-infected with dengue virus, are at greater risk of developing dengue fever or a more severe form of the disease.


  1. Vaccination: One dengue fever vaccine, Dengvaxia, is currently approved for use in those ages 9 to 45 who live in areas with a high incidence of dengue fever. The vaccine is given in three doses over the course of 12 months. Dengvaxia prevents dengue infections slightly more than half the time. The vaccine is approved only for older children because younger vaccinated children appear to be at increased risk of severe dengue fever and hospitalization two years after receiving the vaccine.
  2. The World Health Organization (WHO) stresses that the vaccine is not an effective tool, on its own, to reduce dengue fever in areas where the illness is common. Controlling the mosquito population and human exposure is still the most critical part of prevention efforts like wearing protective clothing a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, socks and shoes; reducing mosquito habitat, Controlled & clean environment and using mosquito repellent etc.

Remedies & Treatment:

In India, drinking the juice from the papaya leaf or/& wheatgrass is one of the most common dengue home remedies. People take fresh papaya leaves or soft wheatgrass, soak them in water and grind them before drinking two or three spoons four or five times a day. Papaya leaf is rich in enzymes like papain and chymo-papain, which aid digestion, prevent bloating, other digestive disorders and juice have been documented to help in increasing the platelet count. Giloy (Amrita), scientifically known as Tinospora cordifolia is also a beneficial climber, having temperature lowering, anti-microbial, anti-viral and immune-modulator effect and is one of the key drug to treat Dengue, if use continuously for longer period.

The time-course of dengue in most individuals is a period of incubation of 10-14 days, followed by up to a week of acute symptoms, followed by a few days of recovery; rarely do the symptoms extend beyond two weeks for typical dengue infection.

In most part of south- east Asia, Euphorbia hirta, commonly known as Tawa-Tawa is a plant used in folklore medicine for the treatment of dengue. Similarly, Artemisia is also used in China, but have not specific effects to combat dengue in all aspects.

Amyron, is the multi-ingredients herbal base formulation for the comprehensive management in Dengue fever. Amyron is a special formula for all ages with vitalizing herbs which contributes to reduction of tiredness & fatigue by Ashwagandha, Shatavar, papaya leaves, Mulsi & Wheat germ oil. Amyron supplements natural iron from arbi leaves, Punernava Mandoor, Lauh Bhasam etc. with flax seeds, sunflower seeds, fenugreek, raisinsetc. which contributes to active haemopoiesis resulting in faster restoration in blood cell formation including platelets, RBCs & WBCs and normal energy release. Scientific studies prove that papaya leaves extract boost haemopoiesis and thrombopoiesis. Amyron benefits patients in associated conditions along with proper monitoring. In addition, Amyron reduces oxidative stress & improves immunity to fight of seasonal infection due to amla & aloe vera etc. Amyron also acts as ideal adaptogenic & rejuvenative, thereby can be recommended as a daily nutritional Vitalizer and Restorative tonic during Convalescence & Rehabilitation phase as Amyron is time-tested safe, delicious and significant product recommended by doctors for immunity boosting, improving blood picture and as nutritional supplement to combat the progression of severity in dengue fever.

#the homeless period

Let’s begin with the obvious: every woman in the history of humanity has or had a period. Naturally, every month woman uterus shed some amount of blood in order to prepare her uterus fit for pregnancy but shedding too much or too scanty menstrual flow isn’t normal? 

Here are situations relate with “abnormal uterine bleeding

  • Heavy bleeding (menorrhagia) during your period
  • Bleeding or spotting after intercourse
  • Bleeding and spotting between a period
  • A menstrual cycle that is longer than 38 days or shorter than 24 days
  • “irregular” periods in which length varies by more than 7-9 days
  • Bleeding after menopause

Abnormal uterine bleeding can occur at any stage after the onset of periods. Usually, periods may not occur regularly when a girl first starts having them or during perimenopause when they are about to stop but having prolonged or delayed bleeding should not be considered normal at any stage.

Let’s have an obstetrician-gynecologist view on this

Although women silently embark on this decade long journey of dread here are some causes associated with abnormal uterine bleeding woman must be aware of!

