Growing Up with Aimil

Growth is an essential feature that distinguishes a child from an adult. It is a continuous process that takes place throughout life but is of utmost importance during the initial year after birth i.e. from infancy till adult. The value of uninterrupted growth in children's lives can be easily understood by undermining unique “Child growth standards” set by the WHO, which not only indicates the adequate growth parameters but also give major parenting goals in terms of nourishment.

Although the term growth & development are often used together as they both work simultaneously to provide the complete wellbeing of a child.

ANTHROPOMETRIC factors denote adequate growth in child


  • Skeletal growth: continuous progress of skeletal systems in order to provide proper body stature.
  • Bone age estimation: maturity & development of ossification center of bones.
  • Eruptions of teeth: the slow process of enamel growth.


  •  Weight: on average, a child gains about 2kg every year between the age of 3-7 years & 3 kg per year after that till puberty growth.
  •  Length or height: a normal Indian child is 100 cm tall at the age of 4.5 years. Thereafter, the child gains about 6 cm in height every year.
  •  Systemic growth: as there is an increase in child structure during the process of development, similarly there is a proportionate growth of organs in children.  


Mental development is an important aspect of growth, embracing various mental abilities. It begins right from birth, as the child develops with the passage of time the mental reaction also changes.

Mental development in children is nothing but another name for extending the intellectual horizon of the child. To begin with, the world is one large, “booming, buzzing confusion” to the child which undergone the process of differentiation & integration during a course of growth. There are many parameters to determine mental growth in children such as abilities to attend, observe, remember, imagine, think & solve problems and the factors that affect mental development include a healthy diet, education, learning & additional nervine tonic to strengthen the nervous system.

Importance of nutrition

According to the modern system of medicine, there are a variety of vitamins & minerals such as Vitamin-C, B-complex, proteins & calcium which supports growth & development starting from breastfeeding infants to solid diet consumers. But what makes an ancient system of medicine a better choice in all segments of life is because Ayurveda considers Ahara as Mahaushadha, and is found to be the most essential factor in the promotion of health and prevention of diseases. In Vedic literature, Ahar is considered as nectar. Especially in Balya Avasta (infants-childhood) diet and dietetics are very essential for example majorly after 6 months’ weight of child double about 6kg therefore in order to fulfill nutritional needs, nutritional diet & additional herbal tonic is always beneficial.

Disorders associated with lack of growth

  • Structural deformities- short stature, fragile muscles, prone to fractures, postural deformities.
  • Systemic deformities- lack of appetite, gastric eruptions, indigestion, and iron deficiency anemia.
  • Behavioral deformities- PICA (People with the disorder pica compulsively eat items that have no nutritional value), food fussiness
  • Cognitive deformities- learning disabilities, psychosocial depression.

​Therefore, to make this journey of growth & development more joyful AIMIL pharmaceuticals took a step forward and provide a significant range of herbal preparations for children starting from

K.G Tone Forte This herbal preparation addresses all issues related to child growth such as gripes & colics during the eruption of teeth, improve gastric discomforts & boosts the immunity of the child with the help of efficient herbs such as draksha (grape), amla (gooseberry), ajwain (bishop's weed), Ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) and many more.

Amyron Nutritional anemia is the most common concern of today’s parents leads to low immunity, lack of appetite & low energy level, for that reason AIMIL presents a natural haematinic enriched with natural herbal extracts. 

Boniheal Injuries are part of the childhood journey but no injury should cause bone loss is the only aim of AIMIL pharmaceuticals by launching an herbal combination BONIHEAL which not only strengthens bones with the help of constituent like alfalfa, palak, nirgundi but also provide natural calcium in four active forms.

Memtone Understanding the importance of brain health in growing children, memtone should be the herbal choice for all the parents as it is a perfect blend of herbs like Brahmi, shankhpushpi, jatamansi which works as both nervine tonics & restore normal activity in children. Memtone also promotes learning retention & relies upon anxiety, therefore, it is well to have tonic during examination in school-going children.


  • Behavioral therapy
  • Social outing
  • Active play routine
  • Proper parenting
  • Healthy diet
  • Herbal preparations such as K.G Tone, Memtone, Amyron.

Healthy Living in Autumn

“Every leaf transfer bliss inside our body, fluttering from the autumn tree”

Ayurveda, the age old science of life, has always emphasized to maintain health and prevent diseases by following proper diet and lifestyle regimen rather than treatment and cure of the diseases. The basic principle followed in the Ayurvedic system of medicine is simply based onRitucharya (seasonal regimen). Also in Charaka Samhita, it is said

Tasya Shitadiya Ahaarbalam Varnascha VardhateTasyartusatmayam Vaditam Chestaharvyapasrayam( means the strength and complexion of the person knowing the suitable diet and regimen for every season and practicing accordingly enhance body immunity.

Especially Autumn season (Sharad Ritu) which occurs right between summer & chilling winter, when the cooler temperatures of fall start rolling in, lighting a fire in the fireplace & saying goodbye to summer is not hard to do and with this change in season, there are various adaptations in bio-life around us, such as flowering in spring and leaf-shedding in autumn, hibernation of many animals with the coming of winter, and so on. As human beings are also part of the same ecology, the body is greatly influenced by the external environment. Many of the exogenous and endogenous rhythms have specific phase relationships with each other; which means that they interact and synchronize with each other. This is the reason why body is unable to adapt itself to stressors due to changes in specific traits of seasons, leads to low immunity (Dosha Vaishamya), which in turn may render the body highly susceptible to one or other kinds of disorders.

A recent evaluation states that Lifestyle diseases are a result of an inappropriate relationship of people with their environment. The onset of these lifestyle diseases are insidious, and are difficult to cure, also according to the doctors, a sedentary lifestyle combined with an increase in the consumption of fatty food and alcohol is to blame cases of obesity-related with joint pain or muscle stiffness, hypertension, liver disorders, and so on. Especially in our country, the situation is quite alarming due to the rapid changing disease profile as the World Health Organization (WHO) has identified India as one of the nations that are going to have most of the lifestyle disorders in the near future.

Certain lifestyle regimen should be taken during autumn includes:                                                                                                                                                          

General condition

  • The period between mid-September to mid-November is Sharat Ritu (autumn). During this, the predominant Rasa is Lavana (salty) and predominant Mahabhutas are Apa and Agni. The strength of the person remains medium, pacification of vitiated Vata Dosha and vitiation of Pitta Dosha occur, and activity of Agni increases during this season, therefore, to restore liver functional parameters during this time of the year is highly considered. 

