September 1, 2017
Uncountable health benefits, associated nutritional facts & pharmacological legion are just few mentions to name the herb “PANACEA”. Advancing diseases themselves communicate about the importance of proper functioning of immune system. Starting with mild allergies to complexities of osteoarthritis or...
September 1, 2017
Adjunct therapy of Ayurveda with antipyretics in the management of infectious fever Pyrexia: To regulate fever associated with contagion are increasing public health problem. Resistance to antibiotics is making it difficult to treat even milder illness like fever. Infections caused by...
September 1, 2017
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is one of the most common problems in women at their reproductive age. Pre- Menstrual syndrome covers a variety of symptoms, both Emotional & Physical. Emotional Symptoms include Physical symptoms include Depression Back ache Apprehension Breast Tenderness...
September 1, 2017
The true toll of nutritional deficiency lies hidden in the statistics of reduced school performances, maternal heamorrhage, and lower productivity of an individual & in many more such devastating day to day scenarios. With lack of balanced diet, ever diminishing...
August 1, 2017
A long standing question for management of diabetic nephropathy and its prevention is finally getting answers as up to 40% of type II diabetics will eventually suffer from kidney failure. National Kidney Foundation recommends a patient of Type II Diabetes...
August 1, 2017
The plant B. diffusa (Family: Nyctaginaceae) is mentioned in the Atharveda with the name “Punernava”, as the aerial part of the plant dries up during the summer season and regenerate again during the rainy season. It is commonly identified as...
August 1, 2017
History Apprehending the power of nutritional therapy in preserving the kidney health and medicament has its rational in ancient knowledge of science. Ancient writing of the Indian Ayurveda, provides information on this subject. Woefully, the current development in lifestyle and...
August 1, 2017
Ayurveda has been accounted for transmittance of ancient medical knowledge from Gods to successors, even before mankind existed. Aspects of Ayurveda have their roots in the un-scientific era which speaks skills of medical science that are being followed & gained...

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