  • Fibroids or polyps
  • Problem with ovulation
  • Bleeding disorder
  • Endometriosis
  • The problem linked with birth control methods such as intrauterine device (IUD) or birth control pills
  • Miscarriages & Ectopic pregnancy
  • Cancer such as uterus or cervix cancer

To overcome such nightmare associated with abnormal uterine bleeding AIMIL Pharmaceuticals India Ltd. has the  ray of hope  to bring back harmony in women’s life by introducing a comprehensive composition AMYSTOP-G. This poly-herbo mineral composition carries holistic approach as the main lead to cure various menstrual related conditions. The efficient constitution of various classical Ayurvedic preparations such as

  • Pradarantak lauh: one of the most essential Ayurvedic classical preparations works efficiently in menorrhagia, metrorrhagia 
  • Abhrak bhasma: it is a combination of various herbs works together in improving hematogenic property.
  • Shudh Phitkardi: it helps in tightening blood vessels
  • Kukkutandatvak bhasma: it is a great source of calcium to strengthen body immunity.

On the other hand, the herbal constituent of AMYSTOP-G such as


AMYSTOP-G, an Ayurvedic herbo-mineral combination designed & established by modern studies make it a perfect choice for women to take care of their problem resulting from the tantrums of abnormal uterine bleeding.

Cure UTI naturally || Women edition

It was only midnight, Tina had already visited the washroom fourth time that night, she barely had time to think while leaving bed because the urge to pee was so intense. Did she drink too much juice for dinner? Well NO although every time she had to go, a little amount of urine was passed with some throbbing sensation. What was going on?

Tina endure the most neglected condition in females “Urinary Tract Infection”

What is urinary tract infection?

A urinary tract infection is an infection in any part of your urinary system- kidney, ureters, bladder, and urethra usually caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli), Staphylococcus aureus followed by Proteus spp and Klebsiella.

Why UTI is a grey area for women?

Women anatomy make them prone to getting UTI as the size of the urethra is shorter and straight than man, providing a suitable distance for bacteria to travel.

  • In women, the opening of the urethra is in close proximity to the anus and vagina, therefore, sexual activity and unhygienic conditions increase the risk of infection.
  • Menstruating women struggle tenaciously to achieve comfort and hygiene during the clock.
  • A study suggested (Int. J. Epidemiol. 16(3):441-447, 1987) that women who use a diaphragm have a higher incidence of UTI.
  • Post-menopausal women may experience uterine prolapse lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder to create condition favoring bacterial colonization.
  • Poor bladder control, an obstructive disorder such as kidney stone in elderly women put them at risk.


Although the symptoms depend on the part of the urinary tract affected, some commonly associated symptoms are:

  • Burning sensation while urination.
  • Foul odor urine
  • Urine may appear cloudy
  • Persistent urge to urinate
  • Pelvic pain, fever, nausea, especially in women
  • Recurrent UTI may lead to signs of blood in the urine.


  • After urination, women should wipe from front to back with toilet paper.
  • Women must change pads or tampons during periods.
  • Avoid holding urine for a long time.
  • Frequent bubble bath can cause irritation around the vaginal area.
  • Avoid feminine hygiene spray as it can irritate the urethra.
  • Use washroom before and within 15 minutes of intercourse.
  • Drink plenty of fluid including coconut water, cranberry juice, blueberry, oranges, foods rich in antioxidants help to keep everything on track. 


In modern allopathic system, once the physician diagnoses the condition, a cocktail of molecule drugs is prescribed which may provide satisfying results but in long run overuse of antibiotics can cause disruption in gut flora health leading to great susceptibility to more infection. Therefore, keeping all the parameters in mind AIMIL Pharmaceuticals India Ltd introduced a Polyherbal Ayurvedic proprietary formulation “NEERI”, onetime solution for UTI

In 1984, the group of herbs stands on scientific validation which makes NEERI first choice in treating UTI’S. The Phytoconstituent available in the herbs such as