Diet regimen

  • Foods are having Madhura (sweet) and Tikta (bitter) taste, and of Laghu (light to digest) and cold properties are advised. Foods having the properties to pacify vitiated Pitta are advised. Wheat, green gram, sugar candy, honey, Patola (Trichosanthes diocia), the flesh of animals of dry land (Jangala Mamsa) are to be included in the diet.
  • Hot, bitter, sweet, and astringent foods are to be avoided. The food items, such as fat, oils, the meat of aquatic animals, curds, etc. are also to be not included in the diet during this season as they may worsen the conditions of joint pain, inflamed area, and swelling.


  • The habit of eating food, only when there is a feeling of hunger is recommended. One should take water purified by the rays of the sun in the day time and rays of the moon at night time for drinking, bathing. It is advised to wear flower garlands and to apply a paste of Chandana (Santalum album) on the body. It is said that moon rays in the first 3 hours of the night are conductive for health. Medical procedures, such as Virechana (purging), Rakta-Mokshana (bloodletting), etc, should be done during this season.
  • Day-sleep, excessive eating, excessive exposure to sunlight, etc are to be avoided.

Therefore, to combat these seasonally worries AIMIL pharmaceuticals presents a perfect combination of herbal preparation Amlycure D.S. includes herbs like kutaki, bhrinjraj, kasni, Arjun and many more in order to restore liver parameters which have been hampered due to seasonal variation and also improves immunity with the help of punernava to fight the upcoming tough seasonal changes.

Also keeping dropped barometric pressure in the coming winter season, AIMIL pharmaceuticals offer a combination of India’s first Muscult Forte syrup & Muscult Forte oil spray in therapeutic concentration containing herbs such as nirgundi, guggulu, rasna, erandmool which supplements flavonoids that nourishes ligaments & cartilage and thereby provides a perfect sense of comfort, warmth and reflection this autumn season.

Enjoy Festivals, Overpower Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin condition characterized by the formation of white patches on the skin that develops as a result of the destruction of melanocytes within the skin. Vitiligo is affecting 1-4% of the world population. Melanocytes are cells that produce melanin, it’s a pigment that determines the colour of skin and hair. In Allopathy vitiligo is considered incurable, but it can be cured with Ayurvedic treatment which includes medicines, dietary advice, and lifestyle changes.

Festivals are part of our customs, culture, and tradition. Festivals add joy, freshness, happiness to our lives and give us physical and mental relaxation. Vitiligo sufferers can also enjoy this festive season and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Although for vitiligo patients, there are plenty of temptation during festive season, but it is essential that sufferers stick to their healthy diet and stay hale and healthy during this time. Patient can follow some simple do’s and don’ts to enjoy festivals without any harm.

* Diet during festivals – Sufferers can have roti, sabji, dal, rice and ice creams at parties or get together but junk food, pre-made bakery products, fermented foods, processed foods and cold drinks can severely harm their overall health condition. Plenty of water should be consumed throughout the day and freshly cooked foods should be the choice so that they absorb as many nutrients as possible.

* Deserts – All types of sweets can be taken, but a small portion will be appreciable. However, sweets like besan ka ladoo, panjiri, besan ki burfi, khoya burfi will be highly advisable.

* Direct sunlight exposure – During festivals people visit family and friends to exchange gifts and celebrate festivals together. It is best to avoid direct sunlight whenever possible to prevent any scaling or rashes on the affected part of the body. Limiting the amount of time one is under the sun, applying sunscreen on the exposed part of the body before going out of the house can keep the vitiligo skin in healthy condition.

* Clothing – Fabrics that do not absorb moisture is a big no-no for people with this medical condition. Avoid synthetic clothes at all costs. Wear something made out of cotton and avoid wearing anything too tight around the waist. Damp clothes can also irritate areas of skin affected by such depigmentation. One should also wear sunglasses with UV protection to prevent irritation around the face.

* Skincare – One can use fewer cosmetics during this festive season but keeping skin moist/moisture is important, use natural oils like olive oil and sesame oil to keep skin healthy. Vitiligo sufferers can easily lose its moisture, using naturally derived emollients can help it retain its vitality. The sufferer should always avoid irritants such as soaps, perfumes. Mild non-acidic body wash, glycerine based soaps etc are acceptable. One should apply moisturizer right after taking a bath.

* Cosmetics –It is advisable to avoid hair dyes and perfumes. Lipsticks, foundation and another cosmetic of renowned brands can be used occasionally.

* Accessories – Things made out of rubber, like a watch strap, slippers, gloves, etc. can accelerate precipitation. It can create irritation in sensitive skin, causing further skin damage.

 Although Vitiligo is difficult to cure, this disease poses no life-threatening risks and is not contagious either. Proper diet, some extra care, and careful lifestyle can help a patient to easily avoid any physical discomfort.

    “Let the colours of festivals season, fills all the patches of once life”

A Review on Cancer Management in Ayurveda

Cancer refers to any one of a large number of diseases characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue. Some types of cancer cause rapid cell growth, while others cause cells to grow and divide at a slower rate. Cancer, one of the deadliest challenges spreading drastically in 21st century, has now officially become the most dangerous killer in the world according to the World Health Organization. Who can deny the fact that cancer is related to adversary of modernization and advanced pattern of irregular and stressed life dominated by Western medicine. In 2012, WHO released new statistic on cancer incidence, mortality and prevalence worldwide i.e., GLOBOCAN 2012 estimates for 28 types of cancer in 184 countries in which there is more prevalence of cervix and breast cancer. According to survey 8.2 million cancer deaths and 14.1 million new cases per year by 2025. More than half of the new cases of deaths occurred in less developed regions of the world.

Ayurveda, the oldest Indian indigenous medicine system of plant drugs is known from very early times for preventing or suppressing various tumors using these natural drugs. And nowadays scientists are keener to researches on complementary and alternative medicine for the management of cancer. In Ayurvedic concept, according to ‘Charaka’ and ‘Sushruta Samhitas’ cancer is described as inflammatory or non-inflammatory swelling and mentioned either as ‘Granthi’ (minor neoplasm) or ‘Arbuda ‘(major neoplasm). The nervous system (Vata or air), the venous system (Pitta or fire) and the arterial system (Kapha or water) are three basics of Ayurveda and are very important for normal body function. In malignant tumors all three systems get out of control (Tridoshas) and lose mutual coordination that causes tissue damage, resulting in critical condition. Tridoshas cause excessive metabolic crisis resulting in proliferation. Cancer cells rapidly reproduce despite restriction of space, nutrients shared by other cells, or signals sent from the body to stop reproduction. Leukemia is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow (which produces blood cells). Ayurveda has also mentioned the etiological factors, pathogenesis of Arbuda including rakta arbuda. Leukaemia is divided into two main groups, one is ALL (Acute Lymphocytic Leukaemia) & second is CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia). ALL progress rapidly which results in the accumulation of immature, useless cells in the marrow and blood and CLL progresses more slowly and allows more mature, useful cells to be made.

The aetiology of Leukaemia is not known in most patients. However, a number of factors have been implicated like Genetic factors, Environment factors, Infections & bad habits like smoking, tobacco abuse,

The main goal of Ayurvedic therapy is to find the ultimate cause of an illness while the therapeutic approach of Ayurveda is divided into four categories as Prakriti sthapani Chikitsa (health maintenance), Rasayana Chikitsa, (restoration of normal function), Roga-nashani Chikitsa (disease cure) and Naishthiki Chikitsa (spiritual approach). The management and prevention including pathya –apathya of arbuda also found in Ayurveda. Commonly used herbal decoctions reported in Ayurveda are made of multiple herbs possessing great potential for a cancer cure; scientifically these formulations work on multiple biochemical pathways and influence different organ systems all together and nourish the body as a whole by supporting body ‘s defense systems.

Herbs help in total healing, reduces the side effects and cancer-associated complications. Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Ramphal (Annona atemoya)Bhui Amla​ (Phyllanthus niruri)Piparamula (Piper longum), Ban kakri (Podophyllum hexandrum)Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)Bhilawa​ (Semecarpus anacardium), Munkka (Vitis vinifera), Danti (Baliospermum montanum), Mahua (Madhuca indica), Keora (Pandanus odoratissimum), Kanak (Pterospermum acerifolium)Muli (Raphanus sativus), Peela Bansa (Barleria prionitis), Chhokara (Prosopis cineraria),  Zamikanda (Amorphophallus campanulatus), Syonaka (Oroxylum indicum), Poi (Basella rubra), Bilangra (Flacourtia ramontchi)Shajoma (Moringa oleifera), Bargad​ (Ficus benghalensis), Haldi​ (Curcuma domestica), Lahasun (Allium sativum)Aak (Calotropis gigantean), Dhatura (Datura metel), Talmakhana (Hygrophila spinosa), Cedar (Juniperus indica), Mungna (Moringa oleifera)Kalaunji (Nigella sativa)Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa)Manjitha (Rubia cordifolia), etc. are various plants having scientific evidence of anticancer property. Nowadays, many herbs are under clinical studies and being investigated phytochemically to understand their anticancer potential. More than 25% of drugs used during the last 20 years are directly derived from plants, while the other 25% are chemically altered natural products. Nine plant-derived compounds including vinblastine, vincristine, etoposide, teniposide, taxol, navelbine, taxotere, topotecan and irinotecan have been approved for use as anticancer drugs. 10-hydroxycamptothecin, monocrotaline, d-tetrandrine, lycobetaine, indirubin, colchicinamide, curcumol, curdione, gossypol and homoharringtonine are few more plant-derived compounds with high hopes.

Bhang is an edible mixture made from the buds, leaves, and flowers of the female cannabis, or marijuana, plant, originated in Central Asia but is grown worldwide today. The Cannabis plant produces a resin containing psychoactive compounds called cannabinoids, in addition to other compounds found in plants, such as terpenes and flavonoids. The potential benefits of medicinal Cannabis for people living with cancer include antiemetic effects, appetite stimulation, pain relief, and improved sleep. There are several different types of cannabinoids in bhang, but the two best-researched are:

  • Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The main psychoactive compound in cannabis, which is responsible for the “high” people experience after consuming foods and beverages containing bhang.
  • Cannabidiol (CBD). A non-psychoactive cannabinoid thought to be the main compound behind the health benefits linked to bhang.
  • Both CBD and THC have a molecular structure similar to compounds your body naturally produces — known as endocannabinoids.
  • Endocannabinoids bind to your body’s cannabinoid receptors and are involved in activities like learning, memory, decision making, immunity, and motor function

Certain poly-herbal and herbo mineral compound has found in the text of Ayurveda, which has been indicated for Arbuda along with other disease like Rodhr Ras, Vradhdaru Churan, Vradhdaru Yoga, Kamdudha Ras, Kanchnaar Guggulu, Trinakantamani (Kaharva) pishti, Navjeevan Rasa, Amritaprasham, Ashwagandha Rasayana, Brahma Rasayana, Chyavanprasha, Narasimha Rasayana, and Triphala Churna were found to be radio-protective in cancer treatment 

Pathya in Arbudha: Advises drumsticks (Moringa oleifera), old rice (Oryzasativa), green gram (Phasleousaureus), patol (Tricosanthesdioica), bitter-gourd (Momordica muricata), pungent and non- greasy foods. 

Apathya in Arbudha: Avoid taking milk, all types of meat preparation sugarcane and its products, sour, sweets, and hard to digest food and abisyanda causing foods.

Panchakarma in Cancer Management: Panchakarma is a complete detoxification program that utilizes food, herbs, oils, simulative therapies to eliminate morbid or toxic matter from the elimination channels of the body, followed by rejuvenating therapies that restore balance and health. The toxic burden of cellular environment is a reflection of the toxicity of our living environment, toxic components of our food, lifestyle, and our thoughts. These toxicities add up to generate abnormal cellular activity that may be expressed in the form of physiological imbalance, inflammation, and ultimately cancer. Cleansing the cellular micro-environment allows the natural healing mechanisms of the body to restore functional balance to the physiology of each cell. Aim of Panchakarma treatment is to cleanse & detoxify body, increase immunity & thus to restore health. In many Cancer patients, it helps to reduce sufferings, minimize side-effects of Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy. It also helps to prevent recurrence of Cancer. All disease occurs due to suppression and forceful expulsion of natural urges.


The most ancient wisdom and science of life, Ayurveda, has a long history and its basic principles are valid even today. Less or minimal effectiveness and severe toxic side effects of current cancer therapies draw the global attention towards herbal medicine to arrest the insidious nature of this disease. In addition, more than 80% of the world’s population cannot afford modern medicines. Western medicine provides symptomatic treatment and largely ignores the underlying conditions, whereas Ayurveda treats the disease from root of origin. Ayurveda plays an important complementary role to western medicine in treatment efficiency. In addition, most of the lowest economic strata can benefit by choosing Ayurveda instead of western medicine as Ayurveda provides cost-effective treatments. Principally, the long-term wellbeing is important for vulnerable communities, who rely on healthy bodies for a steady income, which can be achieved by opting Ayurveda treatment. Ayurvedic supplements protect healthy cells, regulate body metabolism and treats the disease, e.g., halts cancer progression or acceleration. The collaboration between traditional medicinal systems such as Ayurveda and contemporary western biomedicine would be more advantageous for treating complex disease such as cancer in a more efficient manner. A noteworthy point is that many Ayurveda concepts have not yet been sufficiently scientifically validated. Hence, collaborations between these two medicinal systems would be mutually beneficial.