  • Punernava (Boerhavia Diffusa): this herb is excellent diuretic and has antioxidant antibacterial, anti-inflammatory action, therefore, works as a great tonic in urinary infection.
  • Varun (Crataeva nurvala): Varun is the key herb in the treatment of chronic or recurrent bladder infection. It works as great antiseptic & nephroprotective in a condition such as UTI.
  • Daruharidra (Berberis aristata): This herbs evidence broad-spectrum antimicrobial, antifungal, antipyretic activity makes its effective choice in treating UTI.
  • Gokshuru (Tribulus terrestris): this high-quality herb found effective in curing burning micturition. Gokshur is a mild diuretic used to promote sufficient urine flow and soothes the membrane of the urinary tracts.
  • Kakri seeds works wonder in pain micturition. The methanolic extracts of seeds showed significant antioxidant activity.

AIMIL pharmaceuticals strive to bring a paradigm shift in the lives of women suffering from UTI. The only aim is to eradicate this GREY AREA with this innovative herbal solution NEERI, acts synergistically to cure acute and chronic phase of UTI systematically and symptomatically to ensure safety and efficacy of women.

#comforting WOMEN’S life with NEERI. 

ALFALFA – A Bone Building Herb

Bone health is important at all stages of life and providing structure, protecting organs, anchoring muscles and storing calcium. Bones are continuously changing, new bone is made and old bone is broken down. When young, body makes new bone faster than it breaks down old bone, and bone mass increases. The process of bone formation requires an adequate and constant supply of nutrients, such as calcium, protein, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D, potassium, and fluoride. However, there are several other vitamins and minerals needed for metabolic processes related to bone, including manganese, copper, boron, iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, and the B vitamins. Therefore, to make bones healthy and strong there is need to have nutrient-rich diet and a healthy lifestyle. 

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is one of the oldest cultivated plants and is used as a highly nutritious food for humans, and as herbal medicine. In Ayurveda, it is known to be an effective medicine for people who suffer from arthritis as well as digestive and gastro-intestinal diseases. Alfalfa is known to be one of the most nutrient-rich plants in the world and is known as ‘Green Gold’ and ‘Father of all Foods’.  For hundreds of years, this medicinal plant has been used to cure a wide range of illnesses and to promote better health. The health benefits of Alfalfa is reported to helps with weight loss,  combat anxiety, controls blood pressure, excessive bleeding, sugar levels, rejuvenate body, prevent blood poisoning, rheumatism, heart disease, urinary tract infections, cancer, cholesterol, digestive issues, increases immunity, treat menopausal symptoms,  removes toxins, helps in Bone formation, prevents osteoporosis, dry skin, helps maintain healthy glowing skin, works as a cleanser, increase energy levels, helps with kidney problems, with insomnia and sleep disorders, control diabetes, reconstruct damaged liver, and act as an Antiasthmatic, and  Anti-inflammatory. 

Alfalfa has large contents of phytonutrients, which include Protiens, minerals and vitamins. Of all the plants in the world, it has the highest content of vitamins and minerals.  The minerals are Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Sodium, Zinc, Manganese, Boron, Chromium and silicon, and Vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamins D, Vitamin K, Vitamin E,  Pantothenic acid, Folate, Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Choline and Betaine, that are essential for keeping  body healthy and formation and strengthening of bones.

Alfalfa is also a rich source of amino acids. It has 14 amino acids present in it, and eight of them are essential to our health. The eight essential amino acids that are present in alfalfa are leucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, threonine, isoleucine, methionine, valine, and lysine. Thus the combination of these nutrients makes alfalfa one of the most powerful medicinal herbs in the world.

Alfalfa contains high amount of vitamin K, which helps bones to knit by working with vitamin D and glutamic acid to activate osteocalcin, a protein hormone that is essential to both the formation and maintenance of bones. The combination of these three nutrients is essential for building bone because the body cannot use calcium without all three. Vitamin C, stimulates the production of bone-forming cells. In addition, some studies suggest that vitamin C's antioxidant effects may protect bone cells from damage. Some studies have suggested that vitamin A primarily promotes skeletal health.