Ayurveda is Future

Ayurveda, the indigenous medical system of India has integrated the concept of interconnectedness into its understanding of health and disease. It considers the human body as an indivisible whole with a network of interrelated functions, mind and consciousness, wherein a disturbance in one part will have repercussions in other parts as well. The key to health is for these factors to maintain stability since disease is seen as a perturbation in this network. Ayurvedic treatment aims not only at removal of disease, but also at the restoration of the equilibrium of bodily functions.

The societal impact of ill health is on the rise, with some diseases affecting not only the health of individuals but also that of a nation’s economy with their increasing healthcare costs. There is a growing consensus that the current system of healthcare should shift from its ‘technology, doctor and hospital-oriented’ approach to a more patient-oriented system. It is also being realised by a population weary of synthetic chemicals that conventional western medicine alone cannot handle the mushrooming of diseases, underscoring the need to widen the scope of healthcare to include alternative medical systems. All these inevitably bring into focus the patient-centric traditional healthcare medical systems like Ayurveda. The growing interest in Ayurveda is not only because it is free of synthetic chemicals, but also because of its integrated approach to health and disease.

Ayurveda, offers several methods to stay healthy and prevent diseases. This is in contrast to western medicine, where patients are completely dependent on doctors for treatment. In Ayurveda, people are taught to be responsible for their own health, rather than to consider themselves victims of disease factors beyond their control. Ayurveda thus, is a complete healthcare system going beyond treating disease. Ayurvedic principles and methods of healthy living can easily be incorporated into people’s day to day lives, food habits and activities. This gives a whole new perspective on healthcare where one does not wait for people to contract a disease. The primary purpose of healthcare should be to keep people healthy and minimise the onset of disease.

As the world faces increasing chronic, psychosomatic stress and lifestyle-related disorders, medical scientists are beginning to realise the importance of an integrated approach to health and healthcare.

Here are the examples of diseases causing complications and damaging the vital organs and ultimately leading to death, realising the importance of an integrated approach to health and healthcare.

Shri Arun Jaitley:

Started with Diabetes mellitus and excessive weight gain.

Had barriatric surgery for weight reduction (September, 2014)…

Lead to leak in after surgery ….

Lead to septicaemia …

Lead to renal kidney shut down led to kidney transplant (14th May 2018),

Lead to immunosuppressive drugs,

Lead to cytomegalovirus infections,

Lead to soft tissue sarcoma,

Lead to metastasis all over body by lymphatic and blood streams.

Lead to Loss of life.


"For the want of a nail the shoe was lost,

For the want of a shoe the horse was lost,

For the want of a horse the rider was lost,

For the want of a rider the battle was lost,

For the want of a battle the kingdom was lost,

And all for the want of a horseshoe-nail".

said by Benjamin Franklin

Similar story of Smt. Sushma Swaraj Diabetes, renal failure, transplant, myocardial infarction.

Two precious gems of the country lost to complications of diabetes.

A lesson for all of us, to take diabetes seriously from the start to prevent complications as the best of healthcare is not going to help once the cascade of complications sets in.

Ayurveda, with its holistic perspective and integrated approach to health and disease, emphasis on diet and lifestyle activities, and time-tested clinical practices can play an important role in healthcare, especially in India. The experience and expertise accumulated in Ayurveda over several millennia should reach the masses.

Ayurveda over several millennia should be used to benefit suffering people.

Herbs Benefiting in Skin Diseases

Human skin, the outer covering of the body, is the largest organ in the body and constitutes the first line of defense. Skin contains many specialized cells and structures. It is divided into three main layers viz. epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. Each layer provides a distinct role in the overall function of the skin. Epidermis, the outer most layer of the skin, varies in thickness in different regions of the body. The dermis also varies in thickness depending on the location of the skin. It is attached to an underlying hypodermis or subcutaneous connective tissue. The hypodermis or subcutaneous tissue is a layer of fat and connective tissue that houses larger blood vessels and nerves. This layer is important in the regulation of temperature of the skin itself and the body. The size of this layer varies throughout the body and from person-to-person. Hair follicles, sweat glands and sebaceous glands are the main skin appendages. Because it interfaces with the environment, skin plays a key role in protecting the body against pathogens and excessive water loss.  Also the skin guards the underlying muscles, bones, ligaments and internal organs. Its other functions are insulation, temperature regulation, sensation, storage and synthesis of vitamin D and the protection of vitamin B folates, absorption of oxygen and drugs and water resistance.


Skin disease is a common ailment and it affects all ages from the neonate to the elderly and cause harm in number of ways. There are more than a thousand conditions that may affect the skin but most skin diseases can be categorized like:

 Rashes: is an area of red, inflamed skin or a group of individual spots. These can be caused by irritation, allergy, infection, an underlying disease, as well as by structural defects for example, blocked pores or malfunctioning oil glands. Examples of rashes include acne, dermatitis, eczema, hives, pityriasis rosea and psoriasis.

Viral infections: These occur when a virus penetrates the stratum corneum and infects the inner layers of the skin. Examples of viral skin infections include herpes simplex, shingles (herpes zoster) and warts. Some systemic viral infections, such as chicken pox and measles, may also affect the skin.

Bacterial infections: Such infections are caused by a variety of bacteria, the most common types being staphylococci and streptococci. Bacteria may infect the topmost layers of skin, the follicles, or the deeper layers of skin. If not treated correctly, these infections may spread throughout the body. Examples include impel folliculitis, cellulitis and lyme disease.

Fungal infections : Harmless fungi are always present on surface of the skin. Infection occurs when these organisms enter into the body. These infections are usually superficial, affecting the skin, hair, nails and include athlete's foot, lock itch and ringworm. However, in people with suppressed immune system or who have been taking antibiotics for long period -, the fungi may spread to deep within the body, causing more serious disease.

Parasitic infections :These infections occur after exposure to parasites such as lice and scabies.

Pigmentation disorders: The amount of pigment in the skin is determined by the amount of melanin being produced by the body. Loss of pigment (hypo pigmentation) can be caused by absence of melanocytes, malfunctioning cells, exposure to cold or chemicals, or some types of infection. An increase in pigment (hyperpigmentation) may be caused by skin irritation, hormonal changes, aging, a metabolic disorder, or any other underlying problem. Age spots, freckles and melasma are examples of hyper pigmentation. Vitiligo is an example of hypo pigmentation.

Tumors and cancers: These growths arise when skin cells begin to multiply faster than normal. However, every skin growth is not cancerous. Some tumors are harmless and will not spread. Skin cancer is caused, in 90% of cases, by sun exposure. The three types of skin cancers are basal cell cancer (the most curable), squamous cell cancer (which may grow and spread) and malignant melanoma (the most deadly form). Prevention involves protecting the skin against damaging ultraviolet rays. Early detection helps to improve the chances of a cure. Regular self-examinations are, therefore, recommended.

Trauma : is an injury to the skin caused by a blow, a cut, or a burn. Whenever the surface of the skin is broken, the body becomes more susceptible to infection and disease.

Other conditions: Wrinkles, rosacea, spider veins and varicose veins are among those conditions that cannot be neatly categorized. Wrinkles are caused by a breakdown of the collagen and elastin within the dermis, which results in sagging skin. Rosacea is a chronic disorder in which the skin of the face becomes red and develops pimples, lesions and more rarely enlargement of the nose. Its cause is unknown. Spider veins and varicose veins become apparent when blood vessels enlarge and become visible through the surface of the skin.


Natural drugs from the plants are gaining popularity because of several advantages such as often having fewer side-effects, better patient tolerance, being relatively less expensive and acceptable due to a long history of use. Besides herbal medicines provide rational means for the treatment of many diseases that are obstinate and incurable in other systems of medicine. For these reasons several plants have been used for treatment of skin diseases ranging from itching to skin cancer. Some most important of them are mentioned below.

Ammi majus L. (Aatrilal): Aatrilal is a very effective medicinal plant with a long history of herbal use going back to at least 2,000BC in Egypt, where it was used as a treatment for vitiligo. In traditional medicines seeds of Aatrilal are being used as an emmenagogue to regulate menstruation, as a diuretic, and for treatment of kidney stones and urinary tract infections, and also in skin disorders such as leprosy, psoriasis and vitiligo. The seed contains furanocoumarins (including bergapten and xanthotoxin), which stimulate pigment production in skin that is exposed to bright sunlight.

Psoralea corylifolia L. (Babchi):  Babchi seeds have been used since centuries in leukoderma, psoriasis, vitiligo, asthma, ulcers, kidney disorders, and as an aphrodisiac and an anti-inflammatory. It has been reported to yield significant positive outcomes in vitiligo management. Seeds are anti-ageing and help to rejuvenate skin. Seeds has been reported to contain several Phytoconstituents including coumarins and flavone components such as psoralen, isopsoralen, psoralidin, neobavaisoflavone, bavachin, corylin, bavachalcone and possess antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antioxidant, antifilarial, estrogenic, antitumour  and immunemodulatory activity.

Achyranthes aspera L. (Apamarga): Apamarga is used traditionally in wound healing, piles, boils, scabies and eruptions of skin and other skin diseases. Recent scientific research showed that leaf extract is valuable antitumor promotors in carcinogenesis, and also showed antibacterial, antifungal and  Anti-parasitic activity.

Allium cepa L. ( Piyaj / Onion): Externally; fresh onion juice is used to prevent bacterial and fungal infections. It can be applied to wounds and stings on the skin, used to remove warts, stimulate hair growth, and even reduce unwanted skin blemishes. A study undertaken in patients with seborrheic keratoses to evaluate the ability of onion extract gel to improve the appearance of scars following excision, has shown that this extract gel improved scar softness, redness, texture. In another study results indicated that onion and garlic might be promising in treatment of fungal-associated diseases from important pathogenic genera like Candida, Malassezia and the dermatophytes.

Allium sativum L. (Lahsun/Garlic)Oral administration of garlic is effective on immunologic properties, cutaneous microcirculation, protection against UVB and cancer treatment. Additionally, topical application of garlic extract can potentially be effective on psoriasis, alopecia areata, keloid scar, wound healing, cutaneous corn, viral and fungal infection, leishmaniasis, skin aging and rejuvenation. In a study conducted on Swiss albino mice revealed that best chemo preventive action of garlic was observed in mice in which garlic treatment was performed before and after the induction of skin carcinogenesis.

Aloe vera L(Ghritkumari /Aloe): Ghritkumari has been one of the most important plants used in traditional medicines for wound healing, to relieve itching and swelling, as well as for its anti-inflammatory properties. Ghritkumari is also used in a variety of skin ailments such as mild cuts, insect stings, bruises, poison ivy, and eczema.    It is also found effective in treating wrinkles, stretch marks and pigmentations. It also seems to be able to speed wound healing by improving blood circulation through the area and preventing cell death around a wound. Aloe gel showed antibacterial and antifungal properties and reduced the skin “plaques” associated with psoriasis, helps in the improvement of partial thickness burns and skin survive frostbite injury. Aloe gel also delay the appearance of skin damage during and after radiation treatment.

Azadirachta indica A.Juss. (Neem)Neem preparations are reportedly efficacious against a variety of skin diseases, septic sores, and infected burns. The leaves, applied in the form of poultices or decoctions, are also recommended for boils, ulcers, and eczema. The oil is used for skin diseases such as acne, warts, ringworm, eczema and psoriasis, scrofula, indolent and ulcersAlso the neem preparations are used to heal scars, fights acne, treats pigmentation, a good moisturizer for dry-skin, a gentle exfoliator, as anti-aging agent, and treats scalp infections.

Bauhinia variegate (L.) Benth. (Kachanar): The tribal and non-tribal people of different areas use the plant in several ways for the treatment of skin diseases (leucoderma and leprosy), wounds, ulcers, cough, dysentery, snakebite, tumours, flatulence, indigestion, piles and also lots of other ailments. The bark is internally administered for treating skin diseases, asthma, sore throat, diarrhea and abdominal discomfort and also applied externally for skin ulcers. In the skin papilloma model, significant prevention, with delayed appearance and reduction in the cumulative number of papillomas has been observed in scientific studies.

Calendula officinalis L. (Calendula / Marigold): Calendula used in Traditional system of medicine for treating wounds, ulcers, herpes, scars, skin damage, frost-bite and blood purification. Calendula oil has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that might make it useful in healing wounds, soothing eczema, and relieving diaper rash and also used as an antiseptic and also used to treat acne. One laboratory study found that calendula extract is useful in treating and preventing acne vulgaris. Calendula oil improves the overall appearance of skin. One study found that a cream containing calendula extract promotes skin hydration and firmness.

 Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze (Chaay/ Green tea): Green tea may play a beneficial role in treatment of skin tumours and cancer. It contains polyphenols, which act as antioxidants in the body. A specific polyphenol in Green tea called epigallocatechin gallate, has been reported fights DNA damage from UV rays to prevent the onset of further growth of skin tumor in the body. It can rejuvenate old skin cells to start reproducing again, keeping the skin younger looking.

Curcuma longa L. (Haldi): Haldi has been described in Ayurvedic medicine for treatment for various respiratory conditions, liver disorders, anorexia, rheumatism, diabetic wounds, runny nose, cough, and sinusitis and commonly used in the treatment of ringworm, obstinate itching, eczema, and other parasitic skin diseases. Haldi is applied to facilitate the process of scabbing in chicken pox and small pox. Topical application of haldi has been useful in external cancerous skin lesions, psoriasis, and wound healing and plays a very key role in both aging and the main age-related chronic degenerative diseases. The main active constituent of Haldi is Curcumin, which possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity that  may provide glow and luster to the skin.

Plumbago zeylanica L. (Chitrak) : Chitrak is very popular throughout India and Asia as a remedy for skin diseases, infections, and intestinal worms. The plant has been found significant in different clinical conditions, especially inflammation, leprosy, scabies, ringworm, dermatitis, ulcers, hemorrhoids, and hookworm. Whole plant is crushed with a pinch of salt and the paste is applied externally in case of ringworm. The main active compound in the plant is plumbagin, which has been shown to possess several pharmacological activities including antimicrobial, antiplasmodial, anticancer and antifertility actions. A study conducted on plumbagin revealed that topical application of plumbagin in mice inhibited UV induced development of squamous cell carcinomas. Plumbagin has shown antibacterial activity against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, whereas it is also active against certain yeasts and fungi and protozoa.

Portulaca oleraceae L. (Kulfa) : The herb possesses natural cooling properties that soothe the skin, relieving it of skin inflammations and rashes during scorching heat. Burns and skin eruptions like boils and carbuncles can be treated with an effective concoction of the leaves. Topical application of the aqueous extract on to the skin is effective as antibacterial and antifungal. Externally it is used to treat burns, earache, insect stings, inflammations, skin sores, ulcers, pruritis (itching skin), eczema and abscesses which are usually treated with the fresh herb as a poultice or the expressed juice is used. Kulfa extract is rich in catecholamines such as L-methyl-adrenalin and dopamine. These substances have anti-allergic property. Kilfa is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, an important anti-inflammatory ingredient for human skin. It has effect of relieving skin inflammation and inhibiting skin itching caused by dryness. Kulfa extract has a good therapeutic effect on purulent skin problems such as acne. Kulfa is abundant in antioxidants such as vitamins A, B1, B2 and vitamin E, C and carotene which prevent skin wrinkles and fine lines. Therefore, Kulfa extract brightens skin tone and reduce skin damage caused by UV, thereby delaying skin aging.

Rosmarinus officinalis (Rusmari): Rusmari is a common household plant grown in many parts of the world. It is used for flavouring food, a beverage drink, as well as in cosmetics. The anti-inflammatory properties of Rusmari extract help to reduce swelling and puffiness of the skin. It also helps to heal burns, soothe skin and remove roughness, dark patches, acne, blemishes, wrinkles, fine lines etc. of the face. This herb's medicinal qualities make it a powerful cure for chronic skin conditions including dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. The most important constituents of Rusmari are caffeic acid and its derivatives such as rosmarinic acid. These compounds have antioxidant effect. Aqueous extract of Rusmari has been reported to be effective in preventing cutaneous photo damage induced by UV radiations. Rusmari essential oil also showed antibacterial activity against Propionibacterium acnes, responsible to cause acne. Since it contains naturally powerful antioxidants, Rusmari oil strengthens the capillaries and helps to slow the effects of ageing on skin. It also tightens sagging and loose skin to help it look firmer and more elastic. Additionally, Rusmari stimulates biological activity and cell growth to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Saraca asoca (Roxb.) De Wilde (Ashoka): Paste of the roots and flowers is useful in freckles and external inflammations, ulcers and skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, ulcers, scabies and Tinea pedis. A study revealed that pre-treatment with the flavanoid fraction of Ashoka caused significant reduction in the number of tumors. Furthermore Ashoka is used to revitalize the complexion and skin tone. Methanolic extracts of Ashoka bark, leaf and seed showed inhibitory effects on tyrosinase production thus Ashoka  promote the beauty and health of skin.

Thymus vulgaris L. (Thyme): Given its antibacterial and antifungal properties, thyme oil can protect skin from related infections. The oil also heals acne, sores, wounds, scars, and cuts. It even relieves burns and acts as a natural remedy for skin rashes. It may relieve the symptoms of cellulitis, an infection of the skin caused by bacteria which can lead to pain, tenderness, edema, fever, chills and reddening of the skin. Its active constituent, thymol, is active against Enterobacteria and Cocci bacteria. It is used for skin issues like oily skin, sciatica, acne, dermatitis, skin condition and bug bites.

Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Adarak)In addition to its medicinal value, Adarak  has been used in skin care as well. It is often used in a number of commercial products to improve the skin. Ginger juice is often applied topically to treat several skin issues such as Anti-Aging Benefits, Soothes Burns, Clears Blemishes and Acne, Treat Hypo pigmented Scars, and Tones Skin.

Withania somnifera Dunal (Ashwagandha)Ashwagandha, which is abundant in antioxidant, immune boosting, anti-inflammatory, sleep inducing, anticonvulsant, anti-stress, and antibacterial properties, is like the one-stop shop for all ailments. It was found to be effective in prevention of skin carcinoma in UVB radiation-exposed animals, DMBA-induced carcinogenesis and in long-term tumorigenesis. The antioxidants properties of Ashwaandha successfully fight the damaging free radicals produced via exposure to harmful UV radiation from the sun, treat dark spots, wrinkles, and fine lines and reap its  anti-aging benefits, Promotes Wound Healing, Treats Keratosis, Decreases Cortisol Levels, Stimulates the Production of Collagen, used as a Skin Toner, and soothes Skin Inflammation.

Break Itch- Scratch- Itch cycle

Skin diseases are mainly caused by the involvement of several micro-organism where Tinea is one amongst them. Tinea/Ringworm infection is caused by a distinct class of fungi. They thrive in keratin layer of the epidermis, nails and hair.

The serum fungal inhibitory factors in the extra vascular space prevent the penetration of the fungi in the living tissue.

Contributing factors

  • Poor nutrition,
  • unhygienic conditions,
  • hot and humid climate,
  • More sweats ,
  • Diabetes mellitus,
  • Administration of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agent,
  • Close and intimate contact with infected persons, animals and fomites predispose to ringworm infection.