Silica plays an important role in healthy and stronger bone formation in growing up children as well as in elderly people. Silicon level in the body decline with age and a deficiency of silica can lead to degeneration of bones, blood vessels, and connective tissues. Alfalfa also contains a fair amount of calcium which is very important to build healthy bones and maintain a healthy communication between the brain and other parts of the body. Calcium is the main mineral found in bones. Because old bone cells are constantly broken down and replaced by new ones, it is important to consume calcium daily to protect bone structure and strength. Magnesium is an important mineral which maintains bones healthy and to avoid osteoporosis. Magnesium also plays a key role in converting vitamin D into the active form that promotes calcium absorption. Zinc is a trace mineral needed in very small amounts. It promotes the formation of bone-building cells and prevents the excessive breakdown of bone. Zinc is also essential to collagen synthesis that helps provide a structural platform for bone formation. Magnesium and zinc play key roles in achieving peak bone mass during childhood and maintaining bone density during aging. Copper is involved in collagen maturation and this protein helps provide the “infrastructure” that holds bone together. Collagen is the main protein found in bones, contains the amino acids glycine, proline and lysine, which help build bone, muscle, ligaments and other tissues, are found abundance in Alfalfa. Iron is a co-factor for the enzymes involved in collagen synthesis. In laboratory tests, low levels of iron may lead to lower bone strength. Phosphorus is another element that is essential for bone growth. 85% of our body’s phosphorous is incorporated in our bones as calcium phosphate. Potassium plays a vital role in maintaining bone health. Certain potassium salts neutralize the acids produced during the body’s metabolic processes. These acids deplete bone “much like acid rain eats away at a limestone statue.”

In conclusion combined with the calcium, vitamin K vitamins D and other nutrients and constituents that the Alfalfa plant naturally contains, may support bone density and help alleviate menopausal symptoms in part because of its phytoestrogenic activity.

PM Modi praised anti-diabetic drug bags the first spot

The indigenously developed drug for diabetes BGR-34 has climbed its way to the top spot in the rankings of all herbal anti-diabetic drugs in the Indian market, according to the MAT VAL MAR 19 data of AIOCD. It is the second biggest milestone for the drug after being praised and awarded by the CSIR Technology Award 2016 by PM Modi.

The drug which is the research product of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has led to a revolution in the treatment options for patients with Type – II diabetes. BGR-34 created a strong image in minds of physicians with its good results and strong scientific background. BGR-34's strong acceptance was evident when it featured in top-20 list of all 6000 newly launched allopathic and ayurvedic brands.

BGR-34: A novel drug

India’s burden of diabetes stands tall with 72 million adults already bearing the burn of disease. And what makes the disease a silent killer is the ongoing destruction of the beta cells of pancreas which makes insulin which in turns lowers the elevated blood glucose. The United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) showed that beta cell function was already down to 50% by the time of diagnosis of disease and continued to decline over even with ongoing hypoglycemic therapy. Further daunting fact emerged after the study by American Diabetes Association which revealed that the modern drugs such as sulfonylurea may induce Beta-cell death and this fact was strengthened by a study published in PLOS one journal which found that Beta-cell dysfunction were more frequent in patients who are on sulfonylurea and glinides.

Experts believe that BGR-34 good results and wide acceptance is its uniqueness in not only preserving the beta cells but also reviving them. BGR-34 is enriched with Vijaysar which has been proved to increase the number of beta cells in pancreas. Evidence based results about Vijaysar’s ability to increase beta cell population in the pancreas has been published in Indian Journal of Pharmacology. BGR-34 apart from being a natural DPP-4 inhibitor exerts cardioprotective action which is a much-needed effect in case of diabetic patient. BGR-34 study in Journal of Traditional & Complimentary medicine also concludes that BGR-34 is significantly effective and safe drug for management of Type-II diabetes and can be used in clinical practice to reduce dependence on synthetic oral hypoglycemic agents.

Future Roadmap

Mr. Sanchit Sharma, Executive director of Aimil Pharmaceuticals which has the manufacturing and marketing rights of BGR-34 is positive about the drug’s further success and said that we are committed for the well-being of patients & BGR-34 is our effort to overcome the challenge of diabetes in our way to a healthier society. Drugs like BGR-34 opens new doorways in the field of medical science and reinstate the fact that research institutions and pharma companies who focus on the value creation for the patient always stay at the top of the ranking tally.

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