According to WHO prevalence rate of superficial mycotic infection is 20-25%.

According to Ayurveda all skin diseases are included under one heading of ‘Kushtha Roga’.

Causative factors of Kushtha Roga : –

  • Incompatible food,
  • Daytime sleeping,
  • Suppression of natural urges,
  • Excessive salty or spicy food, etc.

Clinical features of Dadru Kushtha are

  • Erythema,
  • Itching,
  • Papule,

In modern medicine science, Tinea is treated with topical or systemic antifungal, corticosteroids. Long-time usage of these can produce untoward effects.

The systemic and local use of Ayurvedic medicines has shown considerable effects in Tinea since ancient time.

Local application works faster due to physiological effect of heat on the skin.

These diseases are chronic in nature, relapses after successful treatment is common & hence difficult to cure.

 It mostly occurs in those people who don’t follow the hygienic norms or those who are immuno-compromised.

Ayurveda has treasure of herbs and minerals benefitting the humanity and for tough to manage diseases physicians always seek a helping hand from these precious, efficacious herbs and no doubt herbs has always given smiles to mankind. Out of those a little bundle of efficient one  based on our ancient knowledge are chosen, tested and formulated for  felt tough to treat, recurrent skin trouble. Here are few of them…

Gandhak (Purified Sulphur) – is raktshodhak, Vranropak, Tachya. Acts locally by inhibiting growth of Fungus.

Motha (Cyperus rotundus) – ameliorates atopic dermatitis symptoms

Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) – soothes itching, pruritic or rashes due to menthol

Bakuchi (Psoralea corylifolia relieves extensive itching, eruptions, thickened epidermis, rough and discoloured dermatosis due to Psoralen, Bakuchiol

Gorakhmundi (Sphaeranthus indicus) – Inhibits mast cell degranulation and many more.



  1. Use topical anti-fungal powders in the body folds as they can help treat the infection and soothe pain and itching. Search for the talc free formula in the market as talc free preparation are gentle on infected skin and are non-carcinogenic & makes formulation less cakey. The talc based formulations occupy major percentage in the composition which make them less effective as compared to talc free.
  2.  If suffering from diabetes, you need to take special care as diabetics are more prone to fungal infections due to the uncontrolled blood glucose levels.
  3. There is a high chance of recurrence of fungal infections if proper guidelines are not followed. Hence, treat all infected members in the family or workplace or else might be at a high risk of recurrence.
  4.  It includes keeping washroom clean, washing clothes with disinfectant and using sanitizer to wash hands.
  5. Ayurveda recommends: an alkaline diet, low in sweet taste, bowels should be clean regularly, gentle laxative, high fiber diet.


  1.  Avoid wearing tight clothes like jeans and tight underwear as it decreases breathability and traps heat and moisture in vagina. This becomes a feasible environment for yeast and bacteria to thrive and hence, further worsens the condition. Hence, wear loose clothes as it helps to prevent sweating and keep the area dry as much as possible.
  2. Avoid using swimming pools if you are having fungal infections as it not only moistens the skin and aids in the fungal growth but can also increase the chances of spreading it to others.
  3. Avoid overcrowded areas, if possible. And if you have to travel every day then ensure to take a shower once you reach home with an antibacterial soap.

All these are formulated in a single formulation for fungal and bacterial skin infections with improved clinical outcomes. AIMIL introduced a strong formulation which can address all the issues of resistance, fungi static drugs and relapse. DERMACHARGE the successful topical treatment of tough fungal and bacterial Infection. DERMACHARGE arrived with advanced anti-infective, anti-allergic natural formula to soothe symptoms such as burning, itching, cracking of the skin & discomfort caused by infection.

Towards a season of no pain

India, a land of all season witness a variation in climate in every three months but for patients of musculoskeletal disorder this change in season only paints a dark picture as a study indicates that every 2 out of 3 patients of musculoskeletal disorder reports increase in duration of pain and associated symptoms due to seasonal variance.

For patients this is a continuous phenomenon as most of musculoskeletal diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis are often untreatable. The all-weather ally of these patients – pain killers are also not helpful because of their ill effects like hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity.

Fortunately, the reliable solutions are being offered by our traditional science – Ayurveda. Ayurveda has been recognised by the WHO as a complete system of natural medicine and one clinical study conducted by WHO in association with ICMR and Ayurvedic Trust, Coimbatore reported an improvement of symptoms in patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis after the Ayurvedic treatment. The Ayurveda line of treatment follows and holistic approach in management of musculoskeletal disorders which not only focuses on the relieving of symptoms but also manages the underlying cause. There are specialised herbs like Pluchea lanceolate (Rasna) which alleviates pain and inflammation by suppressing the TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and PG E2 levels which are the mediators of inflammation. Another herb which shows potent anti-inflammatory action is Tribulus terrestris (Gokhru) which by inhibiting COX-2 and iNOS also suppresses proinflammatory cytokines.

There is often a hidden damage done to joints in the veil of pain and inflammation which destroys the cartilage in turn restricting the movement completely. Herbs such as Picorrhiza kurroa (Kutaki) offers cartrilage protection by inhibiting the enzymes responsible for degradation of cartilages. Vitex negundo (Nirgundi) also offers the antioxidant protection by scavenging the free radicals involved during pain and inflammation. The root cause of musculoskeletal disorder is mostly our overactive immune system which can be modulated for better relief by Tinospora cordyfolia (Guduchi) which modulates macrophages and release of nitric oxide to lower the frequency of flare ups in rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.

Several other researches have also pointed out towards the positive outcome of these herbs and Aimil Pharmaceuticals have gone a step ahead with our pain-nil formulation Muscalt Forte which offers a rare and specialist combination of above-mentioned herbs along with twenty other herbal extracts. It is a complete therapy where Muscalt Forte tablet and syrup are for systemic action and Muscalt Forte oil spray a combination of potent volatile oils for topical relief.

With Ayurveda stepping up to alleviate the pain due to seasonal variance it is now possible for patients of musculoskeletal disorders to enjoy the colours of changing season and paint healthier picture for themselves.

What women need to know? | Understanding Menopause

Women, after the age of puberty undergo cyclic changes known as “menstruation” which continues to happen until they cross middle age. These periodic changes brings a lot more than discomfort and pain, usually it is stated that discomfort stops after cessation of menstruation but in major cases rise of complications comes just after this phase commonly known as post-menopausal period. Post menopause is the state which hampers, both physical as well as mental health of women, therefore it is important to manage all the characteristics in postmenopausal women that occur due to aging and other physiological changes. Especially when problems associated with post menopause results into “bone loss”.

Why menopausal women are at risk

There are multiple reasons why women are more likely to get osteoporosis than men, including:

Women tend to have smaller, thinner bones than men.

Estrogen, a hormone in women that protects bones, decreases sharply when women reach menopause, which can cause bone loss.

Relation between menopause & estrogen

Menopause is nothing but a permanent cessation of menstruation at the end of reproductive life due to loss of ovarian follicular activity. While climacteric is a physiological period in a woman’s life during which there is a regression of ovarian function.

Pre and post-menopause period around menopause is 40-55 years approximately.

The process of deterioration starts at the age of 45 years when only a few primordial follicles remain to be stimulated by FSH and LH.

During this phase of women's life, effective folliculogenesis is impaired and there is a significant fall in estrogen production. Ultimately, due to physiological changes GnRH, FSH, LH decline along with the decline of estrogen. This decline in hormones leads to various organ changes and leads to various symptoms and the most common is bone loss or osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by diffuse skeletal lesion in which normally mineralized bone is decreased in mass to the point that it no longer provides adequate mechanical support to the body and then reaching to a point where conditions such as fracturejoint pain becomes a serious concern for women.

After menopause, almost no estrogens are secreted by the ovaries. This estrogen deficiency leads to:

(1.) Increased osteoclastic activity in the bones.

(2.) Decreased bone matrix

(3.) Decreased deposition of bone calcium and phosphate.

The production of estrogens by the ovaries decreases as the number of primordial follicles approaches zero. When estrogen production falls below a critical value, the estrogens by the ovaries fall virtually to zero in spite of large quantities of the gonadotropins FSH and LH. The period of hormonal transition before menopause, also known as the menopausal transition can be uneventful or can be a time of significant symptoms. The symptoms that begin with the menopause transition usually continue into the postmenopausal period.

Although Major determinants of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women is estrogen deficiency and aging process, clinically it is seen that there is an accelerated phase of bone loss of up to 1-3% per year in females in the 5-10 years following the menopause.

What’s Your Risk?

Osteoporosis and bone health issues vary from case to case with different ages and ethnic backgrounds. Pre-menopausal women, postmenopausal women, and older women are most at risk for osteoporosis; however, bone along with low bone density in postmenopausal women is the most common among other groups.

What YOU Can Do Now

Most people don’t have the opportunity that you have right now: You can build denser, strong bones now in a way that wasn’t possible earlier and set you up to have stronger bones during or current phase of menopause. The recipe for bone health is simple:

-Get enough calcium & vitamin D

-Eat a well-balanced diet

-Do 15 mins workout or yoga daily

-Don’t smoke or drink

-Built stronger bone with “boniheal” 

Understanding the need of “bone health in women” Aimil pharmaceuticals launched an adequate bone therapy with “BONIHEAL”, an innovative Phyto-mineral therapy for women of all ages by supplementing four unique types of calcium via calcium carbonate, calcium oxide, calcium sulfate, and calcium silicate in bioactive form along with Vitamin D, K to prevent post-menopausal related bone loss.

Knowing lack of nutritional value in women BONIHEAL combat most nutritional rich plant in the world Alfalfa also known as the “father of all foods” in order to fulfill the nutritional needs of bone health of women alongside BONIHEAL also provide Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) which is a good source of phytoestrogen maintaining the hormonal downfall in post-menopausal phase. This is the reason why BONIHEAL stands out as an effective formulation to fight bone loss during post-menopause.

“Women with strong bone stands stronger”

Naturally Breaking The Breakbone Disorder – Dengue


Dengue, a breakbone fever is affecting greater than 100 million humans annually. Dengue also causes 20 to 25,000 deaths, primarily in children, and is prevalent in more than 100 countries.   

Management of Dengue in AYURVEDIC aspect

Here every measure is applied to control the symptoms, restrict the complications and enhance the platelets count. Dengue being a fatal disease and not having any specific treatment is a challenge for medical fraternity and health department. As vaccines for Dengue is not available only supportive treatment, controlling fever & pain is usually done by the physician. Advising the patients to drink more fluids/ juices, especially when they have high fever and Avoiding eating solid foods until the fever is gone.

Principles of Treatment

  • Treat the cause 
  • Immunomodulators
  • Anti-Oxidants
  • General Haematinics
  • Use of fluids and juices
  • Use of Haemostatic drugs in case of haemorrhage
  • Use of laxatives in case of associated constipation

Herbs & their Actions To treating Dengue as per the Ayurveda –

IMMUNOMODULATOR: Giloe (Tinospora cordifolia) activates lymphocytes which are powerful immune factor .

Anti-Oxidant: Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) Jiuce Musabhar (Aloe vera) Exhibit Anti-oxidant action in DPPH radical scvaenging method and in lilnoleic acid peroxidation .

Antipyretics: Tulsi​ (Ocimum sanctum)Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Aconite that reduces fever in wide range of conditions.

General haematinic tonic: Papitaa​ (Carica papaya), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia)Asgandh (Withania somnifera)Gadapurna​ (Boerhavia diffusa)Musabhar (Aloe vera) &  Amla (Emblica officinalis) improves Haemoglobin & Red blood cells, And improves blood picture and  platelet count.

Fluids and juicesOrange (Citrus sps) juice, Coconut (Cocos nucifera) juice, Papaya (Carica papaya) juice.

Laxative: Ispaghula (Plantago ovata), Senna, Amaltas (Cassia fistula), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra) improves bowel movement and provide relieves in Constipation.

Haemostatic herbs: Jujubee (Ziziphus jujuba), Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), laksha (Laccifer lacca) supplements Bioflavonoids for better haemostasis.

Amyron by Aimil Pharmaceuticals is already available in the market which is a  plant based pharmacotherapy which can play a vital role in the recovery from dengue fever with its miraculous herbal ingredients like:

Thus, the ingredient herbs of Amyron provides all the essential measures for faster recovery in case of dengue fever. Apart from these benefits Amyron also provides complete nutrition by supplementing minerals, Vitamins, essential fatty acid like omega-3 & omega-6, antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin E which contribute to the faster recovery of patients suffering from dengue.

Aspirin and other Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory medications are contraindicated in dengue fever because of increased risk of haemorrhage, thus Aimil Pharmaceuticals has come up with an unmatched Formula Fifatrol which has antipyretic effect and relieves the body pain with its polyphyto-minerals active compounds & herbal extracts & plays a vital role in the recovery from dengue fever.

Considering all these benefits of Ayurveda in mind Aimil Pharmaceuticals have given the physicians a new hope in the form of products which have the potential to treat dengue in a better way.

Information on this website is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionals. This website is meant for use by Indian residents only.